Why were people so much happier in the 90s Sup Forums?

Why were people so much happier in the 90s Sup Forums?


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cause they could enjoy parties without the risk of pictures and videos being taken of everything and destorying any hope at a job in the future


Everyone in that video was on drugs

Where did that rave party happen?

>without the risk of pictures and videos being taken
As evidenced by the fucking video.

Cold war just ended and the world had a brief moment of peace (ok most of the world). Without struggle, society declines.

And they were happier because without the internet you didnĀ“t have access to information seeing how fucked up it really is.

Maybe there is something making us depressed instead of angry.
>pic related

Most likely Netherlands.

>and the world had a brief moment of peace
until you fuckheads decided it was too peaceful and pissed on the whole world

>why were people so much happier on a load of drugs and alcohol

netherlands, no doubt

oh fuck i thought you were american. my bad

>Why were people so much happier in the 90s Sup Forums?
>show video of people on ecstasy

>being this retarded

>until you fuckheads decided it was too peaceful and pissed on the whole world

Germans did what?

whites are da best peace is for losers

Because it wasn't so bad that we couldn't look the other way.
We can't anymore.
We stand or we fade into that good night.

we're facing the consequences for the problems our parents and grandparents caused

Both of these kind of

Internet was really just a new thing, especially in ex-Sov bloc and that's where the parties were one of the crazier, but weren't they all like that everywhere, a tad bit more about ex-sov situation:

>finally easier access to western music , especially club one
>sense of victory, new era
>new new everything new to discover







s-shut up you dumb millennial, e-everybody knows millennials are the real problem

You're begging the question. They weren't happier. Every generation believes this out of pure nostalgia

holy shit finally
fucking saved

strong pure eccies none of this meow meow shite

No internet
No social networks
No mainstream mobile phones

No social media and very limited access to hardcore pornography. The internet is an amazing tool when used in the right way, but a terrible poison when it's not.

pretty sure this is thunderdome hardcore event bij id&t back in the days

No diversity. Seriously. Diversity and Bowling Alone are two sides of the same coin.

Let me guess, you're a newfag who saves just the gif file instead of the actual post, right?
You're supposed to mouse over the flag, so the title appears, then screenshot that, crop it so just the post remains, and save that

That is how you collect rare flag posts

You DO NOT just save the gif file, thats retarded, a waste of time, and something that only redditors who do not understand flag collecting tend to do

The wonders of the pre-9/11 world.

Nah mate, the millenials will fall in line once the media is back in our pocket.
The boomers are the primary reason why things are fucked right now.
Bought every house, driving prices up, letting in millions of shitskins, then demands my taxes pay their aged pensions.
You've taken enough.
It's our time now, and history will not be kind.

>just because you're not happy in the present time, doesn't mean that that past was a happier place for everyone.


This. People are always miserable, and always looking back to the past as "better days." The 90's were only great for most of you because you were wee children, or maybe teenagers or at the most in your early twenties. Plenty of adults were sick of it all in the 90's, don't fool yourself. We've been repeating the same shit since ancient times.

I'm a lot happier since I stopped watching porn, deleted my social media accounts and limited my time on Sup Forums to a couple hours a week tops. I know several others that have reported the same. The Internet messes a lot of people up.

>It's Techno=Netherlands episode
I don't get it
Pls explain


Multiculturalism hadn't taken over.

People had never even heard of Islam, and when they thought of foreigners they thought of the one chinese or indian kid who was in their class and completely conformed and integrated with everyone else.

Life wasn't about race or religion it was about which subculture you subscribed to.

The irony is that multiculturalism was sold to people promising that it would unite everyone in to white society. Instead it celebrated anything not white and pretended white society, culture and history never existed and when it does it acknowlege anything white it is inherently bad and evil and likewise anything non-white is automatically good because saying anything non-white is bad is racist.

Multiculturalism has ruined the western world and nobody feels happy or safe as a result.

The truth is when whites are the overwhelming majority things are better for everyone including the foreign kids but when whites are no longer the majority things get worse for everyone.

Can you fuck off you dumb faggot leaf. Half the comments I want to see a response to was your dumbass opinion. Jesus christ your entire country needs banned

> nobody feels happy or safe as a result.
> you =/= everyone
Ethnic groups :white 92%, Asian 7%, aboriginal and other 1%
Source: CIA World Factbook

This pretty much described life in the 90's

It was good. Life is now shit

Our mothers didn't grow up on prozac and phen-fen maybe?

ITT: Nostalgiafaggots

Jesus christ, 90's fags are probably the most regressive cunts I have ever seen. All you do is moan about how you hate the present day and you wish you could go back to your sunshine decade.

Give it a fucking break, stop being a whiny piece of shit.

You know i'm right. Don't worry, the sun will rise one day for you.

There are 20 other threads you can lurk in faggot

I had a fucking blast being a teenager in the 90s. Did y'all not enjoy your childhood?

