Trump wants to STOP a new cold war

CNN ruthlessly BTFO by Stephen Cohen on Trump, Clinton, and Russia.

>We're in a new Cold War heading toward a Cuban missile crisis, which Clinton will escalate and Trump would deescalate.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is worrying. No one with that name has white people's interests in mind.

>This wasn't on the script
>why haven't we cut to commercial yet
>do I interrupt him or what
>why isn't anyone making any signals?
>my feet hurt

I thought this exactly. What the fuck is this Jew doing making sane commentary?? But he's right. Niggas gone rogue.

It might mean Jews have established some kind of control or limit on Trump/Putin.

All Jews are parasites, but some Jews think they're better off not killing or even crippling their hosts.

I read these kinds of posts then I wonder if you're one of the loonies that actually believes everything he posts

I doubt it, but it really makes me wonder

As a person who posts on this particular forum I must declare that every single Jew (out of millions on the planet) is working from the same script and there cannot be any (ANY!) Jews who ever take a sensible position.

Thus I must assume that this (((COHEN))) fellow is trying to trick us somehow. Sup Forums, we must discover the slimy Jew's evil trick before it is too late! I expect meme teams on this within the hour.

a week ago on Sup Forums there was an "insider" from the Democrats who said the main reason Trump was running was to prevent Hillary from starting a war with Russia.


Just because you don't know how to play both sides, don't mean they don't too.

So kissing Putin's ass is admittedly Trump's platform?

Let's review the facts - the USSR was near equally matched and a danger to the world when we had the Cuban missile crisis.

Russia today is nothing. Just a bankrupt, mafia corroded rump state with thousands of rusted out tanks and planes. I bet half their missiles wouldn't even fire properly in a final showdown.

Why should we roll over for these clowns again? Why shouldn't we elect Hillary and prove the US remains the ONLY superpower on this planet by spitting in Pootin's face?

>This is worrying. No one with that name has white people's interests in mind.

I direct your attention to Roy, a gay jew who hunted down Commies like the animals they were.

I'm pretty sure that there are some out there.

And they might have realized Hillary is a liability at this point.

Too incompetent and too untrustworthy. The odds of her fucking everything up and/or selling out to a new master with a bigger bribe are too high.

because you know damn well that the US will produce a giant 2nd middle east where Russia was before

The Russian armed forces havve come a long way since 2000, and even half their missiles would be enough to completely destroy all major cities in the US + critical infrastructure and of course military targets

Hillarious how all the anti-war liberals now defend obamas actions and are pushing bad relations with Russia

>Trump wants to stop a trillion dollar industry

So he is a job killer.

It's almost like Jews can have competing interests depending on their expertise.

I'm not denying the diaspora media / influence peddling cabal, but not all Jews are actively part of it.

What is redirecting that manpower to fixing the Nation, you fucking kike?!

>question NATO

Why is one Jew playing against another Jew network. In what direction do they want this election to go?

Sweet surrender. Isn't he French by the way?

>which Clinton will escalate and Trump would deescalate.

Implying Trump isn't lulling Russia into a false sense of security so they won't see the strike coming.

Trump, and CNN isn't in on it

>you throw out accusation without proof
>but I think Trump is a Russian agent!
>we need to have a debate, not throw out these ridiculous accusations like you're doing
>I think we just had that debate, now more on why Trump is a Russian agent

Deescalate by sucking Putin's cock.

he also represented our God-emperor

Stick to the script, push that narrative. Remember, the media has no obligation to publish the truth. Propaganda against Americans is legal.

This is a good point, actually.

Trump only respects Putin's ego and its his antics that have stunted Russian growth. There's no need to "deal" with Russia. They're trash.

>Russia has zero influence over eastern Europe, the Baltic states, and the middle east.

Russia's not the boogie man anymore. I would much rather has them as an ally than an enemy. Putin hates mudskins as much as we do. I see that as a powerful friend against Islam and the Jews.

People need to share this all over facebook and twitter.

>stop a war by unilaterally surrendering

Are we sure Trump is Scottish and not French?


this is fucking spooky because it basically confirms what a lot of tin foil wearing basement dwellers have been saying for fucking years

>Influence over backwoods shitholes meaning anything

As far as the Middle East goes, we have much greater involvement and Russia plays things far too loose, like they're raiding for fun rather than for an established purpose.

They're nothing right now, especially not an immediate threat to us in any capacity.

