Well fuck. Where do we go from here? Cuban is pretty fucking based and down to earth, does he have a point?
Mark Cuban endorses "true leader" Hillary Clinton, slams Trump as a "jagoff"
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Cuban is an insufferable fuck.
There's a reason no relevant free agents want to play for the Mavericks. Cuban is a piece of shit.
>Mark Cuban
You know that publicly announcing support for Trump is a death sentence in some fields. Especially one that has a lot of black employees...
>(((Mark Cuban)))
Based. You should stop using that word. It does not mean what you think it means.
He could have stayed silent or neutral, he's gone 100% behind Clinton. Not just as a "lesser if two evils"
He's jealous of Trump. He's vocalized this many times, and he wishes that he had thought of running first, and would have if he thought it would be possible to win (he never expected Trump to make it thus far).
Now he wants to run in the future.
Him and The Donald are good friends and talk once every week or so.
>only a billionaire because he managed to sell his shit website to Yahoo
wonder what kind of reward he was promised for being an attack dog?
(((Cuban))) is the evil Jew version of Trump.
He's if the media version of Trump was a real guy.
Suprise suprise
Billionaire Mark "spic my shit up" Cuban endorses Hillary Clinton who will take on Wall Street.
My boy O'Leary better put that puta back in his place
A Jew who endorses Hillary, how surprising. This is the same guy who had the vision to refuse to pay Steve Nash market value before he went on to become a 2 time MVP. He took the money and gave it to Eric Dampier (useless scrub). Don Nelson (former coach) was the true genius of the Dallas Mavericks, Cuban was just a clown who did stunts like going to work at Dairy Queen for a day.
The Cuban endorsement doesn't worry me. What worries me is Cialdini is now team Hillary and the spin since he arrived on the scene is more aggressive, surgical and damning.
t. increasingly nervous man.
I hope he responds
Kevin and Robert are both Canadians so their opinions don't matter.
Which is a shame, because Robert clearly despises Mark for his Jewish tricks, which is why they make them sit at opposite ends of the room.
That settles it, I'm a #Clintoris now
I want O'Leary to run for Canadian PM next election.
Fuck cuban, and why the fuck did you get the idea he is based kek
And for that reason Im out.
>Robert Cialdini
>Father of the science of persuasion
>Team Hillary
Where the hell did you hear this? I'm going to need a source.
>Getting the high drama jiggaboo jam players involved
WTF I hate Trump now!
>inb4 Dirk retires this week and all the Mavs get injured or in legal trouble
>Cuban was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.[6][7] His father, Norton Cuban, was an automobile upholsterer[8][9][10] and Mark has described his mother, Shirley, as someone with "a different job or different career goal every other week."[11] He grew up in the affluent suburb of Mount Lebanon, in a Jewish[12] working-class family. His paternal grandfather changed the family name from "Chabenisky" to "Cuban" after his family emigrated from Russia through Ellis Island.[13][14] His maternal grandparents were also Jews who came from Romania.[
>((( cuban )))
>He grew up in the affluent suburb of Mount Lebanon, in a Jewish[12] working-class family.
If only you knew what principles it takes to get to the top.
There are no "good" elite
Trump has been a living meme since decades ago. Hillary was chosen to win this "election" long before the candidates were announced. Much like Obama and his predecessors.
How can any American support Shillary or think she would be a great leader when they know how crooked she is?
I bet all of the business people only support her because she can be easily bought, no other explanation.
The guy spends his whole life watching niggers bump chests with each other. Also his name is Cuban.
shh, don't dare to attack your job creators (peace be upon them), they are sacrosanct
Stupid cuban. Kek in his wrath, will use his mighty hand to smite dirk nowitzki.
Yeah, everything Cuban has done so far seems pretty satirical. Maybe he is somewhat serious, but its in a silly rich guy feud sorta way.
literally who?
How does Mark Cuban have the balls to talk about Trump's wealth? Didn't this faggot just get lucky during the dot-com bubble?
>Sup Forums deciding what based means
True, up until before the convention he was willing to be considered VP by both candidates. I couldn't telling it was serious or satire, but either way it shows the same.
Yeah, this guy is totally a secret Trumptard. No doubt about it.
His paternal grandfather changed the family name from "(((Chabenisky)))" to "Cuban" after his family emigrated from Russia through Ellis Island.[13]
XD that was a for the WIN meme reference my friend, someone cap this!!
Didn't Trump just get lucky having a rich dad?
They actually said jagoff on FOX & Friends
They said it means ignorant. I always thought a simpler term for jack off, like someone is an ass
jew kike
man, he's a huge exporter of jobs and always stands against American manufacturing, no surprise here. I like Cuban but he's a capitalist and will do anything for an extra penny. also supports anti American worker trade deals. Trump could use this against her if he's smart enough.
Cuban is far from a progressive liberal and this should be a red flag to most of the left. this guy has foreign manufacturing as a requirement for most of his investments, he's against the American worker big time. hope the liberals realize this.
