The 1st of August is the Swiss national holiday, and it will start in about an hour.
Making this thread to give opportunity to celebrate, share memes, and talk about national stuff.
The 1st of August is the Swiss national holiday, and it will start in about an hour.
Making this thread to give opportunity to celebrate, share memes, and talk about national stuff.
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can you post a pic of your guns if you have any?
Posting because I like Switzerland. I feel like you guys did statehood right.
>require military service so society isn't pussified
>corner an industry and develop it
>renowned craftsmanship
>keep to yourselves politically
>gun rights
>citizenship is something to be prized and not just given to anyone who asks
I sadly can't as I haven't done my service yet (and haven't bought guns privately because why).
Will be able to in two years.
Maybe some other swissbro could.
Happy medpack day, you shooty mountain jews.
sharing quality pepe swiss music.
Not sure if there's anything more appropriate than Heil, but it works.
Heil Helvetia!
here you go, took that yesterday
Fixed, hopefully.
Select fire? Do you need to do anything special to get that kind of shit?
Heil Helvetia!
>do your conscription service
>get your personal rifle
This is pretty much the only full-auto firearm you can have in Switzerland (have, not own, this rifle is property of the swiss armed forces at this moment). It stays in this configuration as long as you are a reservist. When you "shed out", usually around 34 years of ago, it gets converted to a semi if you want to keep it, or you can just give it back to be used for another Soldat. It's all really confusing for foreigners I know. Just ask if this didn't explain it...
here's a bad picture of a Lucerne Lion cookie mold (springerle)
oh come on, you know exactly that it's not that easy. Or you're a filthy dodger.
Heil Helvetia.
Interesting. I didn't know you actually got to keep proper military stuff like that. That's pretty cool.
Antigunners here get triggered the fuck out when you tell them about Switzerland and guns.
Well of course you pay for the rifle if you want to transfer it into your property after you're no longer part of the armed forces, not at full price, but still.
You also jump through the same hoops like buying a firearm at your local gun shop at that point..
Well, liberals don't really have a reason to be triggered. There's no legal OC or CC. It's a gun culture of national defense, not personal one.
Liberals don't tend to be particular fans of national military either.
But yeah, it's difficult to compare with the USA.
>inb4 GAoA
But it is that easy, you explained it in the same way just with more words.
If you do your military service you get a fun switch 550 to take home.
If you want to keep the funswitch you need a special permit but even that is not that hard to get as long as you don't live in the Romandie, BS or Zurich City.
But it's still a gun culture. What seems to be most triggering is how Switzerland is historically peaceful, rich, nice, low crime, straight democracy, etc. Everything that's supposed to be the opposite of guns.
I can get a full auto here if I want to pay the extra money. OC is legal, but not really a good idea because I live in a liberal city. The local sheriff is required to issue me a CC if he can't find a good reason to deny within about a month last I checked. I listed myself as a character reference on a friend's CC application once and they never even contacted me.
Basically it makes me happy there are other countries in the world with common sense gun laws.
Heil Hitl...Helvetia! Sorry, old habit.
As long you have a Stgw90 with funswitch, it's not yours, it's given to you to, it's not your property.
Also you could literally suck Waffenbüro dick for years and not get the permit for fully automatic firearms...
>What do you like about Switzerland?
>I dunno, the flag is a big plus though
How much does ammo cost?
I pay $70 for 180 rounds of Winchester 5.56
Eusi Flagge isch rechteckig nöd quatradisch
About 120 dollarinos for 200 rnds of 556
Sonen Chabis!
heb fresse domme albaner
esch scho emer quadratisch gsi genau wie all üse kantonsflaggene
The flag of Switzerland consists of a red flag with a white cross (a bold, equilateral cross) in the centre. It is one of only two square sovereign-state flags, the other being the flag of Vatican City.
What the fuck man
What's the non-White immigration rate to Switzerland every year?
Are your young generations as cucked as the rest of Europe's?
Here, have part 2 of that pic medipack
fug, this thread reminded me, I still have to do my obligatory shooting this year....
the real question here is, how are you going to make money on this?
da chunt öper wohl us em aargau, gasch am mäntig au is tivoli ad bmw treff? det findsch sicher de eint oder ander shippi
you're scared now huh yeah be scared
stop immigrating here
I heard once there was a national holiday where you are expected to practice shooting and the government pays for the ammo. Is that true?
>swiss posters
Sorry, will be there in 2 years ehueuehuehuehu
neyy lozärner ond cha ned fire wel ech en flog han morn as schöne meer
Based Swiss, I want to expatriate to your country, any tips?
Your flag is a plus sign. I applaud your enthusiasm for mathematic symbols but that isn't a flag, it's arithmetic.
Says the guy who thinks our flag is a rectangle and not a square, even though it's right above every post he makes on 4chin.
> Are your young generations as cucked as the rest of Europe's?