Spread this shit like wild fire

Not all Jews are bad, the more religious a Jew the better, the orthodox Jews do little to cooperate with even the Israeli government and face occasional tensions as a result.
They're largely misunderstood because the Jews you often see or associate communism/socialism with are in no way religiously Jewish, most not even racially Jewish and are from western European origins. Communism/socialism has nothing to do with Judaism in practice despite what propaganda says.

The left as a whole are instead racial Jews, they have little to no religious value, typically upper class and the vast majority are atheist/agnostic, they simply identify as Jewish by race and intentionally have turned Judaism into an identifier for a social class.

This social class once upon a time faced persecution in Russia during "Чepтá océдлocти" which was in lands acquired 1791-1835 with large Jewish populations. The Jews were forced to convert to Orthodox-Christianity if they wanted to move from said settlements. This caused resistance which ultimately ended up in a small scale riot and a dead pope. Which began the Jewish progroms, intentional target riots in Jewish communities to kill off droves of Jews, this led to massive tensions and when Communism started its humble beginnings it garnered massive support from the persecuted Jews offering to champion "minorities" through assimilation, with many of the pioneers being of Jewish origin, Protocols of Zion was propaganda produced and spread by the White Russian movement and started a massive movement/conspiracy recognizing communism as a Jewish controlled machine, which started the basis for the conspiracy that Jews are out to control everything. Ironically communists slaughtered those who were religiously Jewish indiscriminately.

Given there's lots of "Jews" in powerful position, they're hardly Jewish, most of them have western European roots and didn't start identifying as Jewish until late 20th century.

Because its better to side with Orthodox Christians instead of Jews.

Russia is wiping out ISIS in Syria, not the US. This is what we need to be doing.

Sounds like the talk of shills. Using something disrespected to an extent by [x] group then linking it to something that [x] group likes. Really make you think

>sell ourselves out to the globalists yet again to spite Russia

Typical liberal doublethink trash. No one here is voting for Clinton, faggot.

ISIS was an intentionally created force by the US intelligence community, and undoubtedly the Saudis and Israel got every single memo along the way.

This is the only reason why we don't just bomb them all at once. All of this fallout from Islamic terror is part of a plan put into motion decades ago. Bush senior and his Saudi allies finalized everything. Its all been running since then.

>Russia is wiping out ISIS in Syria

And they're doing a great job of it too.

What with Nice, Munich and all.

Agreed. I see nothing America can gain from continuing this false cold war with Russia. Putin's Russia can be a powerful ally against the NWO. Dems only use them as boogie men talking points.

if you think the trump camp isnt heavily judaised you arent paying attention

there is always a dialectic that fight for dominance, zionist hegemony and jewish controlled globalism

>not trying to jew us all


Which is why its even more important to end it. America and Russia need to end ISIS, put the saudis and israel in check, and become dependent on their own natural resources. I would like to see America calling the shots from now on, for Americans.

Agreed 100%

Any nation that seeks to influence or undermine our stability at the expense of American lives is an enemy. Saudi Arabia and Israel are both #1 threats for the prosperity of the developed world. The hostility between America, Russia, and China is a thing that could easily end if we reexamined our long held allegiances.

>there's no evidence of that

This guy gets it. In would much rather see an alliance of sorts with Russia and China that would diffuse armed conflict while at the same time pushing America's nationalist agenda.

Even when jews go against the narrative, they dont ever talk about the fact that the narrative is being pushed by jews

We r watching a family squabble

Trump got inside by marrying his daughter off to the ruling group, its the only reason hes alive at this point

>for a hot war

I'd just like Trump to subvert the prevailing globalist faction in control of the west. Russia is a candidate partner in this.

I used to listed his podcasts on ukraine and he sounds like a nice guy actually.

I wholly support this idea.

He's a selfish oven-dodger trying to dodge Putin's intercontinental ballistic ovens. That's the only reason why he's going off script like this, he's just afraid of dying in a nuclear holocaust. Any decent jew would sacrifice his own life to kill off some goyim. It's sad really.

Maybe you were wrong to assume all Jewish people want to harm white people in the first place.

That's for the French and Germans to do. They're supposed to be first world countries.

Russia is not our natural enemy. ISIS and Islam is. Trump wants to build a bridge with Russia, Crooked calls Putin the boogie man to scare voters.
How many Islamic terrorist attacks are there in Russia?

