He's gonna be on tv every other day because the Dems believe this is absolutely no-win for Trump.
This guy can attack Trump full force and no matter what Trump responds with, he can wrap himself in the flag etc and Trump will look bad.
I think Trump needs to come up with a strategy about this and do it fucking fast before he loses control of the talking points completely. Would it be a good idea to get a coalition of fallen troops families to come out at his rallies and defend him? (covered live on the news networks)
This guy is a muslim brotherhood plant. Do liberals really think that putting a mudskin on TV telling us Trump has a black soul is going to convince us not to vote for him. Damn, I like Trump more now.
But in any event: >Trump did not vote for the war that killed his son. Hillary Did. (He's already tweeted this, Trump has) >No one believes that THIS GUY BELIEVES in the constitution. He's a devout mudskin. Devout mudskins hate the west, the constitution and all the trappings. He's probably pissed his son volunteered to help the crusaders anyway, and this is his way of getting back at us--picking the candidate to win wherein Americans will continue to carry the water for these lazy ass brown cunts who can't clean up after themselves and cause absolute destruction and murder and just generally shit wherever they live.
Lincoln Reyes
>What else can he actually do? Apologize.
Evan James
And once the next terrorist attack inevitably happens, the focus group oriented group will decide its not good TV to show a Muslim on air attacking Trump for speaking against Muslims and calling them the religion of peace. Even Dems get irony.
Luke Jones
Why would Trump apologize? Islamists killed his son, not Trump.
Cameron Hall
he should get the families of the soldiers killed by nidal hassan in fort hood (an act which obama still doesn't classify as terrorism) talking about the dangers of having muslims in the armed forces. Khan was a hero sure, but they're all one youtube video away from becoming jihadis.
Jacob Rivera
I've had enough of this annoying faggot already. Implying a Muslim man would ever vote for a female.
Bentley Lopez
How is Danny DeVito going to help her?
Charles Ross
Why should Trump apologize for spreading false rumors that his wife actually disagrees with her husband and wasn't allowed to talk at the DNC for religious reasons?
Josiah Powell
the strategy is wait until the next happening in Europe
Jack Jenkins
Trump already owned Shen he said that his wife was just standing there not saying anything because she wasn't allowed to. Subconsciously, women will associate stupid ass burka and being docile with Idksm now.
Landon Reyes
God-amut. Kek.
Joseph Edwards
I don't think you realize how much Americans hate Muslims. The MSM is not indicative of what Americans feel. And children virtue signaling about "not all Muslims" don't vote or can't vote. The average American see a Muslim who speaks differently than they do berating a presidential candidate.
Lucas Gutierrez
>Why didn't your wife speak? >Why should I apologize, I didn't vote to send your son to war. >Why do you claim to be patriotic and then support Democrats?
There's a million ways Trump could go with this.
Ayden Jenkins
If so, and nothing else helps, find dirt on him and spread it. Good chance he fucked up in the name of Islam before.
Jackson Williams
This, double down, never give in to the leftists.
Sebastian Young
Token Muslim talking about how Trump promotes hate because he said Muslim migrants should be checked because of their shitty religion.
Liberal faggots and their narrative can eat a bag of dicks, first I have to see this Trump bashing shit on American news and now its regurgitated by the media in the Netherlands (probably greater of Europe as well). NOT A SINGLE FUCKING WORD about that whore of wallstreet, her emails, her pandering and rampant fucking corruption in her party as well as what is practiced by her person.
Logan Roberts
He should say that if I(Trump) had my way, (as in no iraq war) your son would still be alive.
Dylan Reyes
"Has Trump even read the constitution?"
"Has Khan even read the Bible?"
Matthew Green
Did he have a point with the constitution line? Like was there a specific part he wanted Trump to read? Or was he just being a whiny faggot?
Samuel Peterson
Ok so did we find proof he's associated with the Muslim Brotherhood?
rip to Trumps career. This guy could do some damage. he make some decent points. trump probably should have left the woman out of it. isn't that what men do?
Carter Williams
this story is already on german news sites like welt.de
weird how this gets picked up but the mother that lost her son in the Benghazi attack that makes Hillary personally responsible for it never actually gets shown on news sites
>he make some decent points. he's completely in the right lmao. don't downplay it
Justin Nguyen
He already said the first one. What happened was Kasich and Ryan acting like massive cucks again.
Also The Washington Post actually let her write an article
Jeremiah Rivera
it's one of the top stories all across europe
the problem is that the DNC think they have finally found Trump's kryptonite and this guy is gonna be on CNN every day until November rubbing it in
Trump needs to end this talking point this week somehow, letting this drag on is gonna fuck him
he needs to act fast on this
Christian Cook
well no hes not actually. myself and many americans feel we need to be careful and limit muslim immigration at this time, and i respect this guy and his son as americans. I appreciate his families sacrifice. that doesnt mean i cant have opinions about muslim immigration.
