Another Donald Trump boner on Russia

At what point do you say 'enough is enough', Sup Forums?

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Putin only invaded rightful Russian clay.


when we gas 12 gorillion more


While I don't doubt that Trump would say something along those lines, why not provide us with the actual Trump quote and not some jew's reaction?

Putin won't invade Ukraine because Putin can't invade Ukraine. You can't invade a country that does not exist. Ukraine is a meme.

So its ok he takes Alaska?


>obligatory d&c brought to you by JIDF Munich

Sold it to us, lad

Also; creates a e s t h e t i c borders, much like the same reason I think the HRE should be a thing and the polish-lithuanian union

We sold it desu. You can't undo it when you sell land.

Crimea was a gift to Ukraine during the USSR in 1954. Russians live there.

>a e s t h e t i c borders
give it to Canada, then :^)

Gives +1

My dad was talking about retaking Crimea years before it happened. Now he started to talk about Istanbul. Really makes me think...


If Erdogan doesn't get voted out, I'd vote for it.

Lets make it happen.

American-Russo alliance


We purchased the land you cuck.

woah, wait there, why would russians ally with niggers and spics?

Wouldn't you have to kill 80% of the population to make the country even livable?

useful idiots

In an interview on ABC's "This Week" that aired Sunday, Trump asserted that Russian President Vladimir Putin was not going to invade Ukraine, where pro-Russian rebels — and some Russian special forces — have been operating for several years despite Putin's reluctance to acknowledge any role.

"He's not going into Ukraine, just so you understand. He's not going to go to Ukraine," Trump said.

"Well, he's already there, isn't he?" Stephanopoulos replied.

Trump responded by simultaneously criticizing the US's decision not to intervene to stop the annexation of Crimea, a former Ukrainian territory seized by Russia in 2014, and noting that many citizens of Crimea were allegedly supportive of Russia's decision to invade.

"Well, he's there in a certain way, but I'm not there. You have Obama there," Trump said. "And frankly that part of the world is mess, under Obama. With all the strength that you're talking about, and with all the power of NATO, and all of this, in the mean time, [Putin] takes Crimea."

He added: "You know the people of Crimea, from what I've heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were, and you have to look at that also."

but if it's rightful Russian clay, why did Russia agree to lease it from Ukraine?


80% of nonhumans is still 0. So we would have to cull a large number of bipedal vermin.

just so amazing that the the media can flip whats right and wrong so easily

obama and hillary provoke russia and get played by putin yet trump is portrayed as some amateur. amazing

this little thing
> :^)
gives you away traitor. kys please shill.

For all americans who have been completely oblivious/out of the loop of reality concerning ukraine and russia; Russia has never invaded crimea, the troops were already stationed in crimea because that was part of a contract, they never had to go into crimea because of this. Secondly the EU and Nato invaded Ukraine by ousting the legitimate president of ukraine by proxy armies and funding ultra right extremists such as right sektor (nazi sympathisers) This means that Crimea had to quickly defend itself as it is home of the black fleet and with it the only russian fleet in the area capable of defending syria.


>indian giving

>Ukrainian leader giving Ukraine more land

He was speaking in the context of during a Trump Presidency.


Us niggers and spics have the most powerful military in the world many times over

Think about it

Together, we could rule the world.

>NATO instigates a coup against a democratically elected government in Ukraine
>Russia takes back land populated by 70% Russia to save them from EU/NATO hegemony and oppression against Russians by Xoxols
Hmm, really makes yu think

fuck you stupid faggot


>ironically Russia would be a better ally then Israel or the Saudis
The cold war is over

No fuking minarets

Eastern Poland, Prussia, and parts of Finland were stripped from their rightful owners, when is Russia going to give those back? Oh wait, they aren't. If Russia wants peace and to work with the West they'll need to do something that isn't only for Russia first.


ya we know thats why we're voting trump.

for some reason hillary and the elite want a war with russia. they are going far out of their way to make trump's reasonable position with russia look extreme. not sure what we can do about it

>Russia is bad waaaaaaahh

It literally isnt. (((They))) want us goyim to attack russia, they need a WW3 they, because it is in their plans. Hopefully burger society isn't that retarded yet to follow along like cattle like the red scare idiots.

put a church steeple on that mosque dome

When the Dems cease to abuse immigration for electoral purposes and when the actual liberals recognize that this form of internationalism doesn't erode the issue of tribalism.

