What about the Equality Act of 2015. Trump has taken no position on it. Hillary supports it. Thoughts?
Do you support Gay Rights?
why is gay rights still an issue? gay marriage is legal in every state in the USA; there is nothing more to discuss.
Fuck you. Should be a states issue. The Supreme Court had no fucking right to impose a social standard across the states. You fucks keep pushing you're going to regret it.
>Hillary supports it
hillary voted against gay marriage while in congress
she's "for it" now because it makes her look "progressive"
Trump is indifferent about gay marriage. Literally a non-issue because he can't repeal laws. The only point in bringing it up would be to pander to gays for votes.
only because feds threatened to yank federal funding if they upheld marriage bans.
Because you can still get fired from a job just for being gay in many states.
>no bf
I accept it but don't Support it.
Don't want them to marry in churches or adopting Kids either.
They can go straight if they want that
>tfw no polgb bf
more specifically
I agree for the most part. I don't think it should be called marriage. Just let them have the same benefits of marriage. I don't care what way they try to spin it, marriage is a religious ceremony.
Until this thread yeah. Its not like my fucking opinion changes every goddamn day. Generally we have some consistency so stop asking every fucking day.
But thats just so gay guys cant answer "yes" to the question "Are you married?" Its such a non-issue.
You can get fired from a job for being straight too.
They only want to marry in Christian churches as well.
Never heard that they tried to get "equality" from the muzzies in mosques or jews in a synagoge.
Not JUST on the basis of sexual orientation though whereas that's legal to say "You are doing well at your job, but you said you are gay so you are fired" in many states. That is the issue. Trump said in the mid 2000s he supports a law that would end such discimination.
Also if you would not mind, in your replies please specify boxers or briefs.
no I dont support it
It should be legal but up to the church on whether or not they want to marry them. Separation of church and state and all that jazz.
I mean, i jack off to questionably legal anime girls every day so if some dude wants to stick his dick in another dude's ass who am i to say no
Brazil has the right attitude guys.
>Do you support Gay Rights?
Sodomites don't deserve any rights.
>What about the Equality Act of 2015.
What about it?
Faggots deserve no mercy.
>Because you can still get fired from a job just for being gay in many states.
>muh dik
>But thats just so gay guys cant answer "yes" to the question "Are you married?" Its such a non-issue.
Sodomites should never be allowed to be married. Not that marriage was ever designed by God to include sodomites, that is.
Degenerate aids carrier.
No, because why would a straight white male care.
>Brazil has the right attitude guys.
Brazil is a non-White country. If you love Brazil so much, move there faggot.
>or adopting Kids either
even though it's a fact that two dads is better than single moms? fucking liberals like you sicken me, all about emotion
see the problem with that is one could easily say that in THEIR religion, whatever it may be, marriage between same sex couples is OK with their god
I understand the sentiment of not permitting SSM in churches that don't practice it, makes sense it's their religious belief. But I also don't think anyone has been trying to force churches to hold SSM ceremonies, correct me if I'm wrong
They won't stop till they create a warped society. You really don't understand the Jews do you?
> just for being gay = free "new rights"
kill yourself
Internet tough guy. I'd love to see you say that to my boyfriend
The USA is a country by Whites and for Whites. It will remain a White country long after you subhuman muddites have stolen it from us.
BTW...how are those olympics turning out?
Caught Zika yet? lmao!
If I thought faggots could be trusted with rights, I'd support them, but we all know that if permitted, they'll bully everyone they can into endorsing their disgusting existence.
>Internet tough guy. I'd love to see you say that to my boyfriend
That implies your boyfriend can even walk with all those anal fissures of his.
Even if he did end up punching me, his limp wrist would break from the pressure.
>Trump has taken no position on it.
as he should, you Americans put to much into social issues when it's to do with politics. Ever hear of the traditional conservative attitude of "it's not the state's job to police people's private lives".
fuck off faggot
eat shit
>as he should, you Americans put to much into social issues when it's to do with politics. Ever hear of the traditional conservative attitude of "it's not the state's job to police people's private lives".