Joseph Garcia
just wait until another shitskin bombs londonistan or marseillistan or malmoadad or munichistan and the news will have no choice but to cover it.
Why exactly can't the USA ban muslims from entering? Why do muslims have the right to invade USA?
Logan Morgan
That will go down well
Julian Stewart
Issue is a religious based ban is unconstitutional.
What he can do is ban high terrorist countries, which does something similar without involving religion
Parker Peterson
Dylan Sanchez
>shilling this hard for hillary on Sup Forums >$0.05 was deposited into your account this doesnt do anything except damage clinton, her disasterous foreign policy is the root cause.
Colton Morgan
Britcucks are notorious for shilling
Recall how they wet their nappies about the MP that was shot by a (((right wing))) Brexit supporter?
It was all over according to those useless cunts
Grayson Hall
>What else can he actually do? Laugh it up and enjoy the fact that this mudslime, who believes his son's life is worth more than every other dead soldier in history, is alienating the fuck out of the white moderates whom Hillary is courting.
Compound it with the fact that a "religion of peace," smokesmouth looks worse and worse every time a terror attack happens. You think we'll go four months without one? Think again.
This guy is good for making convicted leftists feel morally superior. That's it. On the center and right people are absolutely hilariously offended by what this dunecoon is doing and if this is all Hillary has then she'd better get to rigging those vote machines now.
Connor Gomez
This guy is either delusional, a soulless crony, or a combination of both, by propping up a political candidate that is partially responsible for his own son's death
Aaron Carter
guess you didnt see my follow up post.
Jack Robinson
On inmigration? Does the constitution say that you can not prevent inmigration based on religion? I don't think so.
Owen Morales
Can you present proofs?
Cooper Thompson
Too true brother.
Dylan Nguyen
He already ruined his credibility by saying Islam has nothing to do with terrorism. That being said, and speaking hypothetically of course, we should doxx the everloving shit out of him and see what connections he has to anything like CAIR or the Msulim Brotherhood.
Michael Taylor
>false xD
Jacob Wilson
The idea that he's supporting the woman who sent his son to a pointless death in a war that's made everything in the area worse should really disqualify him.
Benjamin Young
This is part of the left's new 'punching down' Narrative. Saying anything negative about a mudslime is 'punching down,' so effectively White Fucking Males can't say anything critical about Brown Mudslimes, because, well, 'punching down.' It's code-speak for censorship.
Josiah Myers
Hillary's vote is the reason his son died. Trump has to hammer this line as hard as he can. It won't convince Khan of course. He's fully in her pocket, hated his son in life, and will gladly throw him under the bus for an agenda. But it will send a clear message to undecided voters. Couple that with the ridiculous number of vets Trump will be able to rally behind him, and he's got a winner.
Oliver Reed
Literally all Trump needs to say. Great starting point.
Adrian Bennett
How much Muslim blood does Trump have on his hands? Zero.
Now, how much Muslim blood does Hillary have on her hands?
Yeah, exactly. Let that sink in for a minute...
Easton Rivera
Also this guy is a good example of liberal hypocrisy. Remember goe an editor for GQ or Esquire or whatever said he wanted to beat Sean Smith's mother to death for supporting Trump and railing against Hillary's actions killing her son?
Sebastian Russell
Let the Dems stick him out there every fucking time ISIS kills a priest or shoots up a fair. Let him be the one trying to sell people on the lie that "radical Islam" is a myth, a boogieman made up to scare people into voting Republican.
After the fifth of sixth massacre where they trot this fucker out, even liberals will start wising up to their bullshit
Matthew Allen
>This guy is a muslim brotherhood plant
this. 100% this. Clinton and the DNC laid out a trap and Trump fell into it. I just wish that Trump would think before he speaks, that seems to be his downfall.
Adrian Baker
It also prey's on cuckservative's weakness for beta-military action and interventionism and bravado of lipservice to Soldiery as a means for protecting (((them))).
Carson Jackson
This entire post
Christopher Brown
The constitution provides no protection or rights to non-citizens outside the US. So the US government can have any restrictions it wants for immigration.
Benjamin Hill
An actual politics thread? On my Sup Forums?
Jayden Russell
>he died in a war clinton not trump supported Kek ok dnc lets see how it goes
Connor Ramirez
Explain. Trump earned the title God Emperor because not even that commie pope could stump him had to apologize. Trump is a shark swimming among asian carp.
James Cook
>I think Trump needs to come up with a strategy about this and do it fucking fast before he loses control of the talking points completely.
Here's your strategy. See related pic.
