ITT: Worst art you've seen this week

It's really hard to pick just one Thunderbolts 2 panel

But I think that this, which is supposedly a woman sitting up (?), takes the cake

I thought it was a woman being raped by some kind of jelly creature

I liked the art in The Flash Rebirth but this part was just hilarious

same. thats pretty hilarious that I thought, "giant amoeba hitting woman in the butt," before woman standing out of chair.

So basically whoever drew this just traced a hunky dude taking off his shirt...

Why couldn't he had just traced a hunky dude crossing his arms? That seems to be the image he was going for...

Matthew Dow Smith & Jordie Bellaire both seem fine in isolation but the new Batman '66 issue is just bizarrely bad

I thought this was some horrible squirrel girl design

That's not a chair. That's a pool of her own blood...

Real shit composition. Shitty anatomy.
An Alex Toth critique would be fucking amazing for all the shit artists on book recently. I would love to see him surgical breakdown why Erica Henderson is a shitty artist. It would be poetry.

>The domino mask doesn't even fit right

Why is it hovering in the air like that? Does she have sentient blood? Sentient blood seems like an interesting super power.

I'm gonna be honest, I don't really get Sup Forums's massive hateboner for Erica Henderson.

I mean she's obviously tumblr-tier, but all of the books Sup Forums seems to be mad about are tumblr-tier writing. Not being drawn by Erica Henderson would add fuck all to them anyway

That air is the ground. She's supposed to be waking up after having her magic jem ripped out of her chest. It was like her heart got ripped out.

Millerfags reporting in 3, 2, 1...

That's the coloring mate

I fucking hate Miller's art, I refuse to the TDKR because of this

lol I already hated Miller's art but the level of stripper-ness that he's imbued Wondy with while not even making her hot is kind of impressive

I mean, awful, but impressive

I like Miller at lot, he can have a great sense of anatomy, and can do great poses, but I don't think anyone who likes his work would refuse to admit he is also capable of some horrid shit.

It still looks like an ugly adult Japanese man in a sack stapled to the back of a skinny dude dressed up as a stripper with Wondy's head emerging from the opposite direction of where the neck should be

>the coloring

No user, that's just how it's "STYLIZED"
You just don't his GENIUS work because you're a normie.

That coloring better suits his art but his art is still bad


It's one thing when it's a garbage artist, but the baffling part is that he's ok to good otherwise


Some of it is overcompensation from the love she gets from Kate Leth and some of the industry types. You know she's up for an eisner for her art?

>empty pants

This is why you don't go down on them when they're on their periods.
>Blood-gushing orgasm right in the mouth

it's doesn't even look like art, but some sort of terrible photoshop algorithm.


He look likes a gay acting.

Who is this faggot? Iceman?

>Worst art you've seen this week

Anything drawn by JRJR.

it's a very prominent art style from the sixties. i forget the name and yes it's also a photoshop filter

her head comes from the left shoulder and is attached by the cheek.

If you look closely, there's a reaaaally subtle clue


You got it, champ.

Tired of hearing this excuse desu. The first time I heard it, I could see where the person who made the point was coming from, but that anatomy is just fucking disgusting. Look at that hand! It looks more like some sort of hoof. Jeez.


I like how no one mentioned the tiara

sex with a red blood cell new image for rule 34