If whites stay majority that's fine and if Hispanics or some other group become the majority well that's fine too.
If whites "have" to have the majority then we can just have more kids, it's that simple.
Jeremiah Adams
>America was founded on principle not race.
Except until 1914, you literally could not immigrate and become a US citizen unless you were a white European.
Jonathan Allen
Non-issue. Science will find a way to fix all birth defects which means everyone will be white and straight.
Sebastian Diaz
So? Things change
Hudson Ortiz
Except for the fact that blacks and Hispanics don't believe in the principles the country was founded on so if they become the majority, it won't be America anymore.
Austin Ross
Someone do a cum tribute.
Carson Harris
>undermines your whole argument >t-things change thank for correcting the record and making america Mexico again
Ryder Young
Here's one thing I don't get: aren't Hispanics almost white in the same sense that Italians and Irish were at one point? We'll shut these beaners out hopefully, but once we do, can't we make them whitish with some help with our Aussie friends or something? We need to destroy kike media to make this more gradual, and we can lighten the tone and and increase the IQ--but I think it can be done. I know some smartish beaners. Plus some are good at building houses and shit, and are generally way better than niggers at everything (who are already here)...so
Joseph Bailey
>There's absolutely no reason China "has to" remain a Han Chinese majority
see what a did there?
Angel Ortiz
Because Mexico is so stable? How about the rest of South America?
We're slowly becoming Brazil and you're cheering for it.
Leo Howard
Remember when Trump wanted to let in more White European immigrants?
Let's just do that.
Dominic Price
>undermines my whole argument
How. Lots of things have changed since 1914. Do you want to change ALL of those back to whatever they were too?
But really my point is no one is stopping whites from keeping the majority. All we have to do is have more children, it's really as simple as that. No one can stop you from having kids
Sebastian Lewis
Don't compare spics to Italians and Irish, nigger.
Elijah King
America was explicitly founded as a white European country.
Juan Lewis
>Worlds first Multicultural Society
kek what? Do Amerilards actually believe this?
Xavier Ramirez
>>There's absolutely no reason China "has to" remain a Han Chinese majority
>see what a did there? No. There is absolutely no reason China "has" to stay majority Han
Adam Collins
Nope, race war
Brody King
(((time))) is the biggest joke
t. educated by you wouldn't fucking believe it.
follow the money
Jackson Baker
>America was founded on principle, not race
Yeah, the principle of being a human that in some way contributes the well-being of the nation while making something for himself as well.
That already categorically removes niggers and spics, which are currently the groups who are trying to take majority.
Connor Walker
>(((science))) will find a way Only for the (((chosen))), goyim. Kikes already practice eugenics
Charles Hughes
>No. There is absolutely no reason China "has" to stay majority Han If it doesn't it's no longer China. Just as America is no longer America if white Americans cease to exist. Race is a fundamental part of a nation and its culture
Jose Russell
if thats so, then why are 99% of them so fucking ugly and inbred looking? Tay-Sachs? Why is it still around?
Caleb Reed
Stop saying Hispanic if you're going to refer to all the beaner injun Mestizos with only 5% Hispanic blood from Europe
Just stop it
These are real Hispanics right here
John King
Don't you know they intentionally altered that photo to give the woman more white features?
Angel Cook
Except Italians and Irish are white, while beaners are 50% white and 50% Native American give or take.
Carter Smith
>America was founded on principle not race. no it wasn't
you fucking retard cuck
Easton Murphy
That's what I mean. I don't know what "difference" you're talking about
Nathan Gomez
Caleb Richardson
no, their avg IQ is 87, just above negros, and they are prolific child and incest rapers
Ryan Butler
the ones swarming into the U.S.A. are not white-they are greasy fat brown retards who commit crime and collect free welfare handouts, rewarded with more benefits for every parasite they reproduce.
