Does humanity need an alien enemy to become united? Would race still matter when the planet itself was in danger?

Does humanity need an alien enemy to become united? Would race still matter when the planet itself was in danger?

Other urls found in this thread: Jacobs - The Threat.pdf, David - The Threat.pdf

Shit game, desu.

An alien enemy would destroy us before we had the chance to unite.


people will always fight over basic, primal urges like sex, food, etc

people would raid and kill each other while trying to get into a bunker.
>human kind united
nice meme

Yes, niggers etc. would still be niggers, even if the NWO cooked up a fake alien race to fight.


we would win because we have nukes and they dont.

they missed out researching nukes. its the chink in their armour.

not all science is a straight line

you bes be trollin

>Implying I would let a black man babysit my wife's son just because we discovered we aren't alone.

It won't do a damn thing to stop racism.

He's either trolling or retarded

>technology to find and invade earth, while we dont' even know they exist
>tech to travel all the way here
>No nukes, or weapons 100x better

shiggy diggy

Play C&C 3 Tiberium Wars

The aliens commenting on the fact that even when facing annihilation the humans still fight each other

so no

No. The reality that XCOM, Watchmen, Independence Day, or War of the Worlds tries to sell us is not the reality that would occur. Aliens would cause a bigger divide in people and people would fight amongst themselves even harder. Some will fight against the aliens, some will want to work with them, and all this in-fighting will just make it easier for the aliens to take us over.

Half Life and The Mist have one of the better understandings of how an alien invasion might affect people.

What if they have the technology to turn off the atoms in the nukes?

tbqh I wouldn't care.

Just end this ride already I am tired of all this bullshit.

Maybe they will spare the normal people and just take out all this degeneracy

I was about to post this

There already is an alien enemy, we just don't know it


What we need is an AI overlord.

Ayyliensfugges WELCOME.


Humanity needs eugenics and genetic manipulation in order to become truly united.

Prehistoric behaviors, mental illnesses that result in a lack of empathy, physical abnormalities and so on all need to be culled from our gene pool if we really want to progress as a utopian species.

Basically, abandon and remove most of our (rather shitty) humanity while preserving and evolving the best remaining aspects of humanity. A genuine "hive-mind" race.

If you like videogames you might enjoy Xenonauts, they propose a realistic scenario where that is not true.

Sup Alphabet agency. Gauging interest for that project bluebleam of yours?

Gas the bikes

enemy unknown was comfy though

How can it be realistic when the aliens don't totally wipe the humans out?

for all you know, the aliens might be just as weirded out by humans' obsession with their masculinity and femininity even if completely matches their sex

race will matter a lot more because we cant tolerate weakness

if aliens are able to travel to earth they are able to travel at light speed / faster then light speed.

thats means all they have to do is sit on there planet and fire 10000000 nukes / bombs at light speed at our planet. boom we're dead.

Because like in the movie Signs, stuff like water might kill them. Obviously.

>they missed out researching nukes
And how the fuck are you supposed to know?

No because those goddamn niggers in Africa always sell us out to the aliens. They always drop out first and by sheer coincidence that's where the alien base is.

>implying a type 2 or type 3 civilization would even bother with us

I guess they would invade us out of amusement or out of their own aggressive biological drive to do so, but that's pretty it.

The Omega Conspiracy Dr. I D E Thomas

The Alien Agenda and the NWO

I.D.E. Thomas: The First To Expose The "Alien" Strong Delusion

Jacques Vallee - Messengers of Deception

David Jacobs - The Threat Jacobs - The Threat.pdf, David - The Threat.pdf

Fallen Angels, Yoga & Hinduism, New Age, New World Satanic Order

Jacques Vallee - Passport to Magonia

>tfw no predator ayy gf

>alien enemy
I thought you guys already had an alien problem

This. It's funny how humans pretend it's about something else when it really always boils down to this. Look at Islamic terrorism. It's a bunch of dudes who are mad they can't get laid in the way they like because they're religion is so sexually repressive so they take their urges out by literally killing other people and themselves hoping for pussy in heaven.

>I'm bad at strategy
ironman is fucking great


presently global warming is the false unifier of the NWO

doesn't seem to be working too well

Actually, XCOM does have humans siding with the aliens. Both the new and the old. It's done as a case of "cover all bases,"

i find it difficult to believe an alien race would be hostile to us

yeh they wouldn't bother with us. if they really wanted the resources and had any morality they would just travel to another planet without lifeforms/ intelligent life

Obviously, you're all retarded. The aliens already walk among us, control us, and have already given the elites access to interstellar space crafts. There's even a war between the alien factions happening in underground bases AS WE SPEAK. You faggots think all those earthquakes and tsunamis are just tectonic plates shifting around? Wake the fuck up.