Too bad those faggots want nothing more than to fuck in public and indoctrinate the masses.
sexuality is a private issue, not my role to juge it, concerning mariage/adoption, as long as there is a legal equivalent so gays have the same rights and legal environment as straight, poeples, I'm also ok with poeples rejecting gays, once again, a matter of opinions, poeple can hate on whoerver they want as long as they let them live.
If Hillary actually cared about faggots, she would agree with Trump on the Muslim ban.
I am far right fucker.
You libshit would gladly Hand every lesbian and gay couple a kid, wouldn't You?
This. Hello fellow /polgb/
I'll take a libcuck bf at this point tbqhwidu
No, marriages must be recognized in every state. It is definitely a federal issue. Anyway, the battle is over. Can't revoke gay marriage licenses. Leave it be.
Geez are we getting raided by the mentally ill faggot abominations from /lgbt/ again?
I support freedom of association. Legalize all discrimination by private businesses and organizations.
aw cmon theres gotta be a way to meet local /polgb/ bf candidates.
Calm down, Mahmoud.
no u
I've meet a few! But they are always halfway around the world, gay is a curse, being gaypol is a nightmare
Just shut up about it I don't give a fuck what you do.
>Calm down, Mahmoud.
There is literally nothing wrong with hating sodomites.
Sodomites are enabled and normalized by the kikes.
Also, there's nothing wrong with Iran, either, fuckfack.
nice proxy mohamed, now get back to work, I'm sure saudi arabia has plenty of kufar for you to behead, meanwhile, us, civilized poeples will behave as such and accept that perhapas, poeples have the right to disagree with us.
Are you against it because you believe it to be fundamentally wrong or because you believe it to be illegal what the SC did?
Abdul is right on this one, guys.
Since Christianity lost its cultural hegemony and (((atheists))) have been forcing us to accept and interact with faggots, we've seen nothing but decline.
Their hedonistic degeneracy is the most effective form of nation-wrecking known, even more potent than giving women the vote.
I do not honestly care. Gays are an so little minortiy in society that it simply does not make sense to not let them persue their happiness. They are degenerate, but it does not make sense to change them. They do not recreate, generally keep to themselves and can even be redpilled themselves. We have a lot bigger issues to handle than them.
>nice proxy mohamed, now get back to work, I'm sure saudi arabia has plenty of kufar for you to behead, meanwhile, us, civilized poeples will behave as such and accept that perhapas, poeples have the right to disagree with us.
Homosexuality is a self-destructive and dangerous mental illness, promoted and normalized in White countries by the Jewish elite and the Jewish controlled media to the detriment of the White race, White traditions and White culture.
If you support sodomites, you are anti-White.
>there is nothing wrong with Iran
>there is nothing wrong with poeples justifying the killing of poeples they dont like with a fairytale
>there is nothing wrong with being unable to accept that poeples in this univers may have diferent tendences and preferences
Do whatever the fuck you want, just don't be dicks about it and try to force priests to marry you if they don't want to.
>to the detriment of White traditions and White culture
I used to not give a rats ass, I just didn't want it rubbed in my face....
After the development the last year in particular getting this shit showed down not only your throat but they even go for the kids with this shit!
Meant for
No. the Slippery Slope is real. Fags promote degeneracy.
OP is a faggot
>>there is nothing wrong with Iran
No, there isn't. Only Jew lovers want me to think there's something so wrong with Iran that we need to invade to fix it.
>>there is nothing wrong with poeples justifying the killing of poeples they dont like with a fairytale
I don't care what Iranians do to Iranians in Iran. It's not my problem.
>>there is nothing wrong with being unable to accept that poeples in this univers may have diferent tendences and preferences
Sodomites are a Jew-normalized mental illness that should not be accepted.
A Faggot is the reason why you're able to shitpost on this site in the first place Abdullah.
Where? Any in US! I so lonely (
Homosexuality in Ancient Greece - The Myth is Collapsing
Can /lgbt/ just fuck off to a gas chamber
Mostly in the US desu, are u cute?
>The only reason computers exist is because of one sodomite!
>And the only reason that one sodomite was able to invent the computer all by himself was because he was a sodomite!
You sodomite enablers make me laugh.
doesn't bother me much.
in high school, i was homophobic like most kids were, now ehh whatever.
i'm more concerned with SJW's if anything these days.
