I know there's some talented people on Sup Forums.
What dank anti Islam memes can you come up with.
Lets start a campaign
Anti Muslim Propaganda Machine
get back to you contamination thread
> 0.01 cents have been transferred to your account
I can't design memes, but Muslims believes in dark magic
wisdom of peace from a distinguished nobel prize recipiant
What's wrong with Muslims? America barely has any.
>What's wrong with Muslims?
>America barely has any
'Any' is still too many
Very nice, the subtlety forces one to think and arrive at your own conclusions.
/r/ing a comic panel with people shouting allahu akbar after everything they do
last bumpu
Funny you guys need to resort to propaganda to spread the truth. To all secular people living in the ME this is readily apparent
Shut the fuck up mudshit
Whoa you got internet on your scooter?
I made this song parody some time ago and nobody cared. But here it goes again:
A long ass fuckin' time ago,
In a town called Cuckapoo,
There lived a humble family
Liberal through and through.
But yeah there was a black sheep
And he knew just what to do.
His name was young Ahmed and he refused to step in-line.
A vision he did see-eth
Fuckin' virgins all the time.
He wrote a tasty plan and all the refugees did align
Oh the infidels were blazin' as I burned down their place,
Then I sliced their fuckin' throats,
With a long and curved blade!
'Twas I who raped your daughter,
Rapealize sing-rapealoo!
And if you try to stop me,
Then you're a bigot too!
Gotta get it on in the Shariah zone!
I got to stone a whore in the Shariah zone!
Gotta kill a dog in the Shariah zone!
Gotta fuck a goat in the Shariah zone!
Don't make me get offa this thing and spray you. Turkey was absolute shit before and it's reached its final form after the 'coupe'
>american banter
Whoa you got roads in your "country"?
At least you're free to banter with me. I guess no secular Turks ever thought to banter with Islamists since they took over your country with knives vs attack helicopters.
The Sup Forumstards were helping us out for a bit earlier. Threads were kinda low energy but I got a few lefties and an (((echo))) to take the bait.
The admittedly broken Arabic = Mohammed fucks pigs.
>what's wrong with muslims?
Do you not see what's going on in Europoor right now?
try not to rage while reading this
it has to be ironic. no other conclusion.
somehow i still get the vibe that its serious. i suspect its made from a really delusional and pissed off muslim tranny,
the key to success here is making instagram memes like black people
make it seem like it was made by black people
when u wanna be with bae but its haram as fuck so u rape white wimmen and lil boiz insted
found it through reverse image search
Found the blog
"Viktor, 19, No Sexuality, No Gender, Male
-- Welcome to Meme Hell --
Reverse Racist, Heterophobic, Anti-Cisgender, Wealth-Shamer, Kill all Facists, Kill all Nazis"
>mfw its not satire
>Viktor, 19, No Sexuality, No Gender, Male
>No sexuality
>No gender
My friend genuinely took this picture, curious how it has ended up on Sup Forums. Also it is in Israel senpai, hence the black hat and hebrew on the mudslimes bag.
not bad, wasnt funny tho