And you think Hitler is the savior of the white race? Yeah fucking right, idiots, he's still alive living in absolute decadence in his underground Nazi base in Antartica.

Honestly I'm genuinely curious how mudslimes would react to a fucking alien invasion though. Hopefully they'd all just have aneurysms when some horrible unearthly monster comes out of a spacecraft to rape the shit out of them.

Race would matter, because if we were truly united on a global scale we would be forced to be honest about all of our differences and what each human had to offer towards the fight.

Would we fuck unite
Half the people in the west would sucking them off, converting to Alienism and making excuses for every building they vaporise and cow they abduct
#notallgreys #stopthehate

If an alien race existed in the galaxy it would have already reached us and wiped us out.

*tips fedora
ISIS isn't killing for money or bitches they are killing for ideology. Its the same reason our founding father fought the British

You can be VERY SURE that most if not ALL of the intelligent, space-faring species out there are top of the food-chain predators who kill any other advanced races.

Sorry, but space isn't like star trek
Only one can remain

you TYPE like a fucking RETARD
like those FAGGETS that THINK the EARTH is flat and that SPACE doesnt EXIST AT ALL

You aren't alone, many people find it hard to believe that Muslims would be hostile to us.


Yes, but we will get back to fighting among themselves when the aliens are defeated. See: WW2.

Then again, we would have zero chances against aliens advanced enough to be able to meet us.

Ok, i keep seeing this joke pop up occasionally, which country was talking out their ass about this?


kek will it


I think this is the absolute worst time for aliens to contact earth. Even if they attack, you'll have the SJWs saying we antagonized them or some shit. you'll have trans-alien wannabes killing humans from the inside. Feminists will claim that the androgyny of the aliens is sexist, or that they are probing (or not probing) women as much as they are men. The aliens would take one look at the modern-day western world and NOPE right the fuck out of here.

Besides East Asians and Whites, which race could pose a serious threat to aliens?

The whole of Africa and South America are worthless.

the previous one was better

xcom 2 was too much "you've got 8 turns to do this simple thing, chance of death is null"




X com 2 is great. People just got butthurt because of the timer.

I would try to sell out the humans and become a dog for the aliens.

You'd be the equivalent of Africans selling other Africans into slavery then be the center of shitposting on alium/pol/.

They're called mudslimes

Depends what kinda alien it is. If it's like the aliens from the "the thing" then we are fucked. Blacks and Muslims will be the first to be genocided

Are you 100% certain atoms can't be deactivated?

>Moving to the UK for the islamic environment.

Reminder that there are a fuckload of planets that could harbor hostile alien races just within a few dozen light years from Earth.

Typical KEK german. Doesn't matter where the fucking migrants are from; you want to let them all in for your fucking "unity" CUNT

The power disparity between humans and even a moderately powerful space-faring species is laughable.

You could drop into our system with even a slow-riding sublight Orion Pusher plate vessel designed in the 50s and wreck our shit without breaking a sweat.

All of our nukes are designed to be fired at one another, mounted in small, mostly suborbital arcs. Our laser tech is laughably bad right now (incapable of shooting down anything short of a nearby target drone taking no evasive action) and even our developed ballistic technology doesn't have any active examples capable of striking orbital craft.

Hell, assuming they don't want to damage anything and somehow lack any form of weaponry they can just start building a massive solar sail/deflector at the stable L1 point between the Sun and Earth. Even if it took a decade to complete the project (rather than a month or week as I suspect they would be capable of with advanced engineering sciences) we just lack any ability to reach out and stop them.

End Result, we all freeze solid in the darkness of a perma-eclipse, they get a free power plant, and have the option to harvest Earth's frost preserved mineral and genetic resources at their leisure.

The Jews would try to make an alliance with the aliens and betray the human race.
The Asians would would ignore the aliens an carry on fapping to anime; they would welcome death.
The Mexicans would smoke some weed.
The Blacks would chimp out and loot stuff.
The white men would try to defend the Earth but would be stopped by white sjws who would demand we respect the aliens right to invade us are we are damaging the planet and white women would probably try to have sex with the aliens because it would be very progressive.

Everything is fairly accurate except for the hispanic part - chances are they wouldn't give a fuck and just use it as an excuse to perform more criminal acts like the blacks.

