Fucking scum.

Contain your favela rats, Rio.

Other urls found in this thread:

Shameless selfbump


whatever happened to that thing where the olympic fire was supposedly stolen? did that get confirmed by the media?

I can't wait for the olympic stadium to collapse and kill ~60,000.

is there no killing on site? Fucking shit brazil kill your monkeys running loose. Literally the only person fighting them back is other blacks


Yes, but they have recovered the torch later

Holy shit, they act just like baboons or chimps.
Hope everyone who goes there, has such a shit experience that the travel industry has no other option, than to start exterminating the faveladwellers by the thousands.

Can't wait how the Olympics turn out.
There have always been a multitude of problems and this snowball has just started rolling.
Also top kek, the Aussies already got robbed in probably what should be the safest of the areas in that shitheap.

This is going to be a very interesting month.

Well at least he gave it back.

what did he mean by this

why the fuck is brazil so shit for the olympic event ? during the world cup in 2014 everything went fine so what happened ? is it because instead of being scattered around brazil it only take place in Rio ?

Only way to get clicks in Russia

They all just happen to be niglets. Really makes you think...

Also, shirtless niglets are free game here, if one approaches you, feel free to punch them, he probably doesn't have good intentions in mind.

Honest question for brazil bros.

Why do every single one of those thieves look like they're from african descent or of consisting strongly of african descent? Is there a black ghettos in Brazil like the ones in US? Has there been a history of oppression, or continuing oppression or general hatred, prejudice against people of african descent compared to say, native or white population in brazil? What's the racial situation over there?

Sup Forums is just falling for the scaremongering news cycle. The olympics will be pretty uneventful.

Isn't diversity just wonderful?

>Contain your favela rats, Rio.


Foreigners who come to Rio are mostly white liberals (who want to show how culturally enriched they are to their white liberal peers) and wealthy degenerates.

All gringos can fuck off.

they behave like little monkeys trying to grab all the shinyies. They grow bolder in a pack. 5 was a little bitch man he just stood there.

This is what happens when you criminalize abortion.

Put the Olympics in a third world shithole. Fucking brilliant. Well, at least they don't shit in the streets there.


I mean of course it had to be a jew

>about to get its GPA by 4000%
>All gringos can fuck off.
Okay then.

if i offered a female police officer in rio dinner and 2 months salary could i put my peepee in her clunge?

It's hilarious how they're not even subtle about it.
Most other countries have videos of thieves working as an organized team, picking out a mark and taking the valuable stuff without them realizing.
This is just running up to people and grabbing at shit.

I'm so glad I don't live in a shithole like Brazil.

This is a topic that I used to discuss with my friends, we never got assaulted or robbed by actual BLACK people, but by race-mixed dudes (google Rolezinho, that is how they aesthetically look like). I don't know much how other places work, I can only talk about São Paulo state.

Thieves??? Here, in my own country? WTF, this is just not the place I was born anymore... Fucking immigrants, it's their fault!


>Contain your favela rats, Rio.
Our police is more concerned with a possible terrorist threat then petty thievery.

Don't carry all your valuables with you, don't walk with your smartphone on hand, don't let any mullato kid get close to you.

When in doubt, suckerpunch the nigglet right in the nose.

Brazil is a dangerous place, watch yourself if you come here. This is no place for weaklings who can't defend themselves.

you mean i wont get in trouble with the police if i punch a little kid shitskin in the face ? man brazil sound awesome

>White as a ghost, blond and blue eyes.
>everyone in brazil thinks im a wealthy european tourist despite being a poorfag
>start walk shirtless, I'm not fit but I'm full of scars so everyone stops fucking with me

this is why i need a female police officer in rio as my dong slave, she packs heat to keep my dong safe from briggers. a mutual relationship.

>be hollandian
>be killed by middle eastern terrorist
>nobody goes to your funeral because your family are all heroin addicts

> mfw this thief will mess with the wrong guy one day, and he'll pull out his gun, and kill him in broad daylight

Quicksilver t-shirt and Oakley Glasses (both can be false versions), you will be safe forever.

t. knower

Brazillian police officers don't look like Michelle Rodriguez.

Seems like it would almost be fun to vacation there just to get a thief to attempt taking your backpack. Then you get to kick the shit out of him because no police.

>about to get its GPA by 4000%
We are not the ones gaining money with this, amigo.

We are so heavily taxed that all that money will go to the government, who will of course steal 1/3 of it, then mismanage the rest.

In the end, only 10% of what my state, SP, pays the government gets returned to my state to pay for expenses.