>talks on about we need a conversation and to start covering this topic
>We just had this conversation, okay bye bye

>Trump has a vested interest in and a sound plan for deescalating tension between the US and Russia and preventing a "Cuban Missile Crisis" stand off before it occurs
I'd be be inclined to give this any sort of thought except for the part where he proved categorically this morning he has 0 idea what's going on in Russia right now. Even if that legitimately is his plan, he has no way of doing anything effective because he's too willfully misinformed.

>implying he is wrong
Russia has already grabbed Crimea and has no reason to go into Ukraine again.

Trump never de-escalated a thing in his life.

What does it mean that the US should cooperate with Russia?

Where the US has common interests with Russia?

Is it Iran? China?

He de-escalated your momma!

Perhaps in the Middle East
Also against terrorism in general


I have a really hard time figuring out who's playing who.

kek you know that's not what he meant, because if it was he would have said "again" How many times does he have to prove his complete lack of knowledge of international politics? Like how the day after the brexit referendum he flew to Scotland to speak at one of his golf courses and started talking about how great it was for the UK to finally be free of the EU. When of course if he'd had any idea about the country he was speaking in he'd have know that the Scottish overwhelmingly voted to stay.

well meme'd Muhammed

So where? Do Americans and Russians have common enemies? Do they both want to protect Israel? My point is: if everybody talks all the time from both sides about cooperation, then why hasn't it happened already? China and USA talk about cooperation too, but it's obvious that there's a conflict about South China Sea


They all hate Islam

So which countries are disliked both by the USA and Russia?

wow this dude is smart. who gives a fuck if he's a jew? guy is clear headed.

Explain the lack of good kikes calling out bad kikes when pretending to be whites and calling for privilege checking reparations etc?

Pic heavily related

the myth of Jewish unity is one of the most laughable blindspots of Sup Forums

I just watched this interview. More media lies. Trump sounds very measured about the whole explanation, and Stephano(Greek here) is trying to gotcha him as hard as he can, and it isn't fucking working. Nothing about that can be construed as "lol Trump didn't know Russia annexed Crimea."

Are you just dumb enough to eat this shit up, or has our record been corrected?

Obviously Islamic states like ISIS, and probably islamic countries

I don't see many white people calling out ''bad kikes'' either.
I don't think the average jew is out to get everyone to check their priviledge, it's the ones in hollywood and the billionaires that do, same with everyone in those fields

This. Jews are infamous for ripping each other off in Israel.

This one has really rustled shill jimmies. Really makes you think.

I am not even joking when I say this: If Hillary is elected we will go to war with Russia. With nukes.


>t. 14 year old

> Illuminati at the top

Nice image you get there lmao

Actually I'm not, I come from a wealthy family.

A reminder: CIA Chief James Clapper says all the histrionics and handwringing by the Clinton press over this fake "conspiracy" is a total comedy of errors.

Another reminder: the Chinese and Russians hacked the Obama, McCain and Romney campaigns in 2008 and 2012. We are living 1984.

rules of acquisition #34 War is good for business

rules of acquisition #35 Peace is good for business

> tfw some underage fuckboys probably don't know who Cohen is and what he did during the cold war

Get the fuck out of here with your brain dead faggotry.

Everybody hack everybody anyways we should all know this by now but retard doublethinker think the NSA is a good guy.

he appears frequently on the John Batchelor Show, which is a great multi-subject news radio program. Highly recommended.

History lesson, you fucking faggot treasonous shill.

this trump has always been pushed hard by the JIDF

I like watching the CNN guy get slowly get more and more uncomfortable as he realizes this expert from NYU isn't a Clinton drone and he won't be another talking head against Trump. CNN must have been screaming shut it down when they got called out as agents of Clinton

Hold on m8 are you seriously suggesting that some non-kike should trash a kike for trying to Jew us? That's a career-ending move right there, of course no one in his right mind would attempt it. But a kike can call out another kike on his hypocrisy. Still, they won't do it. Why? Because they are tribalstic as fuck, that's why

>Trump sounds very measured about the whole explanation
Wew. You almost had me going there for a second. I'm glad you threw that line in there, because for a second I thought you actually believed that load of bullshit.

He probably just doesn't consider Scotland a country like everyone else. They had the chance to leave, and didn't take it. They chose to be British, and the UK voted to leave. Who gives a fuck if their version of california didn't vote overwhelmingly in its favor.

Seriously how fucking stupid are you.

Say again, this time in English.