The 90's were generally only good in the USA and Canada.

Trash piled high in the streets, the economic crisis, abandoned housing and New (Jew) Labour sums up the British 90's. It was absolute horseshit.

WTF isn't that DJ Nosferatu ???

they weren't 'happier' in the way you're thinking, they simply had the full range of emotions available to them. the 90s is when they started rolling out emotional control programs to destroy peoples ability to feel 'negative emotions'.

they weren't
the 90s sucked

you are clearly STUPID

my Dad was making between 800,000 and 1.2 million a year in the 90s. Was a great time for me senpai.

they're all literally on drugs in that video

did you also get diagnosed in as a paranoid schiz in the 90's or expert memester

Because we werent glued to the internet on social media getting sad looking at pictures of other people pretending to be happy.


>they are on drugs

Lol ok you fucking spastic

Projecting... MUCH?

Just because youre a drug addicted homosexual doesn't mean everyone else is

You dont know them, you can't say that about them

You are just projecting your homosexual fantasies out loud

Fuck off!


Content produced now is like a 6th generation copy of a mimeograph viewed on a shitty overhead projector in the middle of the day with the lights on.

Give us a break; the deterioration happens exponentially and the difference between 5th and 6th generation is startling.

There's a reason Boomers love game shows like Dancing with the Stars. You'll understand when it's your turn.


Those people were on drugs. You probably thought the 90s were happier because you were a child.

When did Jesus get a tattoo, and why is he stealing that man's heroin?

technohead - i want to be a hippy
da hool - meet her at the love parade
1200 micrograms - hashish
astral projection - mahadeva


>You will never be an innocent Canadian kid in the 90s again
>You will never Keep It Weird on YTV again

How about this video


holy fuck user

Have you been to a " rave" (festival) in this day and age?

It's the same exact shit, people high off thier asses being friendly and lovey dovey. The only difference is there are a lot more minorities now.

Commonwealth master race.

>Good economy
>American decade won the cold war "end of history" theme tauting the end of conflict and war with of course Rwandans may have a different view
>Technology was a good balance between useful and not over intrusive before .com bubble and spying
>Society was more cohesive mass shootings were just starting and were actually shocking

I acutally remember the 90's

roving packs of pre-teens every Friday and saturday night. All after noon kids out Playing ball, skating, playing roller hockey.

Block parties everywhere

Bars full

Restaurants full

malls full

it didn't take a mobile game to get people out of the house

>A fucking leaf.
We know. Leafs are happy bimbo fuckwits who fraternize with Muslims and think they are safe as a result.

The rest of us know that even one shit skin means a shooting or a bombing or a truck plowing through a crowd could happen at any moment at any major gathering.

You only feel safe because you're ignorant bubble head who is unable to perceive an obvious threat to your existence and to your way of life.


90s raves were not not all crap, some were amazing

Usually you'd be correct but the 90s really was a great decade for Americans especially since the last 15 years have been crazy.

Anyone remember going to a movie rental spot in the 90s and it would be PACKED on the weekends?

>You wanna stay healthy? Smoke cigarettes.
>It'll keep the blood flowing when your body starts to shut down...

but I only drink unleaded gas, user.

or cigars

This is degenerate as fuck. Half of those guys were fags who fucked eachother high on Ecstasy.

Literally no different from the current EDM scene.

why is there only dudes

i'm sorry Muhammad ruins your day. Globalism is just better for the west economically. You don't have to talk with them if you don't like them.



I seriously imagined my life as an owner of a 99 cent movie rental place.


Because two planes didn't fly into a couple of skyscrapers yet.

Illusion of freedom and better future

>advertising your shitty thread on other threads whilst having debt to pay
fuck off

The style of music that was playing in the video is called gabber. Today it is sometimes called hardcore. Gabber originates from the Netherlands and the style of clothing is typical of Dutch "gabbers''.

>wtf jesus stop stealing my heroin



>"Why do drugs make you happy, /pol?"

No internet

jesus has some sick tats

i'm sorry to say, but all of these things still happen.

Turk has a point.

Clintons and drugs made people happy after decades of old Republican faggotry.

No they don't

Fucking kill yourself

Jesus white folk can't dance. No melanin no rhythm.

>terrorism in Canada is a completely negligible statistic
>ignorant for being unable to perceive an obvious threat

Are you trying to convince me, or yourself

in Amish communities?

check the chewing, check the eyes, check the sweating


The world needs less people like you. The people who say everything is right as rain in 2016.

You're a cancer that needs to be removed

>I don't go outside or socialize and have idealistic views of my past for 500 alex


Old guy here, it's pretty simple:
country was a lot whiter
country as experiencing an economic boom
9/11 hadn't happened yet
Only 1 percent of the population had internet access, meaning internet was still good and the people on it were not morons
did i mention the white part yet? it was better when we were whiter