Why do Republicans prefer feelings to facts?


John Oliver just perfectly summarized what I have been feeling since the start of this American presidential race. Republicans seem to justify their policies with feelings over factual information/statistics etc. Why is that? It seems almost all of their crusades/campaigns are based on their feelings, whereas more liberal minded folk tend to use numbers/factual sources to back up their policies. Why don't conservatives understand that facts>feelings? If you're a conservative, care to share why?

Sorry if my formatting is wrong. Never used the political board before. Just watched John Oliver and got riled up and thought I should post. Too easy to shit on republicans lmao kinda low hanging fruit.

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>Gun crime also plummeting despite more guns

Why do leftists fear monger over guns then? I'm not a rethuglican so I have no blinders preventing me from seeing both of their issues

Canada voted JT as their president.


>taking John Oliver seriously

>imprison skyrocketing numbers of minorities during their most crime-prone years (18-40)
>"Aggregate crime levels are falling? Hmmm, this must just be the better angels of human nature outing themselves, Republikkkans are just paranoid"

>1 Post by this ID.

>john loliver
no thanks

Why does the left play this game where they do something and then slander their enemies by saying their are doing it?

You see it again and again.


The issue is that the decline in violent crime rates isn't just an american phenomenon. It's seen in many countries. And many of those other countries haven't seen any change or a reduction in incarceration rates.

If Democrats are so for common sense gun laws, why is it that it was BUSH who made moves to pass a law to close the private sale loophole, whereas Democrats haven't done anything where Republicans would have supported it since Bush started it?

During his campaign and presidency, President George W. Bush endorsed the idea of background checks at gun shows. Bush's position was that the gun show loophole should be closed by federal legislation since the gun show loophole was created by previous federal legislation


Who bothers listening to nu-males with birth defects.

>libturd leaf
>pretending you're not the ones completely judging your believes on feeling

>more liberal minded folk tend to use numbers/factual sources to back up their policies

Canada is most obvious shitposter.

Because republicans are also on average dumber


Post per capita then we talk

That violent Crime rate includes Drug Related crime.

Drug Related crime has been falling since the 80's due to the War on Drugs and legalization of minor drugs.

Violent non-drug related crime is up by 20-25% since 2005. Not per capita just in general

Violent crime is down because we removed lead from our gasoline. Something new was added into the system to make us depressed and apathetic. Lazy generations don't create themselves.


I wonder why he doesn't show violent crime stats by race.

John oliver looks pretty good in my opinion hes a 7.5 at least

>The issue is that the decline in violent crime rates isn't just an american phenomenon

The murder rate would be much higher without medical techniques developed during the Vietnam War
>Murder rates would be up to five times higher than they are but for medical developments over the past 40 years.

>According to new research, doctors are saving the lives of thousands of victims of attack who four decades ago would have died and become murder statistics.


Also most Western countries have greying population structures leading to less violent crime because 50/60 year olds just aren't as violent as 16/30 year olds. Not to mention that we're going through a "cocooning" phase with less social engagement overall - if everyone's sitting at home playing video games of course they're not going to be punching out someone that said the wrong thing at the pub in a drunken fury


I've been noticing this happening more and more as of late

>Why dies the republican only do thing like the choosy choose of duh feelifeelfuls unlike democucks :3?, Rawr ex dee X3.
>Leey Shambodled once agonder.

It seems the otherway around, anmd you libcucks need to learn that a jewpussyboi doing COMEDY news is not a real reporter, just a cuck for attention, hue hue no stats or facts hueh.

>as more minorities enter the country, less crime is committed
Looks like he's got a point boys. Sup Forums BTFO once again.

Wow finally an argument, seems valid.

>Trump claims crime rates have risen after falling for decades
>leftists point to statistics showing crime has recently risen after falling for decades
>leftists accuse Trump of lying
of all the libtard retardation I've seen out of die lugenpresse this is definitely the most flagrant

>Why do Republicans prefer feelings to facts?
The irony of a Leaf.

Maybe because minorities do more crime.

