What does Sup Forums think of Quebec? Canadians specfically. I hear that Quebec and Canada hate eachother.
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Only the Québecers that haven't visited the other provinces and the Anglos who never visited Québec hate each other.
This is pretty revisionist and anticlerical (muh Quiet Revolution) but it's mostly right
Apparently there is little racism in Quebec, and people are only judged on whether they can speak French. Weird. Here in the UK, even if an indian speaks fluent english they are already hated lol.
That's totally wrong
You saying Quebecers are racist then? Don't a shit load of Chinese immigrants live in Quebec.
That's B.C.
Montreal has lots of arabs and niggers but they're hated
Define shitload.
We are talking less than 2% of the population.
Because they are arab/black or because they can't speak French?
Can you live in Quebec/Montreal just speaking English? If you're ill and can only speak English, wat do?
If you find yourself in a non-English-speaking country and can only speak English, what do you expect? Anglos still have this colonialist fantasy of how things should be
Uppity Canadians who wish they were France (god only knows why)
I don't disagree, I'm just saying you'll get thickshit immigrants that go to Quebec but won't be able to speak French. Also, considering every other province has English as their main language, it's not uncommon right?
how wrong can one person be..
It doesn't matter if I'm right or wrong you'll still be a fucking leaf.
We know that mass immigration is just another plot to try to assimilate us into Anglo-America so it's no surprise they don't speak French.
And Anglos always refuse to have things in French for Francophones in other provinces (there are more than 1 million French Canadians living in provinces other than Quebec) but then always expect us to have everything in English, even in the regions, so it's incredibly hypocritical.
Isn't Quebec french a shit version (slang version) of France French? Marine Le Pen went there and my mate said she was a bit difficult to understand.
That's another piece of Anglo slander. Our French is the French that existed in Normandy and Brittany before Parisian centralisers exterminated it there
I for one am happy to speak French in a way that doesn't sound like I have a dick in the mouth
You a seperatist then? Seems like mass immigration will eventually overtake the Francophone population in Quebec soon. Bit like in the UK, were the Labour party encouraged mass immigration so they would get more votes. If Cuckdeau was my PM I would call for London independence.
Actually no because I know the French Canadians in other provinces are fucked if we leave. I know a few Franco-Ontarians and Acadians so this influenced my perspective.
The federation definitely has to be reformed and we need a total immigration moratorium for an indefinite period if it's to work.
Yeah but your culture is going down the shitter if you don't get serious. The Quebec culture is being eroded. Just like how British culture is.
Yeah but I'd say we're definitely the best-off people in all of North America, especially compared to Anglo Canada.
Doesn't mean anything though. When it happens, it will be too late before most people have realised. Only in the past 5 years or so people have realised what damage 15+ years of mass immigration has done. We're fucked now.
>Between 350,000 and 1 million Algerians are estimated to have died during the war, and more than 2 million, out of a total Muslim population of 9 or 10 million, were made into refugees or forcibly relocated into government-controlled camps. Much of the countryside and agriculture was devastated, along with the modern economy, which had been dominated by urban European settlers (the pied-noirs). French sources estimated that at least 70,000 Muslim civilians were killed or abducted and presumed killed, by the FLN during the Algerian War. Nearly one million people of mostly French, Spanish and Italian[10] descent were forced to flee the country at independence due to the unbridgeable rifts opened by the civil war and threats from units of the victorious FLN; along with them fled most Algerians of Jewish descent and those Muslim Algerians who had supported a French Algeria (harkis). 30-150,000 pro-French Muslims were also killed in Algeria by FLN in post-war reprisals.[11]
If a bunch of primitive sandniggers could do it 50 years ago, we can do it today.
You have Cuckdeau. He WANTS more refugees to your place. I hate David Cameron but we have taken around 5000 and every single refugee wants to come here, not to Canada. The crisis is in our continent and Cuckdeau wants more to come to your place.
Yeah but he's deeply unpopular here. Some people even call him "the enemy"
Fuck off, Pierre.
A single Fleur-de-lis on the Quebec Flag has more heritage, culture and pride to it than whole nu"""Anglo"""Canadian""" mess to it.
Where? Quebec or Canada? His popularity rose after the elbow gate.
quebec is the cause of sjw shit, multiculturalism and gun control in canada
I haven't taken polls seriously for a few years now, this is totally anecdotal and I find that generally my anecdotal impressions are better than polls.