Argument dismissed.

Jews will never forgive Russians for burning their grandparents store in Kishinev during a pogrom somewhere in the XIXth century. Dozens of millions of Russians died under Jewish Bolshevism, then hundreds of millions suffered under privatization during the 90s, which was done by Jewish oligarchs. And Jews still feel it's not enough. They won't relax until all Russian men are dead and all Russian women are enslaved and prostituted in the harems of Arab sheikhs and Jewish bankers. There is no hate as strong as the hate of the Jew against the Russian. It's pure, visceral hatred.

>countries invading other countries is baaaaaaaad

was crimea technically considered part of ukraine

this. but they hate WASPS just as much. its just that they control WASP countries

My fellow burger is a retard and didn't look at your image.

Canada will be pax americana soon chaim

Crimea is like Texas if it seceded and joined mexico

>delusional burgers still dreaming about friendly Russia
>while their political elite did nothing but stomp on us

Friendly Russia to USA is subjugated Russia. And that shit is not going to happen.

>at what point do you ask the same question to Obama?
FTFY Goldburger

Let me red pill you on Russia. The Russia of the past was the USSR or CCCP. It was a atheist, communist country. Based on Marxist theory. That theory states socialism is the inevitable future, but can only be successful if the world is fully socialist. Result the USSR, exported revolution, invaded, promoted that future.
The Russia of today is a Christian democracy, corrupt and far from perfect, but has no interest in conquest. The Ukraine problem would not have happened. If the west had not tired to take over both of Russia's warm water ports. In the Ukraine and Syria.


>while their political elite did nothing but stomp on us
You did nothing but kill, rob, and destroy the nations you've ever ruled over. Yet you complain about economic sanctions and your nationalistic lands. Get in line. A friendly Russia is not a subject, but until you change that logic you will never be a friend.

>political elite
You mean

(((political elite)))

Daily reminder russia and america have always been allies

Daily reminder during the american civil war the czar of russia guaranteed america that if any european country intervened or tried to take sides they would face russian invasion

Daily reminder french and british fleets WERE about to invade the confederacy AND the union to dismantle the USA in its infancy

Daily reminder the czar of russia sent their whole fucking fleet to the shores of the USA to stop the european (((governments)) from invading during the civil war

Daily reminder the protocols of the learned elders of zion was published in russia originally

Daily reminder the USSR was started by internationalist communists who murdered over 30 million russians

Never forgive

Never forget

Remove minaret

>has no interest in conquest

Except they've now invaded Georgia, Ukraine, formally annexed Crimea, and are currently in the midst of developing a hybrid war offensive in the Baltics.

Russia has always been the enemy of the West and the champion of barbarism.

>Dems criticizing how someone handles the Russians
If the last 8 years of foreign policy hadn't emboldened Russia to be more aggressive than it has in decades, then I would have a lot more respect for their arguments.

Canada- the original, and still dominant, internationalist bootlickers

>German Education.

>portrayed as some amateur
maybe because he talks absolute shit?


>a real country

Enough is enough with kike warmongers.

lot of numbers around me at the moment

Shut the fuck up, nigger. The Soviet Union was very religious, look up the "cult of personality". They literally had witchhunts, excommunications, miracles etc. They were also giant pieces of shit that completely went against any sort of advancement and would rather keep all the populations they had control over down.

>The Soviet Union was very religious

>George Stephanopoulos awkwardly corrects Donald Trump
Hehe oy vey goyim, I wonder what forces could be behind Yahoo.