>Liberals use claim of rising crime to justify gun grabbing
>Do this for YEARS
>RNC goes full memelord and does it to scare people
Will it ever end!?

>John Oliver
Why should I care what that closet-kike has to say?

I thought this was bait...
Then I checked the flag...

Why do you focus on his persona and not his critique against republicans? I think he brought up a lot of legit examples of stupidity.

>Why do leftists fear monger over guns then?

Easy mode platform.

You got it backwards Schlomo

kek, thread
>"OMG we have an epidemic of gun violence! We need to ban guns NOW"
>"Lol, ackchooaly violent crime has fallen over recent decades Drumpf, why are conservatards so factually-challenged lmao"

Poland's existence is a pretty legit example legit example of stupidity

>Allow thousands of Muslims in Europe
>Terror attacks on a huge rise

Seems to me like liberals deny statistics

>John Oliver just perfectly summarized what I have been feeling since the start of this American presidential race. Republicans seem to justify their policies with feelings over factual information/statistics etc.

Why do liberals always project? I mean the sheer cognitive dissonance required here is staggering.

Fucking terrifying.

False correlation you fucking leaf

>being rep*blican
>current year



why do leafs and leftists and democrats seem to struggle with the reality that Donald Trump will be their leader for the next 8 years??? Kinda easy to see he will win, yet they retreat into fantasy......weird.

Because if they fix the problem, they will lose a huge campaign issue.
They don't want to actually fix anything, they want to point at their enemies and blame them for nothing getting done.

You are basically provings op point

Yes, because straw-manning and cherry picking to fit your narrative is exactly what you SHOULD do, and isn't chock-full of LOGICAL FALLACIES, and, NOT AN ARGUMENT. And it's O-kay, cus jewboi, is just, you know, doing a character :3.

Wew Poland here's a free (((you))) spend it wisely and preferably in Auschwitz 2.0 electronic jewedaloo.

Is there or is there not violent crime at our Southern border?
Are there or are there not Americans who have lost their lives to illegals who never had a basis to be here in the first place?
Are there or are there not unique harmful outcomes from violently knocking over Qaddafi and arming Al-Qaeda?
Is there one Law (class blind) or two (privileging the wealthy) for people who mishandle classified information?
And finally, how do you feel about that?


That's right.

What feels?


FBI confirms violent crime uptick, despite the overall trend showing a decrease.

And I don't need to post an article to illustrate that there's been a sharp uptick in islamic terrorist attacks in the past 2 years.


your retarted

the leftys are reaching projection levels we didn't even know are possible

>"We need to ban guns."
>"See, crime is falling!"
Inside the mind of a liberal is being inside of a mad world. The only way to stay sane in a mad world is to embrace the madness.

since you like numbers so much, let me share with you a couple of things

a) correlation doesnt prove causation

b) biased sample size will skew results

And its funny, that you use the verbiage Republicans "seem" to justify....is that a feeling?

Anyways, you are a fucking idiot

Any time someone makes broad claims as yours, they are easy to refute

That you used a comedian as your "proof" is quite funny

vote Gary Johnson of the Green Party

They aren't even holding back anymore, it's like they hope if they lie often enough and big enough the public will just accept it.

>Why do Republicans prefer feelings to facts?

>prefering feelings to facts

the autumn leaf falls.

>be libtard
>Republicans always about muh feelings!
>gee, wasn't the DNC panderfest 2016 just the most inspirational thing you've ever seen? Especially the part with all of the black mothers!

I'll stop posting it when Canada gets shit together. Until then I'm not going to tolerate their buffoonery.

Believe what you want. Doesn't make it true.


WTF i hate trump now!!

The war on drugs has exacerbated the drug related violence.

I thought guns were causing a crime epidemic. :^)

It's like how they claim conservatives are "triggered" when they object to a liberal view point. They're trying to use our memes against us when they don't even know what they mean.

There is differece between being kinda wrong and between literally saying that global warming was a hoax invented by the chinese. Also the 30 times trump gotten the pants on fire rating is surly the result of cherry picking..