According to polls, Brexit and Trump both lost.
I agree but the Brexit poll was only off by 4 points though. All the polls showed a 45-48, 48-52 victory for remaining in the EU. We left by a 52-48 victory.
The other politicians you have have low popularity ratings. Helps that Cuckdeau is a good looking guy.
>2 options
>ONLY off by 4 points
So basically it's a guess
Our problem though is that there is nobody with testosterone at the federal level
West Quebec, my region specifically
>10 minutes from Ottawa
>highly federalist
>wide bilingualism
>high standard of living (depending on sector)
Most of it's lib territory though.
It's different than somewhere like Gaspé or Saguenay and shit. It's a big province.
The guy you're talking to is a a typical salty nationalist that forgets that Quebec was rightful British clay. They're lucky they were allowed to keep their "culture" in the first place.
>nobody with testosterone at the federal level
The Queen has more balls then all of Canadian politicians.
Long live the MOTHER FUCKING Queen.
May she come liberate us from this shit and shove her big cock back into her dumb little colony. We need mommy to fuck us back into shape.
If our culture is so bad how come every uniquely "Canadian" thing is either ours or stolen from us (including the name of the country)?
Agreed leaf a shit, red ensign was superior. Cuckmunist Trudeau Sr to blame for that too
The current queen is literally the worst person to ever rule over the UK, including Cromwell and Elizabeth I (I say this as a Catholic)
I don't have a problem with Quebec culture other than you guys tend to sound like a whiny SNP-tier movement. Stop electing NDPers and libs if you want a stop on immigration.
I will say that Montreal is probably the best city I've ever visited in North America. Cultured, cozy, and definitely has an old-world vibe. Very different from Toronto, which feels like an American city albeit safer due to the absence of feral negroids. You guys have something nice and it is worth preserving.
Our provincial government controls the number of immigrants we get and they recently wanted to raise it, but people complained and it was kept where it is. Things happen that Anglo-Canada doesn't even hear about.
I like it. Pretty impressive they have been able to defend their language despite being surrounded by anglos. Their accent isn't very nice at all though, like a weird mix of french and american
quebecposters are the reason canadians have such a shit rep around here, they pretend to be us and fuck us over
the quebecios government is a tad bit more responsive to the demands of the people
this is largely enabled by large pork systems from the central government that quiet them. you need to stop enabling them, for one, or let them secede.
democracy is such a shitshow
Nearly 95% of Quebecers are pro Hilary, because 100% of MSM are Marxists.
It's a socialist shithole. Happy I left after 30 years living there. (Ouin je suis né la bas)
Québec beg for less liberty and more government interference in their life.
Can Obama drone that province to the ground?
Canada brings in Muslims.
We alienate them.
'nuff said.
If you liked Montreal for those reasons, then you didn't choose the right city to visit senpai.
>hates Québec because it's a socialist shithole
>moves to France
the quebecois, much like the canadian whigs, started off as anti-democracy. to a large extent, they still ARE anti-democracy. because democracy sucks and panders to criminals and niggers. quebec was especially prone to take note of this after the french revolution.
small government only has the appearance of working when your government is hijacked by communists. because less communism is ALWAYS good.
but decently centralized government is and always will be more functional for society. just look at japan (formerly) germany, etc.
Not really, I'm there just three weeks and fly elsewhere.
Been traveling for 7 years now
Qu'est-ce qu'un homme de ton âge vient faire sur Sup Forums et en France?
Well, French Canadians was somewhat loyalists to France crown... Most of them were just anarchist... Starting new life with local native girls. Trading... Not only with home country. There Was a lot of en.m.wikipedia.org
But English Canada is made from Americans who walked thousands of miles north after American independence, to be sure they're not free and still under British crown control.
Since en.wikipedia.org
The Quiet Revolution had its ups and downs.
But I will fight anyone who says it was all bad.
Thats when a HUGE part our culture came from even if it was mostly a hippy shitfest.
Je n'ai pas 40
Je suis en France parce que je fais du en.m.wikipedia.org
Je vie dans une grosse maison à Bordeaux qui me coûte que le temps de promener le chien.