(((((((((((((((((MARC CUBAN)))))))))))))))))
Cuban spent millions on a movie bashing US troops that made about $12 in theaters.
Sold his soul to the devil. Sad!
Is Mark the most blue collar white trash billionaire?
bro he is the devil. why do people here think Cuban is good? cause he's in shark tank? the guy shits on American working class every chance he gets.
he's zuckerberg tier
>1 post by this id
No, fuck off Correct the record.
Mark Cuban is a little Jew boy from Mount Lebanon. He doesn't deserve to use the word jagoff
people are buying too easily into the narrative and it's scary.
KeK WILLS it that Cuck Cuban gets an aneurysm before november.
I don't think it's confirmed, but Scott Adams seems to think as much. Cialdini was on Obama's campaign team so it's not unlikely.
This is a reminder that smart money is still betting on Hillary to win.
>Hillary keeps the gravy train rolling for corrupt oligarchs and faggots the likes of Cuban
Who would of thought that the 1% would support the other piece of shit 1%?
of course Mark Cuban is voting Hilary, the guy is a billionaire and he got that way because he knows how the play the game rules so well, if Trump wins, Trump has said he would change the game rules, and Mark is worried he might not learn them well, or they wont be as skewed in his favour as they are now
vote Gary Johnson of the Green Party, if you want things to be better for you, if you have less then 1 million dollars vote Gary or Jill Stein
Sup Forums trump supporters are the dumbest fucking trolls that they troll themselves from reality.
fucking yinzerfags
look at his eyes. hes definately taken part in some baby sacrifices
>Mark Cuban
literally who?
Isn't cuban just annoyed that Trump wouldn't pick him as VP?
He loaned his stadium to Trump here in dallas and was shilling for him almost nonstop.
I think he's gotten jealous. Look at the stages he went through.
>oh i know trump hes a pretty cool guy
>trump is totally going to win hes smart
>i could do better than trump but i still like him
>i should be trump or hillarys vp
>trump is saying dumb things, i could do better
>wow what a racist shirtlord reeee why wont trump pay me any attention
>im a hillshill now
This guy gets it.
Cubans whole job is trying to lure super gigga niggers to come play for his basketball team.
Of course he would never ever fucking endorse a republican.
kek, let me know when you turn 1 million dollars into a billion dollar empire
I don't know who this is but if they're endorsing Hillary then I'm assuming they're either retarded or an unemployed leech who's interest is preserving the flow of gib checks every month.
>(((Mark Cuban)))
It's a Jew, honestly what the fuck do you expect.
>Cuban is based
Go away dirk. Nobody likes him.
Mark cuban is a straight up faggot. He gave some interview where he said true leaders don't scream and hurl insults at people. Which is apparently why he is choosing hillary. Meanwhile back in the real world this moron used to get constantly fined by the NBA for doing just that. The fact is that cuban and trump have had an ongoing feud for years. The two hate each others guts
didn't he say months ago he was offered a bunch of money to shill for Clinton?
Coming from a guy who just spent 96 million/4 yr deal for a C rated superstar
President Trump, commander in chief of the greatest military, will call him bad names on twitter and end the tweet with SAD!
Got rich by literally scamming, absolute scumbag, so jealous, so envious of a truly successful guy like Trump.
It doesn't really matter. He might be an expert in persuasion from an academic point of view, however it's hillary who actually has to persuade people, not cialdini.
Didn't he essentially support Trump when he first began his campaign? He's probably just flip flopping because he never expected Trump to actually do anything and doesn't want any bad press for his team.
>Jews hate Trump
That's why I'm voting for him.
Didn't he rape a 16 year old or something when he was in College?
is that...is that a little cup of semen?
I have no idea. But knowing Jews it could very well be.
wtf I hate semen now
Just another rich ass hole who had giant wall around his house, private security, and wants to lecture "don't build walls".
Into the trash...
If you need endorsements to make up your mind, you're nothing but a mindless drone and better off not voting anyway.
Why is he shoehorning himself into the election anyway? Who gives a fuck what he thinks? I wonder what people think about him in Dallas.
Just like Michael (((Bloomberg))). Why are these Billionaire faggots so butt-hurt that trump won the nomination? Jealousy?
>where do 'we' go from here
Well 'you' go back to Plebbit you shill fuck.
Jesus Christ this board is like 75% obvious shilling and sliding lately.
>Why are these (((Billionaire faggots))) so butt-hurt that trump won the nomination?
yeah these autists don't know
hes a jew. jews who otherwise seem cool always choose the devil when the rubber meets the road.
why did cuban let trump use his stadium at the start of his campaign then?
Cuban is the normie billionaire. He would probably be as interesting to talk to as a houseplant.
>(((Mark Cuban)) is white
"kek" you're so fucking lame bro.
Give me a million dollars and the advisement of my past fathers million dollar company, im pretty sure i could do it.