Khizr Khan Tells CNN Terror ‘Has Nothing to Do with Islam

>address his ignorance, that the dirt effect, the most effect of the menace of terrorism have been Muslims in the world, Muslims hate this menace of terrorism as much as any other place. It is our duty to keep this country, our country, beautiful country, safe. We have always thought of [it] that way, we will continue to do our part to keep it safe and beautiful. What he cites in the name of Islam, and all that — that is not Islam at all! I wish he would have, somebody would have put something in his head that these are terrorists, these are criminals, these folks have nothing to do with Islam

So much for so-called "moderate" Muslims. His son was fighting radical Muslims and yet he cant bring himself to admit it

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nice taqiyaah khizr

This confirms another happening this week.

Other than a wiki page created AFTER the DNC convention there is almost NOTHING on this guy anywhere on the internet
It is very weird

Conversation I have had last night
>Buddhists commit violence Christians create violence
> Not this consistently, going back through history its not new or isolated to the present Islamic countries have always been like this.
>Christians murdered countless people in the past
>so? just because Christians did doesn't make it excusable for Muslims too now!
>this is why I just dont like any religion.

arguing with lefty's is maddening because they never actually try to get to the truth, they just feel things.

And this is from an allegedly smart guy I know who is in his second masters for micro-biology whatever.

how can somebody so smart be so willfully ignorant.

He's most likely a "moderate" , but it's clear he refuses to admit radical islamic terror is real


>Christians murdered countless people in the past

This is also a meme, outside of isolated instances like Salem, Christian violence tended to be retaliatory. The Inquisition was in response to Moorish invasion, the crusades were in retaliation to constant Arabic war campaigns.

Not that it matters, if anyone tries to argue for Islam's peaceful nature, just say "Ottoman Empire" and walk away.

He is a CAIR agent with talking points just to go after Trump since he is critical of Islam

Did his son ever really exist? I wouldn't put it past the DNC and Hillary to invent him and the media would never check it out.

His son joined the armed forces for 1) either backstabbing solders in the field as is more common than you think. or 2) political gains

Probably leaning towards #1

>Islam is good because they're not all terrorists

ooooooooooh boy

>That is not Islam at all

But to ISIS and 25% of the world's Muslims, it is.

Well he's not wrong. Blaming Islam as a whole for radical jihadists is like blaming Catholics and Orthodox Christians for the Westboro Baptists and Jim Jones.

>you trad Catholics don't understand, let me tell you how you must do something fucked up from Leviticus I saw it on a meme somewhere

>Buddhists commit violence
Who the fuck says this?

except a good majority of die hard Muslims are for killing, violence and oppression.

Christians are basically cucks these days at worse they are passive aggressive assholes.


Islam is neither necessary nor sufficient for durka durka. Inbred camel jockeys would merely find something else to durka durka over.

Does he realize that there are passages about bringing terror in the Quran.

Yeah ok

That's only because we haven't tried True Islam (tm) yet.

Why is this fuckface still getting attention?


not all muslims are terrorists, but most terrorist are muslims.
not talking about the "little Jihid" they perform on us on a daily basis.

pic related: Trump 2017

Anybody get dirt on that guy? Knowing mudshits it's not innocent, he must be involved in politics on some level, either in America or his native shitstainistan, he's definitely trying to raise his profile on the political stage.

>The Inquisition was in response to Moorish invasion
It took place after Muslims were driven from Spain. It was purely punitive. Plus there were the various acts of violence carried out against Christian heretics.

Some user said he is part of Muslim brotherhood, which Hillary helped take over Egypt. Don't know how legit it is though.

Stop disagreeing with him.
You'll just make him angrier.
It will make more terrorists if you call out terrorism.

Trump gonna get us all killed

WTF is going on today mods ?

Same as any other.

Trump and Sup Forumstards got BTFO by this guy, hard.

What a cuck

>>Muslims hate this menace of terrorism as much as any other place
for most this is true

>>these are terrorists, these are criminals, these folks have nothing to do with Islam
this is false, these terrorists justify their terrorism in the name of Islam. Either this muslim guy is completely ignorant of the Jihadist movement or is dishonest.

Jihad is encouraged by Islamic texts which is the subjugation of non-believers. Sharia law is authoritarian, and just like these white nationalist right-wing terrorists, it is justified by their ideology. Both are forms of terrorism encouraged by a violent ideology, of course a double standard exists in our current left-wing politics where you can only blame the actions of a few on the general population if they are European. Khan is naively abusing this double standard for his own group preference.