We have employment/marriage rights now, not much else is required. I would say stop worrying about who I'm fucking but my fellow gays want to keep reminding you of that.
>if you hate faggots you are a muslim shitskin
>or gay
>or both
Can you please go fuck yourself to death
>some random book
Right, that's why there's all that art showing men fucking each other's thighs and all the writing by men praising their male lovers.
Only if it's lesbian, that shit is hot.
>i'm more concerned with SJW's if anything these days.
Those SJW's want to brainwash your pre-school children about sodomites.
LGBT is trans and not red board friendly. Get rid of their tripfags, trannies, and blue board moderation and we will HAPPILY fuck off.
Not really but I'm smart. You know anyone who is looking for a nice personality?
Gay rights should not be a focal key point.
The rights of all citizens should be the most important issue.
yeah yeah, its the joos we all know that,
>1% of the population not having kids is the "death" of the "white race"
>homosexuality totally wasn't present troughout history
>your arbitrary judgement of someone is enough to justify their killing
as much as I hate leftwingers for using gay rights and other "causes" to their adventages and to acuse you of homofobia or other bullshit when you disagree with them, poeples like you alongside muslims are one level higher in the higherarchy of cancer, little shits thinking they have the right to mold society in the name of the fairytales they call religion and denying individuals their basic rights, in the name of civilisation and democracy, I tell you to go fuck yourself, you are a reject of mankind, a piece of shit that can't fit into society.
>Right, that's why there's all that art showing men fucking each other's thighs and all the writing by men praising their male lovers.
And you are claiming:
>Sodomy happened in the past, therefore you must accept it as normal, natural and acceptable in the present.
I mean, why are you even on Sup Forums if you support buggery?
Shouldn't you be on /lgbt/ or something?
You do know that this is the politically incorrect board, right?
Homosexuality is a tool the Jews are using to destroy the White race. If you support homosexuality, you support the destruction of the White race.
>denying the impact that the Father of Computer Science has had on this world
I know it must be hard to accept that a gayboy was/will forever be more intelligent than you. Just keep shitposting. That'll keep the reality from sinking in.
Do you have Skype? Would you be comfy moving to the US? Long distance is just crazy but I don't seem to have enough in common with most guys from r9k and soc. I like /out/ stuff and /lit/ and Sup Forums and indie films (why no board for that???)
blacks receive welfare in every state in the USA. there is nothing more to discuss
Prove that one can't get fired for being straight by a gay employer, don't just fucking sperg all over the board.
I support ban on all marriages. Nothing should be relegated by our government that comes from religion, like marriage.
Well if they ever realized it wasn't helping them maybe it would stop. Poor whites need welfare too and that is the issue. We all want it to be a stopgap in case of emergencies (I lose my job, have a kid who is sick) but nobody except those using it perpetually want it to be a job alternative for the able-bodied but dumb.
You could but its never happened to my knowledge.
>yeah yeah, its the joos we all know that,
Yes, it really is.
% of the population not having kids is the "death" of the "white race"
It contributes to it, you stupid faggot.
>>homosexuality totally wasn't present troughout history
So is murder. Guess we better start supporting murder now too, shouldn't we?
>>your arbitrary judgement of someone is enough to justify their killing
>I tell you to go fuck yourself, you are a reject of mankind, a piece of shit that can't fit into society.
You mean I'm pro-White in your anti-White, Jewish society? Thanks!
best thing you can say: "idc, not my b, famalamadingdong"
>is trans
Ok its for faggots that are mentally ill, you'll fit right in
>get rid of tripfags
You couldn't do that on any board so fuck off
Why don't we just gas you all
>and blue board moderation
/tg/ used to have tons of porn and adult content even though it was a blue board (when you throw d&d players and wh40k players together shits gonna get weird)
But I agree we should turn that board into a red board to get across the point faggotry is inappropriate for kids
Show me some examples of this happening then
What if your son is gay and he gets fired from his job for it and you have to fund him?
degeneracy is circular bullshit, and however creepy and awkward being a fag makes you it's not always like that, i think laws actually letting people live better lives are better than conceding to the cuntiness of homophobes who just want to mock them
As you sneer at your keyboard aching to put down pro-fag laws, ask yourself, are you just being a cunt?