>nowadays russia is different from ussr
top kek

But look at who the West is now

The West is Justin Trudeau. The West is Angela Merkel. The West is every single leftist candidate that managed to poison our culture, our land, and our people. The ultimate representation of the West in human form is Hillary Clinton.

Do you really want to be a part of *that* West, the West that has been poisoned and corrupted by years of cultural degeneration? Why not allow Russia's political incorrectness, their orthodox faith and their hated of fags and mudslimes, to combine with our military might and richness of resources. Why not commit to the greatest anschluss in the history of the world?

Together, we could rule the world. A true thousand year rule. Who could stand against us? The Muslims? Glass them into oblivion. The Jews? Let them play within their borders, they'll get outbred by Palestinians anyways, they've had to cut off many gangrenous parts of their country anyways, and their mind games won't work on a Trump/Putin coalition. The Chinese? The Chinese would have trouble fighting Russia or the US alone. Together, there is no chance.

Together, we could rule the world.


Cold War is over.

>Except they've now invaded Georgia, Ukraine, formally annexed Crimea, and are currently in the midst of developing a hybrid war offensive in the Baltics.
>Russia has always been the enemy of the West and the champion of barbarism.
Fuck off State Department.

wish we could get that thru the indians heads

And next week they'll complain that he's "Going to Start World War 3" without explaining how you manage to do that while being on good terms with Russia.

Are we joining forces with Russia against China (lol, no equipment)? Europe (lol, no military)? Australia (bring your Emus cunts)? Middle East (can't cooperate)?

after watchng this movie

They weren't spiritual per se, but if you accept the "worship" of the state and the leaders of state as a cult of sorts, then they were *very* religious.

I do. Progress is a religion and all that. Humanism/Liberalism is essentially Satanism.

>the west is bad now so we should adopt eastern values just for the sake of political incorrectness

You're both retards who have no idea what you're talking about with little grasp on reality.

If you accept that as a kind of religion, than the USSR was a state theocracy spreading the good news of Marx, and its citizenry were among the most fervent and rabidly "religious" people in the world.

Eurabia will not be party to the Rus-Burger Alliance.

>sweden yes

I'm german...


If your borders are being attacked you defend. Same as America and Cuba. Georgia started it. The Ukraine only enough to protect crimea, and its Sebastopol port. If Russia went all out how long do you think Ukraine would last. Russia doesn't want Ukraine. Russia wants to be left alone. Fear of invasion is a strong Russian motivating factor. It's deep in the Russian psyche.

This, they are too far gone. Maybe in a couple of generations if they unfuck themselves.

You're dismissed

The question would be whether defining [implying] the self as God constitutes organized religion.

The Soviets were Atheists. There is no denying this. However, under my extremely loose definition, Atheists all have religion of some kind.

For me the difference between man and beast is our ability and innate desire to worship something greater than ourselves and to place ourselves willingly into a hierarchy.

The Hagia Sophia always had that dome. It was considered one of the greatest architectural feats of all time when it was initially completed. It is still one of the largest domes in the world.

how so?

Kikes have spent an ocean's worth of saliva slobbing on Tom Cotton's knob. He is their favorite shabbos goy soldier boy toy by far.

ortodox christianity needs to have its holy city back

No, dipshit. THEY LITERALLY WORSHIPED THEIR LEADER. They believed he is above normal law and he is divine. They went against traditional organized religion, but they were very religious to the point of being a hardcore cult.

Also, religions don't need to have anything to do with the idea of Gods. Plenty of religions are atheistic, like Buddhism.

Buddhism isn't atheistic. That's my least favorite meme of all time.

Pro tip: worshiping a human is the definition of Humanism

I'd be interested in a source for the Lenin/Stalin being divine thing though.

Marxism and divinity don't seem like willing bedfellows.

You're not really getting what I'm saying. Of course they were atheists. But they worshipped their leaders, their doctrine, and their symbols like the rest of us would worship Christ. They embalmed Lenin and put him in the Kremlin as if he were a saint ffs.

For them, the state and Communism filled the same space in their lives that religion fills in ours, is what I'm trying to say.