Charles Turner
Hispanics are actually Italian and Irish tier because the main Hispanics are actually Spaniards and Hispanic is an ethnicity for Spanish blood. The thing is that Spain conquered most of the world and raped a lot of Indians and the Injun Beaner Mexican Mestizo types are now viewed as the "Main Hispanics" in the states because the government gave them the word Hispanic back when Hispanic was Italian tier because they didn't like the word "Mestizo". America does the one drop rule with Spanish blood and all these indians with 5% hispanic Spaniard blood now have the "Image" of the "Main Hispanics" by most Americans. It's time we separate Non Mestizo Hispanics from the Mestizo """"Hispanics"""
Chase Allen
Only liberal whites and minorities believe that. They're too dumb to see the freight train of mongrelization rushing towards us.
David Torres
OP BTFO!!!!!
Leo Clark
What is this picture? Please explain?
Lincoln Roberts
Hispanics are not 50% Native American
Those are called Mestizos or Beaners
A real hispanic is a pure Spaniard
Alexander Young
>world's first multicultural society
It's like they always purposefully forget Brazil.
Parker Foster
Daniel Myers
Except Brazil is a third world dump, and that would shatter the notion of successful multiculturalism
Gavin Miller
Honestly I could live with the influx of Hispanic people (whatever that means). Their cultures are generally fun and colorful, and their food is great.
It's niggers I'm worried about, but I don't think they'll get much higher than 13% any time soon.
Also Asians to a lesser extent, I don't trust them.
Jackson Rogers
>America was founded on principle not race.
And the race who created those principles was...?
>If whites stay majority that's fine and if Hispanics or some other group become the majority well that's fine too.
They will vote your "principles" out for a welfare cheque and a handout in a heartbeat.
>If whites "have" to have the majority then we can just have more kids, it's that simple.
Yes, and cease immigration, and reverse or undo the anti-family cultural shifts that have been destroying the white family every decade since the 1960s.
>So I say whatever happens happens.
Do you want to live in a South American dictatorship? Because this is how you get a South American style dictatorship.
Jaxson Parker
I do agree with the fact that American in and of itself isn't necessarily a white country. Whites can be a minority in America. However, the argument is that most white countries are friendly to foreign invasion (immigration) which results in no white countries existing. Can we not have a homogeneous society? We won't be around much longer and I can't decide if it's for the best or not The world deserves to go to shit without us but it's sad since we're the most empathetic of the species.
>100% white burger >southern previous slave owning family
Kevin Reyes
>its 2016 So your only argument is your feelings.
Angel Nguyen
Most "Hispanics" in America are not even Hispanic though.
Andrew Young
>The new face of America >White with a Latin seasoning
So the current face of America?
Carter Turner
Why do you want to genocide the Chinese races? Why do you want to destroy all of the cultures of this world?
Blake Johnson
>if thats so, then why are 99% of them so fucking ugly and inbred looking? Because they're inbred and don't breed for beauty
Jacob Jackson
Holy shit dude, we get it, but you have to understand that most people in America refer to mestizos as "hispanics."
Austin Lee
No, did you even read what I said?
I said things change, I did not say "it's 2016 do whatever you want!".
Jayden Stewart
Nolan Brown
And this is why "civic" nationalism never works - it eventually undermines the core ethnic group from which its "civic values" derive.
You can give Haiti or China the Constitution and Bill of Rights, but it won't turn them into black/yellow Americans
Adam Torres
>Whites can be a minority in America See South Africa
No they can't
Blake Martinez
So should we call Mixed race irish people as the main Celtics?
Adam Howard
>Why do you want to genocide the Chinese races? Why do you want to destroy all of the cultures of this world?
I never said any of that.
But here's a solution: Simply have more babies, it's not against the law after all.
Juan Wilson
If Trump loses this election I'm just going to have to find a way to live with brown people and faggotry.
That or an hero, haven't decided yet.
Owen Phillips
Bullshit. We shouldn't have to outbreed people who literally shit out kids to get material possessions for themselves. That's exactly why Mexico is the fucking shithole that it is- none of these people give a fuck about anyone but themselves. Even their children are just a means to an end.