Ma blonde s'amuse à faire de la bouffe française et ont bois du bon vin pas cher.
Dans quelque semaine ont part en Pologne et ensuite Corée du Sud.
Et je suis sur Sup Forums parce que je suis Redpilled.
Bruno Blanchet?
je gnaise il est beaucoup trop bluepilled.
And why did you decide to travel the world if you are so bluepilled?
If you are so redpilled* calice
Saved, l'ami.
Good things sometimes come out of disasters, but they're still disasters.
The original idea of separate church from state was good.
But the nationalisation of many things and increase state size to unbearable proportion. Socialize everything. Are not.
Just the idea of those millions of tax money spent on Eric lapointe or guy a lepage make me sick.
de ce que je sache il a vendu son restaurant à Bangkok et est reparti vivre au pequistan
Je voyage parce que je peux. Ça me coûte moins cher. Et c'est pas mal plus le fun
Bumping with our future.
I'd prefer to be a U.S. State than Cucknada's asshole.
Il est aussi en France ça l'air :)
>free movement with 300 million Anglos vs. free movement with 20 million Anglos
I prefer Canada t.bh
>high taxes
>No guns
>no knives
S'il te plait. Cucknada is a shit country compared to the U.S.
Also look at our fucking flag. A FUCKING RED LEAF.
C'est pas le bon Bruno lol.
Also it portrays Quebec too much as a victim.
We did kill a bunch of anglos too.
>high taxes
Yeah, but we do that to ourselves just as much as the federal government does that to us
>no guns
Ça vaut la peine
>no knives
That's a meme
>being a self-hating cuckold
not just a lot, 1/3 actually are immigrants 1/2/3 gen
Fuck Quebec
I wish they'd stop being pretentious cunts and learn how to drive
t. New Hampshire
this screenshot is gold. Its from that one episode where Stephen goes on a drug bender right?
>That's a meme
Tu peux litéralement pas porter une arme blanche sur toi. Calice de pays de cucks. L'idée du "big brother government" est pratiquement pourquoi on n'a aucune liberté. Le gouvernement doit nous défendre.
yeah sure completely forget to mention toronto and vancouver
Not really.
Il n'existe aucun loi qui l'interdit.
we are forced to learn your useless language in public school for 5 years
Mes Aieux is pretty cool.
You can compare the feminists advocating for female rights in the U.S to the french canadians. No matter how much you give to them in civil rights to assure the existence of their culture, they'll never be satisfied until they form their own country. Also, quebec was once the economic powerhouse of Canada (montreal was) now it's just a massive shithole that just adds to the country's deficits.
Church and state can't be seperated.
Seperation of church and state means making secular humanist egalitarianism (proto-communism) the state religion.
This is coming from an atheist.
Might as well post this :
Folk songs
Alternative Rock and other subgenre
I just have to say, as an old worlder, it is endlessly amusing for some reason to think of that there lives French rednecks in a polar forest.
I hear that Wales and Great Britain hate each other
I wonder if their relation is as bad as ours though.
You'll never be as good as based Nova Scotia
I am from Alberta and married a French Canadian girl. They are the best. Also nothing wrong with Quebec. Great proud people.
It's about survival and the culture which it generated. Something you should know as a swede - I hope.
who?Nova scotia? never heard of it.
Good thing, as long as you pop up white babies and that you don't vaporize her French heritage.
For those who'd say cuck, I think the pressing matter right now is making white babies, period. We'll take care of the rest after.
Smelly frogs
Type that out for me so I cantext to voice it. Readings fuckin gay nigga
On parle de ne pas pouvoir transporter d'arme si on assiste ou est en chemin vers une rencontre publique. Qu'est-ce que ça implique?
Sil vous plait mange mon sausage faggot
Comment definit-on une "rencontre publique" dans ce loi? As-tu le lien?
I've never met a white person in my life
Typical small dicked anglos begging for attention so we can breed their wives.
Truly degenerate.
If Quebecans are not "A FUCKING LEAF" shitposters than they are great in my book.
Should have been treated like acadians.
I dislike Quebec because there provincial government manipulates their fiscal capacity by undertaxing their citizens so that they receive transfer payments from provinces that dont suck. The entire province is just a bunch of social parasites with a strange sense of superiority they adopted from the french.
Whatever that's supposed to mean.