>kills 50 million white people
>adored by Sup Forumstards
explain this shite to me
>kills 50 million white people
>adored by Sup Forumstards
explain this shite to me
Are you fucking retarded?
(((White people)))
white is a skin color, not a race
he would have gladly worked with Poles, etc. they chose to align against him, and they paid the price.
genocide was not new to eastern europe. it happened before WWII. it continued to happend after WWII. it didn't really slow down until the 1990s
>hurrr Sup Forums is a hivemind
You're as retarded as the stormfags...
> le kill 435433643 billions xDDDDD
Got to break a few eggs to make an omelet
The funny thing is, if hitler prevailed, he will execute most of the Sup Forums on basis as being an inferior basement dweller
Don't forget about those 6 trilions jews
hitler dindu nuffin
Its because most neo-nazis are historically illiterate retards who think nazism was about "muh white power!"
these people failed their shitty public school history class, and then just went to stormfront in their edgy teenage phase and believed all the meme alternative conspiracy theory history without question.
he has the best K/D ever, have some respect
The overwhelming majority of people the Germans killed in the war were gentiles.
They got themselves killed for trying to stop him. We're gonna have to kill a lot more than 50 million next time
>le hitler ruined nationalism meme
>le hitler was unecessary meme
I like how retards say this kind of shit trying to sound smart, it's one of the dumbest kind of things I've ever heard.
Are you including the 20 million Slavs in those numbers?
this. he even was on good terms with Poland's former leader
> slowed down in the 90's
You're how autistic? The 90's were arguably the worst for genocide since WW2.
> Bosnia
> Kosovo
>kills 50 million white people
Nope. Didn't happen.
Learn history retard.
Well he killed lots of slavs which are not white people and lots of cucks who didn't ally with the hero of Europe so...
>50 million white people
No, it was 800 million
He killed a shitload of whites.
And was jealous Jews are the most rich and intelligent race on Earth, and are white.
Hitler is a doggie.
>its a "retarded stormfag just spews out his meme history damage control talking points" episode.
jews are bareley above 90 iq.
shill more.
>Jews rule the world
>we mustarrace!!1 da jooz only 90 iq
pick one, motherfucker
Ashkanazi Jews have the highest IQ
when you bitch about them, you are literally acting just like ghetto niggers who blame whitey for their own failures
He didn't kill us, our own (((governments))) killed us by sending us to war with them.
>Jews rule the world
israel is poor as fuck.
country in a poor wasteland with barely any water.
yeah masterrrace juden didn't plan that well.
>Ashkanazi Jews have the highest IQ
still under 100 iq
shill more
>jews are white
Hahahahaha nice shilling you got going there burger. Or should I say Schlomo
jews are not a race
>still under 100 iq
their average IQ is around 110. Your own conspiracy theory makes no sense.
You could just as easily say every other world leader "killed 50 million white people"
The war is a lot more complicated than even Sup Forums gives it credit for
>our own (((governments))) killed us by sending us to war with them.
Germany declared war on us you retarded naziboo cuck
Says the Gipsy
Only after we declared war on Japan, and we had been shooting down German boats long prior without any repercussions.
their money funds bullshit iq tests.
are there any ashkanazi left??
>Germany declared war on us
You obviously don't understand anything about politics and know nothing about WW2 whatsover.
I would like you to get of my board.
>in Bosnia or Kosovo
Wow, you Americans truly do believe everything the Clinton administration told you, don't you?
>Only after we declared war on Japan
yeah, because they had just attacked Pearl Harbor dummy.
Not an argument. And Germany did declare war on us, this is a historical fact you stupid stormfag.
>lose argument
>make up some retarded bullshit baseless claim
hitler was a catholic faggot you catholic faggot
don't you like other pap smears like yourself
>claimed that his moment was christian
>killed and sent thousands of priests to concentration camps
explain this
If Hitler had prevailed, none of your precious "inferior basement dwellers" would have ended up that way; and the only funny thing is that you think your university-tier "wit" means shit in a discussion.
user, everything that sucks in your life is your fault
yup, true. PiĆsudski and Hitler were close friends
you have no history so you can't understand how ppl with 1000 years history feel about this
What does that have to do with anything? If a system is based on an ideology that wants every man in fighting shape, it's going to put resources toward getting men into fighting shape.
>mentally challenged
>Rheinland bastards
>Jehovah's Witnesses
>it's going to put resources toward getting men into fighting shape.
Or just kill you off for being genetic garbage. Best case scenario put you working in sweat shops basically.
THe jew is strong in this one.
