Yo, crackas. Today I come here with some kick-ass material. One of the differences between western culture and muslim culture is the way of dealing with girls. In the western world, smacking a bitch is a big taboo, and it has sense considering the difference of physical potential between men and women. But for some reason, that isn't taboo in the muslim world (yea, I know that all know this shit)
Pic and video related (it only lasts 2 minutes): White boy and 2 muslim men are talking shit to each other (they seem kinda drunk). White boy's gf is trying to prevent a fight but the chimpout starts anyway. She attacks with a kick and instantly is fuckin knocked out good, leaving his bf to a 2 on 1
Bitch, you thought that you could fight a muslim bull? because you are an "independent and strong" woman? That you were dealing with another white beta? That daddy was there to defend your slutty ass? Well, think again bitch
Webm related (it's better to watch the complete video)
Michael Roberts
He still beat the shit out of the two Muslims.
Truly an alpha male, while his woman is stepping out of place, that nu-male looking aryan is putting back some sandniggers back to their place.
As you can see in this video, he is using his superior intellect by using one shitskin as a shield against the other. Muslims truly btfo.
Anthony Bell
>A leaf
GTFO of my thread, you ultra faggot
Jayden Roberts
What are you? White, black, native or just another fucking mulatto with inferiority complex?
How tall are you anyway?
Logan Long
1/10 nobody fell in front of a train.
Jaxon Phillips
You are illegal spam and in the case of this particular thread you posted the same text and image yesterday mods please ban. saged and hidden
Jonathan Reed
>leaving his bf to a 2 on 1 spotted the problem
Kayden Young
Black, why?
Connor Reed
It's alright my little Negro, I'm sure you'll get a "white" woman in Chile. After all, that's all you apes obsess about.
Brandon Reyes
Remember to report off-topic threads.
Eli Thomas
>posta a video about the """"""""""""""""superiority""""""""""""""" of muslim males >it's about them getting BTFO even when they are 2 to 1
Parker Murphy
What the fuck are you talking about Chile? From what I saw, the white guy stomped these faggots even when it was 2 v 1 culminating with a boot to the face at 1:30
Muslims going after soft targets and then getting BTFO when they have a numerical advantage. Fucking hilarious.
Cooper Cruz
mudslimes gang up 2v1 and still get their asses beat by a white guy lol
all they can do is 2v1 a girl at best
Hudson Martin
>Muslim numeric advantage on soft target, still btfo
Yep, seems about right
Gabriel Martinez
Funny that this same nigger keeps shilling this video here when all the shitskins in this video did was KO a woman while her boyfriend kicked their asses. >One of them was bleeding out of the nose and mouth from a kick to the face by the end >The other one ran away Yeah you sure did show whitey.
Samuel King
This is why gassing them would be to easy.
Henry Lewis
Do you ever get tired of shit posting this shit?
Why not change your flag every know and then?
Logan Powell
All of the fought like sissy faggots... And it's pretty bad when the new male white sissy faggot beat (I use the rearm "beat" lightly) the two mudslime sissy faggots. Moral of the story... Don't be a sissy faggot, bro. >bro >bro >bro >bro >bro
Luis Martin
why don't american's carry knives on them? or any other number of easy to conceal and us weapons?
knuckles? mace? basic taser?
I always see these videos and the guy never has a self-defense weapon, though I suppose having the weapon at all prevents these things from escalating and the videos from even being recorded, but still