We never wanted this olympics or the world cup, we protested against it, but our government did not care at all about our population. They just wanted to build a shitload of infrastructure they can overcharge for to steal money.

This country is a fucking madhouse, you would do well to stay away. You should not even send your atheletes here, they will literally swim in nigger sewer on guanabara bay.

>TL/DR: Brazil is a dangerous shithole and you should not come here.

>you mean i wont get in trouble with the police if i punch a little kid shitskin in the face ? man brazil sound awesome
Indeed, you can go wild and beat it to near death, no one will give a shit.

>this is why i need a female police officer in rio as my dong slave, she packs heat to keep my dong safe from briggers. a mutual relationship.
Trust me mate, you would most likely not want those ugly man-hating lesbians near you.

Or just police, like in pic related.
>pow pow pow watching motherfucking niggers drop!

brazil bro, if i ever travel to brazil (never)
but, somehow end up there, what do?
give me your tips? I don't want to be drugged by a tranny whore, or robbed by fucking 10 year olds. Im 5,11 (manlet) 160 pounds

Chimps. Why brazilians dont set all favelas on fire?

They are better than you OP.

>give me your tips?
Stay the fuck away from shitskins, if they move in your direction literally walk away in the opposite direction.

Remenber, if the niglet does not have a shirt and looks like a drug addict you can suckerpunch him in the face and claim self defense to the police, they will back you up on it and beat the nigger down.

How is that you little shitwater drinking poopskin?

We like to be overly dramatic. But the cup was well spread over the country, this one is focused on rio, which happens to be one of the worst cities. Also the police is getting overworked and pissed trying to fix rio for the olympics. All small criminals want to rob some tourists, and that is wbat probably will happen

But there wont be any happenings. Too little real ideologic conflicts here. Just petty crimes

ROTA Uniform are fucking badass.

Aren't they all sniffing glue out of those water bottles?

>that thumbnail
Pathetically desperate attempt to get viewers on a video reuploaded a thousand times already.

>Why brazilians dont set all favelas on fire?
Our government covertly sets favelas on fire all the time, actually.

Just this year there have been 95 cases of fires in favelas, probrably more by now.

The problem is that these favelas get build too daam quickly, the shitskins will have it up again in 3 days tops in another region.

It is a problem that is very hard to erradicate.

>ROTA Uniform are fucking badass.
Best uniforms of our national police force.

>Aren't they all sniffing glue out of those water bottles?
Not sure what you are referring to, but there are glue sniffers here, but crackheads are far more common.

Dont walk alone in the dark, stay on the main streets. Also dont be an apathic retard like those people on the video. If a 10 year old come with a knife and try to rob you, do your part and kill the son of bitch. Most policeman wont care/ will appreciate

thanks mateys, the image made me totally flacid.

some time back a br on pol was recounting a story where he was mugged by police and the female officer put her hand down his pants ( with some kind of threat ) although he was upset, the story was hot as fuck to me.

now with the picture, all bets are off, the story is no longer hot and i can go back to my tasks.

I like how the one thug is paralyzed before even hitting the ground

>now with the picture, all bets are off, the story is no longer hot and i can go back to my tasks.
Glad to be of help.

>I like how the one thug is paralyzed before even hitting the ground
You are just gonna LOVE this one then.

The police in Brazil sounds pretty based. But, are just as corrupt as any 3rd world police?

why is it that they don't wear shirts? This is what I notied first

They suck at it.

In Europe we have Gypsies.
They at least put in the hard work and dedication to become good thieves.

We used to have gun rights, till our commie president forbiden it 14 years ago in his first year. Of course the population is apathic retards and no one cared. I wouldt leave home withiut a concealed gun if i had the chance

Someone in the OP pulled out a handgun at a nigglet.

>If a niglet looks at you, you can beat the shit out of him, and the police will love that
Holy kek the police in Brazil is fucking based. Godspeed.



>if he does brush his teeth it is with waste water

Usually not with real crimes commited by small time criminals (local drug dealers, armed robbery), even if they arent very efficient.

They do try to avoid large conflicts like aresting real druglords withiut lots of preparation.

Also small civilian crimes however are mostly ignored /bribed, like knock off products sold in the informal market over the city

>why is it that they don't wear shirts? This is what I notied first
Because they are poor faggots who can't even afford a shirt. Literally human trash, so heavily addicted to crack they are only capable of using drugs, stealing, and using more drugs, they often go days withoun't eating, and will more then often eat food they find in the garbage.

Disgusting, ins't it? The only good thing about it is that these subhumans don't live long in such conditions, which prevents the junkie population from raising too much, even though it is always rising since niggers love crack and reproducing.