>you have no history so you can't understand how ppl with 1000 years history feel about this
>implying you need "MUH 1000 YEARS OF HISTORY!" to understand europoors chimping out and slaughtering each other
No. That guy is a Mudslime. We real Americans know the truth.
>Be OP
>Be butthurt liberal
>Thinks victim blaming is okay even though he complains about it all the time
i lol at every loser who worships the jews.
jews are the dumbest faggots in existence.
Golly gee remember the 50 million, guy
>Nazi Germany didn't invade numerous white countries in Europe
Hey moron. Fucking moron.
What is up with these assumptions about me? It's like you're trying to build a strawman, except without purpose.
Even with that put aside, you don't seem to understand what a "best case scenario" is nor anything about National Socialism. You generally don't go killing off what you're charged with protecting and the whole point of things like the Hitler Youth was to prevent healthy citizens slacking off into sweat shop material.
Cultures that aren't set up specifically to produce degenerates produce less of them. Deal with it.
>What is up with these assumptions about me?
Because only losers look up to this shit. You are too much of a loser to be a "manly man" on your own, so you want a daddy government figure to guide you to it. Just like the communist who want a daddy government to financially take care of them.
And the point of the hitler youth was to introduce children into the new dogma of the state.
Good goy, just like the history books said.
>lose argument
>make jew joke
The new dogma? They had standing rules against talking politics in the Hitler Youth for fuck's sake. You do not know anything at all and go about insulting people like a high-schooler; did teaching children to take care of themselves kill your parents or something?
hitler lovers are white dindus.
really makes me think, i am a marxist now
thanks murifag
What did OP mean by this?
>created by a political party
>for the purpose of a place party memebers could put their kids
>named after the partys leader
>"it was against talking politics though!"
They were told to spy on bible study classes. How delusional are you? I still stand by my point of neo-nazis being losers who want a big daddy government to take them by the hand and guide them into being a big mean man
>white people
He killed 6 gorillion Jews.
I think race mixing is good, genticly speaking. russia maybe the answer
>told to spy on bible study classes
There is no documented instance of that happening. Where are you getting all this shit? And again with the accusations: insults are not points, how do you not know the difference? Even if what you think about "neo-nazis" was true or relevant, the point that we are actually discussing stands: that organisations concerned with promoting social and physical health will result in more people being socially well-adjusted and physically healthy, thereby never getting into the situation that fuckups like you describe end up emerging from.
At least you arent trying to argue it was an a political group anymore lol. And now all you have is "w-well it promoted health!" even though the boy scouts existed before that, and did all the things you said while actually being a political private organization. Except it was banned in Nazi Germany because they wanted all the kids in their political group.
You and every other neo-nazi are still losers who need a daddy government to make you men because you cant do it on your own.
The only opinion shared by most, if not all of Sup Forums is that freedom of speech is important. I'm a kike, myself, and while I do believe that the holocaust did happen and Hitler was a bad man, I respect the right of others to believe otherwise. Hell, because I'm anonymous, I don't even care if someone wishes death upon me for being Jewish. Sup Forums is a safe haven for those who've committed thought crime, and while that does attract holocaust deniers, it doesn't attract them exclusively. Interestingly, though, it sometimes creates them. I was a garden variety liberal when I came here looking for a place to shit talk trannies and SJWs. Now, I've accepted just about every redpill that doesn't involve Jews or the holocaust, but sometimes I think..
Anyway, tl;dr, Sup Forums is not one person.
Our system today is only a mirage of liberty. Money runs the country, and this money is poured into our media to shape a culture that will most profit the globalist banks. People are encouraged to be hedonistic and shortsighted - a system that seeks to exploit its people instead of elevating them. Whether it's this form of subtle indoctrination or Hitler's indoctrination, your head is being filled with ideologies from somewhere. It's a trick of theirs to imply that because your current comfort of living is superior to those of less fortunate countries around you, there isn't another way.
Hitler youth wasn't so different from the boy scouts we have. It was named after him because the people absolutely adored him for lifting his nation from the grips of international banks squeezing them dry.
Its not what he did.
Its WHY he did it.
To understand the monstrosity you must understand what made him the monster.
He has many valid points.
It takes wisdom and will to temper them.
The only point that I was arguing is that organisations like the Hitler Youth are generally beneficial to the development of children, which you have now, after three posts of randomly insulting me, admitted by comparing them to the boy scouts and saying they did the same thing. So what exactly was the point in all that spittle-flinging?
let's ask an expert than
>blaming everything on the only guy who tried to save western civilization for losing the war
Daily reminder that without Hitler, we wouldn't be in this mess today, and white people would still be able to be proud.
have a pic
Jews aren't white you retard.
>ben garrison