Who is the most based Jew? and why is it Milton Friedman?
Who is the most based Jew? and why is it Milton Friedman?
drug users of pol, how many of your drug dealers are jewish?
any Jew that believed in Eugenics and racial separation
First post always the best post.
Gal Godet :)
I consider Richard Stallman (of GNU and the Free Software Foundation) and Glenn Greenwald (constitutionalist, anti-israel journalist who worked with Edward Snowden) good Jews. Not based, but good.
But Stallman is fucking weird politically (pro-necrophilia) and Glenn Greenwald is too pro-Muslim.
That is mutually exclusive, OP.
This one
Friedman was based, Im not sure if he was a practicing Jew or took on that culture strongly, but his views and work over is life is spectacular.
>Bobby Fischer
>Stanley Kubrick
>not based
It's like you don't even know they aren't a hive mind.
>Happy Birthday based Friedman!
Kubrick was good.
A message to the goyim
Bobby Fisher confirmed
>t. Shlomo Shekelberg
Mel Brooks is the official Based Jew
>t. never watched any of his movies
Why do you think they killed him, user?
Mel Brooks's comedy films promote racemixing
with the exception of Space Balls, which promotes a goy marrying a Druish (Jewish) princess.
Norman Finkelstein is on your side.