This entire ploy is the epitome of IRONY. The reason dies is because of politicians like Clinton who voted for the war in Iraq.
Carson Martinez
Luke Mitchell
There will be another Muslim attack in the US and it will be over.
Alexander Martinez
You dont understand. People LIKE Trump forced the peaceful muslims to attack his son.
If everyone just shut up and let Islam live peacefully this all would have NEVER happened.
Isaiah Williams
>angry Muslim calling Americans "ignorant" This will surely save the Hillary campaign.
Kevin Ross
This. All Trump has to do is point out that he is anti-war and wants an anti-interventionist foreign policy.
Clinton is the War Monger in this election and wants WWIII with Russia / Syria.
Hudson Martin
Don't let them trick you with the 1st Amendment arguments. The President has the power to restrict immigration from any country if he has reason to believe that enemies of the state are attempting to sneak in. Even Obama did it to Iraq.
Henry White
>mfw a muslim single handedly destroyed trump's campaign
>“Are you for invading Iraq?” Howard Stern asked him, and Trump answered, >“Yeah, I guess so.”
Nicholas Campbell
Matthew Scott
America in one picture. Well, one side of America, at least.
Gabriel Long
Khan is supporting a warmonger.
Obama banned Iraqis from entering the country.
Carter banned Iranians from entering.
Trump just wants to use powers already given to the Executive Branch. To do things already down by Democrats. While not causing more wars in the middle east.
Mason Hall
>shills:the thread I will never vote Clinton
Ryder Morgan
Most of America was for war or at least fucking somebody up after 9/11. Iraq was an easy target and unfortunately needed freedom. It's hard to fault someone being pro-war in 2001-2004.
Gavin Allen
>this is voting
Sebastian Rogers
>Howard Stern >Not a political discussion, Trump was more of celeb at the time >If you weren`t for the war you were literally called a Terrorist sympathizer at the time >Trump knew this and wanted to keep his reputation intact with all of his neo-con friends simple.
Liam Jackson
>I guess so Means he wasn't exactly sure. Also his opinion had ZERO weight on us going to Iraq while Clinton had some political pull.
Noah Powell
What did he mean by this?
Carter Barnes
Who wants to wager that there is some money coming to him from either the DNC or the Clinton Campaign? (as if those were two different things at this point)
Leo Wright
You can really hear his enthusiasm for that statement, he definitely wanted to fuck Iraq up. Definitely.
Leo Hughes
It wasn't just neo-cons at the time. People were still pretty emotional after 9/11. The fact that Osama bin Laden managed to escape meant that the country never got closure. We needed a punching bag. I'm not saying it was a smart thing. But that was the case at the time.
Justin Gomez
>wow maybe you should be running for President instead of campaigning for one of the people that sent your son to die under false pretenses
Oliver Bell
Zachary Perry
Trump doesn't want to start more wars like the one that got my son killed or let more people in like the ones that got my son killed! He's evil I tell you, how dare he insult me not letting my wife talk! Here let me tell you about it on every talk show without her
Jason Cox
>in days
Why you got to bring up all those attacks last week? Stop being bigoted against Islam!
Jonathan Sanders
has his wife spoken yet?
John Foster
Khan suddenly has a job at the Clinton Foundation. That is how they do it.
Jonathan Morris
Wow, "days." Such an impressive argument. Guess I'm #MentallyHill now.
Asher Edwards
>damage control
Aaron Hernandez
i still cant believe he thought the number 14 would be a convincing piece of data. the war has been going on for like 14 years.
Joseph James
You mean like all the previous no-wins?
Lucas King
later, on tv, after Trump made his comment about her maybe not being allowed to speak
>this will surely be the thing that brings trump down now!!!!!!!!!
where have you been for the last 13 months
Landon Stewart
>in days Are you sure days should be plural?
Colton Ross
It's not even just that, what he said to Howard Stern was Bush needs to make up his mind about invading, it was only a few months later when said the cost of the invasion was bullshit and was t going well. He really was never pro war
Gavin Cox
>In days
I'm pretty sure this is the weakest argument ever presented by a human being over the age of 5.
Maybe it's time Kek blesses us with a mass casualty incident.
Jaxson Walker
That is a satire account
Justin Ward
Do you really think people willing to kill you over hurtful words are the kind of people who can live peacefully?
It is a volunteer military and Captain Khan was an adult. His parents scarified nothing.
Caleb Lee
>What happened was Kasich and Ryan acting like massive cucks again. Now's the time for these two to shut the hell up and pray they win their next election. Of course they won't because they think the world is still stuck in 2000 when party politics reigned and the voters would always support you as long as you mouthed the right platitudes and took more Jew money than the other guy to ensure your ads ran the most