Muslims and Indians would also chimp out, but it would be in the name of their religious beliefs.

I think that half of the white world would defend it, while the other half would just chicken out and accept inevitable defeat like the asians.

Let me guess, played too much MGS:V?

I fucking wish atoms can just be 'deactivated.' it'd make running maint in the reactor compartment so much god damn easier.

>allying with mudslimes
No thanks I'd rather be eradicated.

That's racist.

The more I think I about, the more aliens actually being weak to music or art actually makes some degree of sense. There's no way they'd be weak to any substance or weapon on Earth. It's less ridiculous to say that dancing would make their skin melt than to say we could beat them with nukes.

>Can travel through interstellar space
>Which is full of radiation
>Doesn't understand how to mitigate nukes.

Traveling through IS at luminal speeds for anything longer than a lightyear is the equivalent of getting hit with 100 nukes.

Our weapons wouldn't do shit.

It lacked the impact that Enemy unknown had, and it lacked the surprise element the first game had.

Psychers are basically just random grunts plus magic, instead of unstoppable endgame superhuman badasses, MEK troopers are replaced with shitty suits of special armor anyone can wear, and that does shit all. Genetic engineering is replaced with just one random shitty chip that does fuck-all.

And the only threat from enemies is if they throw grenades, otherwise they are harmless.

There were no surprises, no threats that would make you wary all the time. The Faceless were kind of like it, but they only appear on retaliations so they arent even a credible threat.

But the plot was on par with the previous ones, so i cant really complain.


Imagine an enemy just 2000 years more advanced than we are now. They would completely and utterly destroy us.

It would be like the US army going up against the roman empire.

With enough ammo a SINGLE TANK would destroy the roman legion.

Now imagine an enemy that is a million years more advanced.

You don't think deep enough. Behind every ideology is bitches and money.

Try engineered predator specifically created to hunt humans. There's a better chance of it happening and it would require us to actually think to survive.

So, Skynet?

>Tfw i've never seen the terminator
But yes either that or a genetically engineered organism kind of akin to what would have been a threat to humanity in it's earlier years.

The world would unite to kill the aliens, and then we'd go right back to fighting over their technology when done killing them all.

>Any organic life being allergic to water
If it had been flouride or something I could understand, but there is no life that can live without water

Remember the Great Filter theory : a carebear specie will rarely go very far.

If they are willing to spend the gigantic resources needed to develop and construct spaceships there is only two possibilities :
a) They are extremely curious and achieved all of that just for the fun of it.
b) They did that because they REALLY want something out of it.

Option (b) is much more likely, and it won't matter whether they are doing it purely for the thrill of war, for resources, or just because they need someplace to put their expanding population. Best case scenario would be Africa-style colonization.

>Does humanity need an alien enemy to become united?

No. If a powerful warlord takes the world by force and holds it for long enough to install common customs beliefs and way of life then the world would also unite.

Reminder that light years are ridculously long distances and faster-than-light travel is pretty much impossible without hacking the universe

The mexicans would try to hide out on alien supply ships so they could smuggle themselves back to their home planet where they'd breed out of control and become a pest, decimating alien crops and clogging their drains

Hitler 2.0 without the failure. Not sure why people thought cutting off his bloodline would prevent this from ever happening again, his ideology clearly still lives on and has the potential to be amplified.

aliens probably have nuclear coffee machines

>wanting overwatch party 2: ayylmao boogaloo

While that could be seen as good, you would literally taking the humanity out of humans making us into puppets without a hint of sentience.

It would be better to just create a predator that require humans to put aside their differences to defeat and survive against the onslaught of.

I fucking hate this meme
please go KYS yourself OP

One thing I have always thought about when it came to aliens finding earth is that what if theyre so far away that Earth still looks like a fiery rock devoid of life to them

Someone was probably thinking of that rick and morty episode where that fart cloud restuctured the atomic structure of air into gold.

So by your logic, we being so fucked upped currently is actually our best defense. Sjws really are warriors

No, the real alien is the jew
This is usually beyond our understanding of the metaphysical construct of the universe but the truth is that we must let it go and join them.
The transcedent interdementional xenomorph kikes are on iq levels not even on the scale and they controll the world and are trying to kill the white race. If we join them and blow up the sun we may exist alongside them as being of pure energy and love at the center of the multiverse complex. We must donate all our money to Israel and we must blow up the sun asap Sup Forums

I'll side with nazi aliens over human shitskins and leftists any day of the week

it wouldnt matter