Democrats are fucking clueless. They have no idea what kind of trap they just walked into, and they have no idea how hard they're going to lose in November because of this.
Democrats are fucking clueless. They have no idea what kind of trap they just walked into, and they have no idea how hard they're going to lose in November because of this.
>Trump on record saying several issues should be left to the states because the federal government shouldn't be involved
Yes this will work splendidly.
Also, the racist and Hitler comparisons were worse but just slid off of Trump because people now know how full of shit the media is.
Let's see.
Things I'd rather do than run the Clinton Campaign.
-Try to sell Scientology courses on the street
-Fight Russia over the world's largest Uranium deposits under a regime the CIA considers disposable
-Cop in South America
-Security person in South Africa
-Inmate in Saudi Arabia
Seriously. Policies aside it's just so, so, SO painful to see Shillary and her cronies constantly trip all over each other to do the most retarded shit possible each and every time.
It's the 2008/2012 Republican campaigns all over again.
>You... you just need to
>Come on you
>You didn't
>[sounds of functionaries repeatedly hitting themselves in the face while cackling]
Fukken America.How do your Military/Intelligence agencies/Non-elected government people in general deal with this faggotry on a daily basis?
You can say the same thing for conservatives desu.
We put up with it, because we believe in the principle of fighting for our country and the fact that it has even a chance to be as good as it is currently.
i was a fairly normal blue pilled sheep just several years ago
my mind is being raped constantly now
i don't get it, what did the bitch say
>Obama constantly sidesteps Congress because they won't do what he wants them to do
>tells American people constantly that Congress "won't do their job" in an attempt to justify executive orders that violate the balance of power and the Constitution
>wants to shove liberal Justices into the SC so that he can pass more executive orders and not have them shot down
>"T-Trump is a d-dictator guys! N-Not us!"
It's too obvious at this point.
Trump=Boogeyman + Hitler
Don't vote Boogeyhitler.
Except you can't. Trump's people are running a steamroller and the dumbocrats are pouring the asphalt.
Obama overstepped bounds repeatedly, and Hillary claims to be about to continue his legacy
Trump constantly insists that the rights of the state are important.
This is like Adolf Hitler calling Democratic Athens "A hotbed of authoritarianism and oppression".
If boogeyhitler were running, I'd vote for him.
>We put up with it, because we believe in the principle of fighting for our country and the fact that it has even a chance to be as good as it is currently.
Don't envy you man.
Deaf 2 Insulters! Join the Salem Witch Trial reboot, or be accused of witch craft & apologize for making us mentally abuse you! Check your Original Sin! Together we are stronger cult!
Boogeyhitler 2020
How do you actually believe this after seeing all the shit going down lately? Real question, because I don't believe it anymore.
Me too user. Growing up sucks and you can never forget what you now know.
What's the bait here?
Americans want a strong leader.
Please stay calm if you wish to not get BTFO
Sup Forums is currently being liberated by the trudea army of reddit
Kek has been defeated, praise Trudeau
this thread is now reddit controlled
Don't you love it that it's always liberals that demand to define what "reasonable" is. Because understanding that a Right needs no restrictions is clearly unreasonable.
yes I'm sure calling him literally Hitler will work *this* time over.
Awwww what's wrong Correct The Record? Guess you can't correct thr truth
We drown our sorrows in memes
Most of the problem is the American right. Most are so stupid, not like the liberals aren't, but there is an enormous lack of good intellectuals who also get their voice out to the public. Neocons memed it all to death
>Says he wants to punch innocent protesters.
>Shits on veterans and military families like the Khans.
>Beats up female reporters, says he will aggressively sue journalists who step out of line.
>Butt buddies with Putin, praises Gaddafi, Saddam, and other global monsters.
Yeah, sure, nothing authoritarian and viciously anti-American to see here. Thank fuck the sick Drumpfkins here who can't see they are literally supporting an American Hitler are in the fringe minority in the real world.
When Trump wins, i hope you'rethe first to be gassed
Can't speak for anyone else, but I quit in disgust when the vodka could no longer dull me to it.
wtf I hate trump now
>calling for Unity is the same as being a dictator
seems like the only people voting for clinton are people who dislike trump and dont want him to win
meanwhile trump has actual supporters
>good intellectuals
The same people that brought us:
safe spaces
gun free zones
cultural relativism
global warming
global cooling
All talking points. You obviously have a sub-70 IQ.
>"If you
>fallen verteran's father pisses on sons grave by apologizing for son's murderer's beliefs, Trump calls him out
>Shill point because Cory touched a reporters arm
>Those people did nothing wrong and the reason we want to wage war with them is because they don't suck the American Jew's cock
.02 has been added to your account.
you forget all the democratic party auto voters
The Democrats increasingly behave like Dictators, then project oh Trumps a dictator. Dems can get fucked.
learn to read, you fucking retard
>says federal government is too powerful
That's a big old fucking wew.
I would still rather run her campaign than do security in South Africa 2bh fampai
How does this help trump?
~$60 trillion in debt, both public and private, ~$12 trillion M2 money supply, ~$190 trillion in derivatives, much of which is stuffed into FDIC insured subsidiaries of the banks, and a bunch of other bullshit, plus we have to deal with the Triffin Paradox.
I don't believe it either. It's not a matter of if, but rather when.
>Fukken America.How do your Military/Intelligence agencies/Non-elected government people in general deal with this faggotry on a daily basis?
I always wondered how my grandfather and father put up with it. They always said they were just there for the paycheck and out of a sense of duty to the country. They also drank a lot.
Liberals aren't funny.
This has never been about conservative vs. liberal. it's the people with sticks up their asses vs. the people without.
Has he ever shit on veterans and military families who are UNlike the Khans?