>Holy kek the police in Brazil is fucking based. Godspeed.
You thought us well, pai.

>The police in Brazil sounds pretty based. But, are just as corrupt as any 3rd world police?
There is a heavy corruption, but there are special forces made of honest cops that hunt them down covertly through militia action.


If you come without money: Move to an affordable place, and get a job as a private English professor. Keep in mind that we mostly identify gringos due their clothing options, its never about skin color.

If you come with money: Go live in Campos do Jordão, Petropolis, Ouro Preto, Maringá, Blumenau (google it, they are beautiful).

I prefer coconut oil 2bh, i'm not a good goy.

based then.

They look like alright places, the first place looks the nicest. Low crime rates i'm assuming?

If you're a tourist, you will probably get away with murdering one, my friend.

We are really cracking down on tourist predators because we really want those Euros and Dollars.

if im white with a shaved head and wear a black shirt with a skull, camo pants and combat boots and stand 5"11, and dont reveal my accent or talk, how will a scum sterotype what a wear.

interesting it is all done by clothes.

in philippines ( visited ) ive noticed american old men wear shirts tucked into denim jeans with belts to really advertise " im old man murrika", for attention. not a good look. even spotted one wearing a ranch type cowboy hat. the fuck.


>get away with murdering one
Brazil deserves to win the Olympics just for this reason.

>Every tourist murders a thief
>Reduces crime rates
>No one gets arrested
>Works out for everyone

thanks. I lived in ZA and even there the kaffers were wearing shirts, so I was wondering if its some kind of trend or that you can't grab them easily. I would so punch them in the face and kick them on the ground if they tried something on me. They don't act in groups?

>They don't act in groups?
They do, but usually they start running away if you defend yourself.

Also, police is always on the lookout for these people, if they do this kind of shit near a cop they are gonna get wrecked.


>Camo pants

Aaaaand you outed yourself as a tourist. I dont think i have ever seen those here. Use a jeans, and you are good to go

also kek speaks for those quads

>coming to Rio de Janegro

sounds good. It would make things a lot easier if we could do this in Germany with the gypsies as well

black jeans it is. plus sunnies so no one can see my eyes. perfect. thanks.


Usually they have frinds, but they dont stick together on the streets cause it draws too much attention.

At worst he will try to run into a friends house/ meeting point where then you might be in trouble if you follow them there

>It would make things a lot easier if we could do this in Germany with the gypsies as well
Sounds horrible, being forced to live with muslins near you while being unable to defend yourselves legally.

If you ever get sick of it come to Brazil, Uruguay or Argentina, there are several german villages you would be welcome at.

sick already. I asked in another thread today how hard it would be to get a working visa for brazil. Don't speak portugese tough.

Don't worry guys, we have the worst terrorists of the world. Most of them were arrested before even buying guns.

>t. Temer

It's interesting how the niggers are always targeting the more light skinned people

>I asked in another thread today how hard it would be to get a working visa for brazil.
Really fucking easy to get a visa, hard to get citizenship. You only get full citizenship after 15 years living in the country.

>Don't speak portugese tough.
That is not a problem, you will learn it here, there are several language schools that teach german here, they also have special courses for foreigners that want to learn portuguese.

You might have a hard time adapting to the tropical climate, I suggest you look soputhwards if you like the cold, or in high altitude places.

>tfw the only terrorist attack ended with the terrorists blowing themselves up because they were spooked by the cops, and all they destroyed was the turkish embassy

i overhead some executive yank in a city train say tourist visa is the fast way, apparently work visa is a drawn out process with lots of paperwork and wait time.

i assume he was executive because around him were other aussie office dick lickers that appeared to be from the same org bootlicking his story. they were going for drinks.

i have good ears.

only terrorist attack here*

thanks brazilbro. Will look into it. The southern states look very nice


A overpopulated country with lefty government.

jesus christ at least here the criminals ask politely to gib money aka government

>The southern states look very nice
Just be aware that gauchos can be quite arrogant and a bunch of pricks, but if you do try to settle down and integrate into their culture and society you will be accepted.

Consider this if you want to look like an average brazilian male. Wearing like a stereotypical Australian youngster work really well too.


We are underpopulated as fuck.

Hue lad

I mean, our cities are quite crowded but we still have a lot of free clay.

I wouldn't advise it, if your life is shit it might be a good change, but keep in mind that this is still third world.

Haven't you all starved yet? Did you start resorting to cannibalism?

Filter your water you fucking idiot. Your god damned coconuts are a complete waste of time and money.


I lived in third world country before. It's alright if you aren't poor.