There is nothing wrong with killing white men and raping white woman. Whites deserved what they got...

There is nothing wrong with killing white men and raping white woman. Whites deserved what they got. They used to rape and kill us. Now they're getting it so sweet.
Karma is a bitch isn't it ?
fuck whites


>country unknown
You have bigger problems user

Must suck to not be white. You all sound so tormented and weak.

>read gif filename
thanks, now get off Sup Forums

>implying OP isn't white

As you well know, whites are still winning the game of life. Minorities are the ones bitching and crying.


andorra ?


Lol, nigs from an unknown country kicking shit up.
Now fuck off nigs and stay in your unknown country of a dumping pit where you belong.


Wherever you are from, chances are you used to rape and murder your own people at a far higher rate cf. to whites

Don't worry, everything will work out.

You'll kill whites and whites will kill you, just like the old zulu days.

Into the trash it goes

Did romania just come to terms with not being white?

Mouse over the flag.

Why is this thread up but the coalburner and Clinton's boko Haram thread got settled?

You sound like a shit stain the world would be better without.

>1 post by this ID
Imagine that...a hit and run anti-White coward...

Fuck off Andorra

>tfw your country is so irrelevant your flag returns "Unkown" when you mouse over it

What're you talking about? Whites did the least killing, the least slaving, and raped the least. If you want retribution for historical western injustices, start with the jews and the catholics and see how far that gets you.

You speak a lot for a mongolic tribe sir.

what flag is that?

What if we shill this narrative?
Stir up that last bit of sanity liberals have.
Maybe the solution to this disease isn't an antibody, but a vaccine.

Just think OP. You go to bed tonight and wake up tomorrow and you'll still be a nigger

>country unknown

OP confirmed for a Somalian pirate

>rape and kill us
Us who? The less than 10% african american population?
10% of the population cant do shit.
Now get off the stage you fat fuck