I can't fucking wait for Trump to win and for that bitch to go to jail for the rest of her life
>guaranteed replies
Here is your (You)
did a major news publication just say that we shouldn't be allowed to vote Donald Trump?
HA when will they ever learn
Clinton is the national emergency. She is objectively worse on virtually every subject.
He can keep reminding everyone of the fucked up shit Obama has gotten away with, and what Clinton has done.
Please clue me in
You're a faggot
Remember to always deny CTR their (You)s
What was the bait?
I wonder if it will make difference?
People are pretty fucking stupid.
Please slide this thread we can't let them know.
What this says is that they fully acknowledge that they will lose in November if they stay on their platform.
That is the equivalent of a hail mary.
This is in the bag.
Media shilling full throttle, check WashingtonKikes side bar
Clinton thinks she can join the left and the right against trump she hasn't realized that up to 90% of republicans are on the trump train with a minoritie undecided and an even smaller mostly elite leaning towards her, at the same time she is alienating the Bernie cucks cus she is a sold out neo con in blue disguise, everybody and their dog hates this bitch, she rigged the primaries thinking the Bernie cucks would just simply fall in line, she is been proven dead wrong.
trump is going to win this, I was thinking by a land slide but I am leaning towards the margin now is going to be close but trump will pull the w. mostly cus he won't shut up
>rather be a boring campaigner instead of living the exciting life of the most operating of operators popping thieving niggas left and right
/k/'s disappointed in you
>too obvious
to us. lots of normies are still retarded enough to fall for it, unfortunately
Oh my fucking god are they for real?
it's one thing to pop a few on their own
it's something else entirely to literally participate in a race war when you're outnumbered 1000 to 1 and the bad guys have plenty of guns
"Black soul"??? That sounds pretty racist!
HRC on post = hillary
they can shoot you or put you in levinworth for 20 years just for trying to get in to see an SAP
much less actually get it off the standalone server... out in the open... and put it on a private server that can be magically hacked
>Fight Russia over the world's largest Uranium deposits under a regime the CIA considers disposable
Stay out of Australia cunt.
Its desperation
Its a clear sign that internal polls are very bad for Clinton.
A 1.4% growth rate is very fucking bad for the democrats and this is them trying desperately to stop the bleeding
Jewish projection as a strategy is non-stop and never-ending.
Pic related when I think of our current government
She will end the United States. I'd call that the biggest "national emergency" one could imagine.
beware the boogeyhitler...
>trump is going to win this, I was thinking by a land slide but I am leaning towards the margin now is going to be close but trump will pull the w. mostly cus he won't shut up
The only reason is would be close is because of voter fraud. Polls are being rigged left and right to show Clinton higher than she actually is. Stop believing those bullshit polls coming from (((Reuters)))
>muh states rights
AFAIK, every important issue he's suggested leaving to the states are issues where the Federal government currently interferes with state-level oppression - things like trans and gay rights.
He's argued for internment camps, torture, and terrorism. He's repeatedly praised Erdoğan, Putin, and the Chinese Communist Party for their crackdowns on dissidents. The fact that he says he'd let your state government decide whether or not to force women to breed doesn't mean his regime will have anything resembling the freedoms to which we are accustomed.
Another right intellectual without basic reading comprehension. What he is saying that the actual right has no intellectual base to espouse their intinsic feelings. The south used to be extremely intellectual, Jefferson, the southern agrarians etc. Now what does it have? It glorifies anti-intellectualism to fight liberal education rather than starting their own movements. Neocons have effectively destroyed all actual right trains of thought. You don't see people like Goldwater or Buchanan, those ideas have been erased in the younger generation.
The irony here is that it's Clinton who is the real menace. And I openly admit that Trump is an idiot and a bit of a racist.
do (((you))) get payed by the number of (You)s you get?
I don't understand..
What's the big deal?
we pretend to be stupid to the rest of the world.
And stress eat.
Right already has its pillar
The constitution
You can't fix what's not broken, and there's really no better form of government out there
The left is masturbating to socialism, which isn't new either
Trumpists are cultists and followers that have been brainwashed by a Mongolian cartoon network.
The constitution did not set up a type of government that would be conducive to upholding its own ideals, though.
Remidner that 35% of whites are democrats, and asians, hispanics, blacks, everyone else? range from 80-95% democrat.
Your toxicity will be cured this day.
>Average blue pilled americans are even noticing the media is fucked up
They're only hurting themselves at this point.
I dont even think trump will be the one to kill them.
Hillary has a history of people who worked for her dying mysteriously.
>I faced danger in the Vietnam War too! I successfully avoided getting ANY STDs while I was at home shagging your gfs with my large penis DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD THAT WAS
Technically that's not personal, but a lot of vets have less patience for chickenhawks than they do for peaceniks.
Except freedom of speech, freedom from forced breeding, gender equality, trans rights, vaccination, global warming, tax policy, internment camps, torture, terrorism, Europe, NATO, business ethics, and banking regulation. Did I miss any?
You're forgetting that independants are a thing, and that most Republicans are Americans first, Republicans *second*. And as for the Bernie voters? We know Hillary outmanouvered us. We ALSO know that Trump HELPED HER bury our choice in a cynical attempt to harvest our votes without once giving us the dignity of a real debate.
definitely forces one into deep introspection
Legal hispanics like trump.
Only a few, it seems. The old cuban runaways who, ironically, would've been sent packing by Trump, but was welcomed in with open arms by...Reagan, if memory serves.
And his opponent violated their own bylaws to disenfranchise half their fucking base.
One is bad.
The other is open tyranny.
Hispanics vote 70/30
Asians vote 60/40
Please fuck off you faggot.