Why are white people so terrible?
>white people have
>Black people are
Seems correct to me. Fuck off to Africa, nigger.
Maybe if whites didnt drag our ancestors to america we would still be there. But you cumskins dont think of that do you?
Cause they sum burnt lol
we'd have no problem shipping you back on our own account, nigger, but you profit too much from white's inventions
And so has every other group of people, "Whitey" was just better at it and back then it was seen as a good thing to conquer places and people, now it's a bad thing according to Western thoughts. You think people in Africa even nowadays care about slavery, conquering and oppressing people?
But you still keep africa down because you dog fuckers are afraid of us.
>You think people in Africa even nowadays care about slavery, conquering and oppressing people?
Considering whites are behind all the worlds problems, yes.
Come on man.
That's racist.