Not that much. Even the most left people I know don't like the EU. The only real Cucks I know is Zivildienst-Neckbeard-Scum. But most people don't care desu.
Except Basel. Fuck Basel.
It's not a holiday exactly but such an event exists nationwide. It's only subsidized though, nothing's for free in Switzerland. Whole thing is called "Feldschiessen". I'm sure there's info in english about it...
Fuck off, we're full.
If you are in the military/reservist, you have to go shooting once per year, to proof you are still capable of hitting something 300m away.
Werden dieses Jahr auch wieder Schweizerflaggen brennen?
Too much of an introvert to go outside.
Happy birthday Switzerland, though
Don't listen to other swissbro, you're more than welcome here. Have you thought about what part of Switzerland you want to go? There's french, german, italian, or rumantsch. What field do you work in?
As most people, I'm very ignorant to what it actually takes to immigrate or work here. Just know that we're a pretty formal people that scrutinize your every move and behavior... Feel free to ask whatever you want..
First for spontaneous allahu snackbaring.
mfw u will never live in European wonderland
alli dialäkt ussr baslerdütsch sinn eifach futzdumm und scheisse
vrpisset euch ändlig ihr lappene
Well, wo do live next to minus sign.. Evens it out I guess.
Never found any good statistics for nonwhite immigration, would be very interested if someone happens to have them.
As far as I see, it's about as bad as the rest of the west, with the difference that the government still mostly works and there's a lot of funds so the fallout is much smaller. Just like everywhere else, you have the economic libertarian cities, you have the liberal+ cities, and you have the conservative countryside.
All depends who you talk to, I guess.
Hoffentlich nit, aber wär unworschienlich dass die es nit nomol versueche.
Git gud at something we really need, instructions at
>D/C am Nationalfeiertag
Happy national day to all medpacks :^)
Thank you, frenchy friend. Got to get on a TGV again soon and visit.
Wunderbares Bild.
switzerland strong
Be proud today of being a part of the world's most patrician nation!
A happy Swiss national day to my fellow cantons.
>At least you tried.
Ok, for real this time.
>This meme battle
>Swiss massacred surrendering knights
Actually, for the little story, they did incredibly well this day. 147 Swiss managed to hold Charles Quint's landsknechts while a small group of 42 Swiss allowed the Pope to escape.
last time I went to berne there were niggers everywhere
patrician my ass. you guys fucked up by not fightng for hitler
Isn't the Swiss king a decedent of one of Napoleons officers?
Go Swiss I guess....
Well, if you came during Obongo's visit this may explain that.
To be fair, had we fought for him it would only have been worse for us.
Unsure if bait or just american history education.
>swiss king
honestly keked out loud
pic related ought to shut you up.
Some of my best friends are swiss. You are pretty great people imho
I know, canton, and i respect that. You still lost.
God Bless Swiss Nationalism!
>be Swiss in 1315
>Holy Roman Empire, led by the House of Habsburg, decides to fuck around with you
>Tell Holy Roman Empire to piss off
>Empire sends army of 8000, including heavy cavalry
>not impressed ...
>send "army" of 1500 mountain farmers with rocks, logs and halberds
>really fuck over Habsburg army
>Holy Roman Empire BTFO
>attain status of invincibility in battle
We don't and never had a "Swiss king". That being said, Napoleon's family castle is in Switzerland. Napoleon III himself served in the swiss army (artillery). That's one of the reasons why he supported the Swiss when they were ready to go to war with Prussia for Neuchâtel.
Heil Helvetia!
I heard you guys can't flush the toilet after 10:00.
You can only mow the lawn on Wednesdays, right?
did not. you were just in niggerville.
disgusting, the idea that you guys pay a 70 iq nigger 50k cfh a year to stock shelves kek
mite b. you might have also helped change the direction of the war.
if the axis had invaded england immediately after poland I think it would have gone differently
Holy shit, ich kann Deutsch sprechen, aber what the fuck is this language. Holy fuck
So guys...ww2...what happened huh?
wait... WHAT?
> third world country can't tell the difference between an army and a guard
The Swiss Guard vowed to protect the Pope, not Rome. That's exactly what they did.
>american education
in our defense, switzerland is the size of new hampshire, and we don't have a very good new hampshire education
also, niggers have basically made it illegal to teach things as siple as arithmetic, because if you teach arithmetic, and whites understand and blacks dont, you're racist. so many schools prefer to just not teach at all
yeah thats right, I found out.
A relative is moving there at the end of august, I know a thing or two.
swiss people will tell you anything about how strong their armies were/are in the past, don't let them fool you
they were cucked by all sides (french, italian, russian, english, german) during almost all times in the past 2000 years
racially 95% of them are literally alpinic mountain dwarfs while the other 5% are italics
this is how most of them look:
and yea im in their country because they are literally too dumb to do simple stuff , lol
Happy birthday based hospital. Hopefully you get immigration regulations so i can ethnically cleanse your nation :D