Part of me doesn't even think that Mexico deserves this kind of wretched mockery of a real human. They have no loyalty, no decency they'll stab their own family in the back to get one pathetic step ahead. They exist for no other reason than to scoop up whatever multinational corporations are willing to give them. They exist to undercut and sellout decent people. They are the scabs that allow this globalist, soulless existence to continue to spread. They're scavengers and beggars, thieves and liars, no skill but the ability to undersell themselves in a desperate bid to not have to live next to the people exactly like them- because everyone suffers when everyone is self serving above all else.
They are the worst kind of human and should be shot instead of returned to their home nation. They exist only to take and take and take. Convincing themselves and their worthless children that the "deserve" a life better than the one they're willing to build- that these things must be handed to them in the name of fairness when they do nothing at all to earn anything.
Carter Torres
I live in California and this is what I think of when people talk about Hispanics.
This is what they look like.
They look like fucking tribesmen. Savages. Primitives. Subhumans. People who naturally live in the jungle, but were for some reason allowed to come here.
And then I see whites everywhere defending them and wanting to blur the line between Hispanic and White by breeding with them.
That's what frightens me the most, honestly. White and Hispanic becoming indistinguishable. Europeans have always been a minority in this world, and yet we've accomplished so much. We've achieved so much. I don't know what it is about us, but we ruled the world.
Now we're throwing that all away. We're diluting out everything that made us great by mixing with fucking primitive jungle savages who have never accomplished anything.
I don't want to think about the genetic trash that is the "White" race of the future.
Dark. Fat. Greasy. Whiny. Lazy. Stupid.
What will people think of White people in the future? Will they think of the conquerors? Of the pinnacle of mankind who achieved everything? Who invented everything? Who ruled everything? Who created the modern world?
No. They'll think of these primitive subhumans.
That will be our legacy.
Robert Harris
Call them whatever you like bud
Luke Brooks
>If whites stay majority that's fine
I agree. If Trump wins (he will) and we stay white, then that's good.
Ryder Gomez
>Simply have more babies Hard to do that when you're taxed to shit, getting poorer every year, and the family unit is being eroded
Aaron Allen
no, that is false
Josiah Lewis
If Trump loses the election you'll have a civil war within the decade
Joshua Myers
Whites need to be stopped. That is reason enough not to have a white majority.
Hunter Clark
within 4 years
Brayden Perry
I hope it's sooner rather than later.
Jayden Reed
>We shouldn't have to outbreed people
But that's just it, YOU DON'T "HAVE" TO.
No one is forcing them to have kids at gunpoint, and no one is forcing you not to.
There's no "magic rule" stating whites must be the majority.
Aaron Ramirez
>Do you want to change ALL of those back to whatever they were too?
Yes please. Slight technological inconvenience is a prize I'm willing to pay for ethnical homogenity.
Michael Myers
>do you want to change things back
Yes I do, we were growing exponentially before womens rights and immigration
Jackson Cooper
>There's no "magic rule" stating whites must be the majority It ensures the best standard of living for the nation? Seriously, have you seen countries with nigger/spic majorities? Do you really want that for America?
Hell, I'm just happy that even if whites go, the Chinks will show no mercy and all the shitty races will be enslaved by slant-eyes until the end of time.
Ayden Powell
America needs to be remain a white and asian majority.
Let's get rid of the blacks.
I don't mind spics, indians, or native americans either. Just get rid of blacks.
Leo Sanders
theres no reason for us to be a brown majority you fucking retard.
OH MY FUCKING FUCK MAN.....i am so sick of butthurt cry baby pussy minorities and their fucking skin color.
Josiah Robinson
>Do you want to change ALL of those back to whatever they were too? >no women vote >no civil rights >no gay degeneracy >no Islamization Jesus fuck yes. How is this even a question?
Benjamin Cook
>>Simply have more babies >Hard to do that when you're taxed to shit, getting poorer every year, and the family unit is being eroded
You don't think other people are going through hardships in America? Yet somehow they still manage.
What about people in China where it's even worse to live yet they still have kids too.
Colton Hughes
Kind of hard to do when whites are forced to pay for non whites to reproduce.
Daniel Miller
MY SKIN... MY... MY SKIN!!!!