He's right. Deal with it and rim my sandgrain sized arsemuffin

>le honour killing face

The guy's a retard.

"Islamic terror has nothing to do with Islam because my son was a soldier who fought insurgents"

Ask the ones in India



Trump fell for the bait. Hillary's campaign is like that boss which sucks shit stats wise but which summons a shitload of lesser monsters to go after the main character. Right now Trump is fighting the lesser monsters instead of focusing on the big one. He is being stumped.

Hey Correct The Record

Correct The Record is still raiding us

>generalize my son to all muslims but dont generalize islamic terrorists to all muslims
the issue is islamic extremists and he is basically denying it exists by saying it is irrelevant to Islam


what is violentkoranictext1.jpg?

Writing papers and being intelligent aren't mutually assured.
Any dipshit can regurgitate information for a thesis.

self preservation

>the issue is islamic extremists and he is basically denying it exists by saying it is irrelevant to Islam

It's also part of the same bullshit fallacy that Muslims are either extremists or moderate, with nothing in between.

Muslims are one of the few faiths ever to provoke fucking Buddhists into all out war.

Unbelievable. The Washington Post actually let mama Khan write an opinion peace

Muslims are 25% of the world's population while Whites are 6%.

There are FIFTY Muslim-majority countries in this world. This sandnigger motherfucker who dares to lecture us can fuck right off to any of them.

It doesn't matter what they (you) are. They need to get the fuck out of the West. Who told them they have a right to be here?

Thats what he said

>When Donald Trump is talking about Islam, he is ignorant. If he studied the real Islam and Koran, all the ideas he gets from terrorists would change, because terrorism is a different religion.

ISIS members read it every day. They must have been given a different book or something.

Leftism at it's very root denies hierarchy. They don't like to rank or compare things because that goes against the utopian narrative.

>second masters for micro-biology
intelligence is largely hereditary, pieces of paper in some field doesn't mean you can reason and critically think, remember the curriculum is largely regurgitation

our governments, that's why populist movements are taking place here and Europe


No normal person believes he's stable anyway.

Annnnnnnd that's where he loses any credibility and goodwill he may have earned.

The shills always ruin themselves, don't they?


Literally do not exist.

>muh inquisition

Literally literally not even carried out by the Catholic church. Actually, it was barely religious at all but extremely political.

>intelligence is largely hereditary, pieces of paper in some field doesn't mean you can reason and critically think, remember the curriculum is largely regurgitation

It's not that. Just as some intelligent religious scientists have a blind spot for the burden of proof when it comes to their spiritual beliefs, leftists have a blind spot for any evidence that contradicts their ideology.

Damn. Thanks for posting. I don't think I've ever read something both so funny and so troubling at the same time.

>Literally do not exist.

They do, there's just a fuck of a lot less of them than we pretend there are. And they have absolutely no control over their fellow Muslims.


More or less the same thing could be said even more credibly about Blacks in the USA.

The pdf.

>It is our duty to keep this country, our country, beautiful country, safe. We have always thought of [it] that way, we will continue to do our part to keep it safe and beautiful.

If any of that is true, then they've failed spectacularly. They couldn't do it at home, and expect a free ride for the "we are committed to peace!" bullshit here?

Should shop a pocket quran in there


>Blaming Islam as a whole for radical jihadists is like blaming Catholics and Orthodox Christians for the Westboro Baptists and Jim Jones.
Unironically believing this
You should really read the Quran
It will blow your mind how much fucked up stuff is in it. Christians don't have anything like taqiyya, or their main prophet deflowering 8 year old girls.

T. Philosophy major

Someone photoshop his face onto a parrot and then shop the parrot onto Obama's shoulder with Obama holding a cracker up as the Mudslime-parrot man says:

>Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam! Islam is peace!

If you feel up for it... I'm just an idea man.

The most disturbing thing about this shit to me, is that it is clearly an indicator of what's going to happen in the future if huwhites dont retain control of their nations.

Like all the other people of the past who let in brown folks who bred their way to a takeover, things go to shit because they are too stupid to maintain anything, and the brown people then claim all the past accomplishments of the Whites they displaced.

This arrogant trash lecturing us while waving a Constitution in our faces that our ancestors made, in the country we built, is a harbinger of that sad future, and the goddamned Democratic party is WORKING to bring it about.