What does Sup Forums think about Croatia?

What does Sup Forums think about Croatia?

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refugee holdover country




Beautiful country, nice people and cheap beer.
But have not a fucking clue how the political landscape is there.

aren't you guys full of minefields from the balkan wars?

I like it.

Thats Bosnia m8.


Filled with Nazi's

The Serbs should have finished them when they had the chance


You're basically Greeks anyway, and Greeks are basically niggers and turks

full of antiwhite jews.

bro tier country
i would even say family tier but i'll get myself rekt by other balkanbro's

one big tourist resort


at least we created our coat of arms

>at least we created our coat of arms
no, you stole your flag from the Dutch.

>says muhammed angrily

>what is a coat of arms
ubi se svrbine


you mean to tell me that this fine gentleman, a member of Yugoslav communist party, who said this: "...that's why it is necessary for us to make so many people homeless, so that these homeless people become majority in a state.
A farmer that owns a house, land and cattle, a wage worker who earns his bread, they're worth nothing to us. We have got to make them homeless, proletarians... Only the misérables become communists, that is why we must create misery, push masses into despair, for we are the arch enemies of all well-being, order and peace." is a jew?
are you fucking kidding me?!

ustase scum, remove

many fuck-ups in translation but idgaf

on the side note, our friend Moishe here wasn't a Croatian, but rather a Serb, but i was referring to file name and pic of the Austrian poster.

I think it's the bastard child of greater Serbia

by far and away the best of the Balkan nations.


But nice place and many qts

fake catholics who worship Ante Pavelic

i don't think of Croatia

Going on holiday there soon near splitt is it nice

As a Bosnian I don't have too much problems with Croats or Croatia (I'm married to one), but I tend to ignore the more hateful stuff I've heard and seen.

Dumbest-shaped country ever. Your borders are more retarded than Marylands

Dearest friends

You seem based.

I think you're mostly white, Croatian girls are super nice to you and feminine, Great landscape, great history and I love the checkers pattern. Also tons os beaches and islands, great place for vacation, will go there when I can.

What's the political landscape like?

Great people and best place to do vacation

>best place to do vacation
lying bitch, albanians don't have money for vacations

beautiful country
bro tier

yugoslavia, assemble!

from kosovo here not analbia

Is that a country?
I thought it was a village.

Beautiful country, loved visiting it

Oh look, another Balkans thread, let's see how hard they scream at each other through the Internet this time.

Just came back from vacation