Levi Rodriguez
I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm just saying that when you say the word hispanic, most people think of a 5'4 brown guy with a mustache and not of Martin Sheen.
Jeremiah Torres
>shitskins will preserve muh culture xD Kill yourself
Cooper Nelson
You fucking racist piece of shit
Benjamin Phillips
non-whites have proven themselves incapable of upholding American values en masse
Matthew Wood
Not to mention the sheer amount of innovation from cis white men as a result
Chase Lopez
>Yet somehow they still manage No, they don't. See, whites have this thing called foresight. They look into the future to see if conditions will be good to raise their offspring, since unlike spics and niggers, they actually care about their next generation.
>What about people in China where it's even worse to live yet they still have kids too. Barely. They only repealed the 1 child rule a few years ago.
Samuel Howard
>founded >principle
um no they were unprincipled rabid tards they wanted to be in charge of their own retarded shit and had to pretend everyone else wasn't just as bad as they were so they could agree to shit on everything together like forefathers do you know OP they shit on everything fucked everything up but because we aren't near europe we got to shit on everything without europe trying to invade every five years america is just a country filled with idiots who enjoy being separated by oceans from the old-style dipshits that's all we've got here - distance everything else is as stupid and fucked up as anything in europe, africa, or asia including muslim countries we suck that bad thanks to idiot retards who think money creates honor or some bullshit like that >we can just have more kids everybody needs to fucking get off this planet now stupid people having kids is wrong they should be sterilized like your parents, OP
Christopher Jackson
America has been taking in immigrants for hundreds of years and been absolutely fine. There's no reason this time will be any different.
Lucas Myers
>America was founded on principle not race.
False right out of the gate.
Hudson Ross
>my high IQ >my good immune system >my shared ancestry Man, the kikes pulled the wool over everyone's eyes some good when they convinced white people that their race doesn't matter.
Adrian Evans
hehe either outbreed the thieves or just lol let them take your country!
Get out of America you faggoty bean. Your people are hideous, misshapen goblins who contribute nothing to the world except for cocaine and violence - the exact same shit you were doing when the fucking lazy ass, can't be bothered to colonize worth a damn spaniards found you. Not one fucking thing has changed for you spics in the hundreds of years that we've known you except that now you mostly use chainsaws for your beheadings.
All for money and drugs, the only things that spics have ever cared about. And yet you feel that you should be entitled to whatever your worthless, empty hearts desire.
Daniel Gray
There's absolutely no reason Rhodesia "has to" remain apartheid
Well actually you're wrong.
Robert Barnes
Ya but we are factually better than you. That's why you hate us.
You hate us cuz you aint us.
Even our dead end offspring are smarter than you...
Daniel Hughes
Do you know the difference between Mestizo and Hispanic?? Just curious.
Those filthy mexican criminal beaners in your pic are more indian than hispanic. Don't lump Spaniards into this.
Nathaniel Rogers
He's Italian
Also most of those immigrants until the 1960s were white Europeans. Now we're prioritizing shitskins over our own people even though with the way Yurop's going they need it the most
America either needs a leadership change or it needs to die for the good of whites everywhere
Carter Brooks
>So? 0/10
>Things change Was subverted by jews. Not wanted then, not wanted now.
Josiah Brown
>liberal janitor lets rats into your house >complain to him >"you just have to have more babies than them"
Asher Smith
>America needs to be remain a white and asian majority
Are you Asian? Why would Asians belong here any more than Hispanics or other minority group?
Kevin Williams
She looks exactly like a normal Mexican girl.
Caleb Ross
Their IQ
Tyler Nguyen
>le race is just skin maymay
Kayden Kelly
the Asians that left Asia and came here mostly contribute good things but their children are more likely to be anti white SJWs
William Garcia
Thomas Myers
Name a single first world nation that is not either majority White or majority Asian.
Matthew Martinez
Hispanic is not a race, it's an ethnicity of spanish blood. Any race can be Hispanic depending on who the original white hispanics from Europe fucked on their colonization quest
Brody Perez
How is your first day on Sup Forums friend? Do you want to learn something about (((politics)))?