Soon, brother. Prepare yourself.

statistics is the application of feelings to mathematics. statistics are dependent on context to remain relevant. statistics are, and have always been, propaganda. conservatives might be too stupid to use numbers to illustrate their point, but liberals are just as emotional.

>John Oliver just perfectly summarized what I have been feeling since the start of this American presidential race.
If any of you ever see me say this, please kill me

Your right!

>Shows that 22000 people died of gun deaths without a per capita rating, adjustment for suicides and gang violence.

Wow, 22000 is a big number, lets not compare it to stair fall deaths per year, that could be embarrassing for our argument!

Go ahead and provide something to back that up.

More like it curved it into fixed communities instead of spilling over.

Imagine what a bunch of drugged out hippies would have done to even suburban culture with no checks in place.

The fucking hippies go and get addicted to hard shit stop robbing people and of course the war on drugs was declared.

But we must remember it's the war on drugs fault that these people are violent dependent addicts and must not be made to take responsibility for their actions.

Either way in the long run the war is being won. And the salty pot heads will make every excuse to make their habitual habit not seem like a menace to a functioning society

>basing policy on "facts and statistics" rather then sound moral and philosophical arguments
Its like people have no idea how much bullshit goes into spinning facts and statistics.

So if the RNC was a shitshow, what was the DNC?

>taking Current Year Man seriously

These liberal outlets rely on people's feelings in order to get good ratings.

>"We need gun control now this is getting out of hand guys."

>"Stop fearmongering already omg these statistics here which don't fully address your point show that America is safe and crime has been trending down for decades so just cool it with the fearmongering for literally two seconds please."

>john oliver


statistics didn't used to be like this. people didn't used to just put all their faith in slanted correlations and eye-tricking visual charts. it's like this now because in the 80's and 90's there was a concerted effort by the powers that be to enforce progress by the authority of math and science so now we kind of take those things for granted. bad-mouthing statistics is corollary to blaspheming jesus.

>perfectly summarized what I have been feeling
>I have been feeling

The unnecessary and overreactive way we deal with drug offenses has led to the problems we see now with the black market of drugs: theft to pay for drugs, gang violence over drug dealing turf, etc. These issues would be nearly nonexistent if there were a legal way to purchase drugs currently classified as illegal by the government.

Reminder that cuckolded Roman senators said pretty similar things before letting in tens of thousands of BWC carrying Gauls and Celts into their lands to rape their bitches and tear their countryside up.

So because one dud who wasnt even his class mate cant remember obama it means that trump was right? I dnno the rest is also really wesk but i wont go about it in detail as i am on my tablet. But please comment on trumps global warming statement, why do you let him to get away with obvius BS.




Because feeling over facts isn't unique to Republicans. The left just try to ignore that SJWs use the same metrics.

Because they're right wing retards. That's why. We all know it.

>This video is not available in your country

Go check out Democratic Underground if you think leftists/democrats are "fact" based.

Both sides are full of emotion-driven children. Liberals just have less issue with making up "facts" to support their positions.

Yes they would be non-existent and you would have a population strung out on drugs due to welfare.

>They'd go out and they'd just get jobs and blah blah
like all those current addicts. They're just victims of the man dood like we're all gods children.

As long as a security net exists we will have societal atrophy if we take away consequences from self destructive hedonist actions. That's real talk

>tfw nigs probably actually shoot each other at rates 20 times higher than whites, but half the time they get an organ transplant and survive

Terror is the number one concern. Domestic random violence has now spread to local public places, workplaces, celebrations and or other things people usually always assumed were safe. Terror wouldn't be an issue if there weren't millions of Islamists imported by you faggots. Fuck you

Lol wat. Did you listen too the dnc? It's just as bad if not worse.

There has to be a psychological hypothesis on left wing projection because it is astonishingly true

His back has really been bothering him lately. I honestly wish there was something we could do. He's kind of nutty, but I like the guy

>No evidence for such a claim.

Try again with something that's not scaremongering.

I didn't even know this

Mother Jones. Lol. Correlation does not equal causation
