Why isn't God answering me?
Why isn't God answering me?
He just did.
Because he is a dick. He gives you what HE wants you to have, not what you want.
Because you are expecting a reward. Stay humble.
Because you don't know what you want.
Because he's not real dipshit
No I'm not. I just want to know the way
because he does not care
The way to what? The Bible is very clear. Maybe you are asking God for something that has already been said in the Bible and asking him for a tl;dr is rubbing Him the wrong way.
What way are you searching for?
because you're a jew
What we want isn't necessarily what we need.
If you are not his child you will die like an animal once and forever.
But, if you are, you better understand that he is real and there are plenty of proofs.
Because you're not asking the right questions.
It was just a one night stand.
Source that he is real?
Show those proofs.
Because you're probably a protestant heathen.
Also, he's an imaginary 2 millenia-old kike meme, so there is that.
Which is the true religion and denomination?
Just a one word reply would be enough.
If you're not Jewish and you are praying to the Jewish guy in your image, that is why.
I talked to him once.
Who are you calling god?
You may be addressing the wrong person.
google schizophrenia and hallucinations.
God gives you what you *need*, not what you want. That's what a good parent does btw.
Pantheism. The universe and its laws are effectively divinity and studying the universe can bring you great wisdom.
Because you're a dirty TEUTON and God has no love for TEUTONS he has love only for noble Poles
How do you know you're not insane? Some guy tell you? Fuckin idiot.
Everything else is man-made. Closest to that is imo a KJV-only Baptist. I'm not sure (no one will ever be) but they back everything they say up with scripture from the most trustworthy translation. And they use VERY little interpretation (so less chance of human error).
Pastor Anderson livestreams all his sermons on YT.
pro-tip: Every denomination that uses "tradition" is false.
Religion in a whole is easy: Christianity.
Judaism was right untill Jesus came, they they became heretics for denying His Divinity. Christendom stayed on the right path.
Islam is just retarded. (They even formed the way the Bible prophesies how a false-religion will start.
What have you been asking?
GOD: Hud oan a minute pal. Lit's git one thing straight. Every fuckin time ah come doonn here, some wideo pills ays up aboot what ah should n shouldnae be fuckin daein. Either that or ah huv tae enter intae some philosophical discourse wi some wee undergraduate twat about the nature ay masel, the extent ay ma omnipotence n aw that shite. Ah'm gittin a wee bit fed up wi aw this elf-justification; it's no for youse cunts tae criticise me. Ah made youse cunts in ma ain image. Youse git oan wi it. Youse fuckin well sort it oot. That cunt Nietzsche wis wide ay the mark when eh saus thit ah wis deid. Ah'm no deid; ah jist dinnae gie a fuck. Nae other cunt gies a fuck, so how should ah? It's no fir me tae sort every cunt's problems oot.
He got banned from twitter for telling the truth.
Lol because I dont hallucinate shit that isn't there.
Christianity, nondenominational.
Study the word, join a church.
1) Marian apparitions, there were so much even in 19th-20th century it's impossible to disprove them.
2) The Lord himself usually appears to people who are in coma. Sometimes to faithful muslims, which later convert to Christianity despite the dangers.
What type of answer you asking for user?
Because he doesn't communicate with muslims
All can be explained by hallucinations.
>You are Peter and on this rock...
What religion? What denomination?
>Everything else is man-made
What a fucking moron you are
Guess what cars are also man made, buildings too
I guess we should refrain from using particles, elements and matter, because what is man made is baaad
Because there is no question.
This, I was raised catholic, but I think all you need is the Bible, and if you follow Christ and his teaching you are good. I guess I'm protestant now, but I don't think Jesus cares, and I still attend catholic mass because church is good for building a stronger community.
Because you didnt finish avenging him.
How can we know that the Bible is inspired by God? The only proof we have is the Bible itself claimind it to be true.
Because you touch yourself at night
Because you're a faggit
Did you dial the wrong number?
Jesus on the main line. Tell him what you want.
Jesus on the main line. Tell him what you want.
Jesus on the main line. Tell him what you want!
oooo oooooo woooooow oooooooo
The line ain't never busy. Tell him what you want.
The line ain't never busy, no. Tell him what you want.
The line ain't never busy. Tell him what you want!
ooooh oooooh oooooh aaaaah
If you're honest you'd admit you know nothing about it and admitting that you'd have to admit you could be insane and not be aware of it. But then it's always true that it's difficult to win an argument with a clever person but it's fucking impossible to win an argument with a fool.
I'd just end up punching you in your stupid fucking face yah prick.
why should he answer you
Are you asking mine or for what you should be?
Maybe you're asking the wrong one. Look at who's present:
Maybe you are lacking in faith. Or need to refine yourself with Chirst. Perhaps you've not been keeping the laws asked of you.
But I will say this, you don't command God to "do this for me" he will set your course and will guide you if you have faith in Him.
If not, the evil's of the world will guide your path without you noticing.
>tfw not religious at all but would like to be a priest to be able to wear cool robes and hang out in a comfy church
Anyone else here know this feel?
Bless you.
You asked what I asked God
>Maybe you are lacking in faith.
>Perhaps you've not been keeping the laws asked of you.
I don't know which are asked anymore
>he will set your course and will guide you if you have faith in Him.
He doesn't though and it's killing me
because you are not crazy. yet.
god doesn't exist, don't get fooled hans.
It is a documented fact that people have hallucinations and it is a main symptom of schizophrenia. Deal with it.
>god doesn't exist
Can dozens of thousands of people hallucinate simultaneously?
Can a young healthy educated atheist suddenly hallucinate so hard that he even drops his rich jewish family to become a priest?
Can a man made tilma survive centuries without decomposing?
>World of Warcraft
Play as a shadow priest, fuck that holy and discipline shit.
so? He formed a Church? The second He did they started altering His words, thats why God instructed that the Gospel would be written down.
mouth-mouth is not even close to a secure way to transfer a message. And He wanted His message to be heard correctly untill the End. A church would fail in that because one faulty human (pope for instance) would destroy the divinity of the Word for every generation after that.
Satan could easily influence 1 guy to say something ungodly and claim it to be godly, Satan can't do that with an entire book. (He is trying very hard though with all these Satanic translations where a "mistranslation" removes entire verses and flips the meaning 180 of other verses.
Because you cursed the Lord God, Jesus. And if you curse God, then demand that I follow you, yeah. I'll follow you...
With a wire in my hands.
As if following Golda Meir, herself, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Yes, I follow in your footsteps.
You wish me to follow you, Enemy of God?
Just read it user, it has a lot of wisdom in it regarding truth. Even if you don't believe there are very smart things, and valuable lessons in it.
"For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow."
You don't understand burden of proof/ anecdotal fallacy.
Don't be a stumbling block though. If people know you as a good Christian, they will assume that that is because you go to a Catholic Church.
whatever do you mean? What is it that you wish to acquire? Or are you just being apathetic?
The laws which are stated in His word, never forget that kraut.
> based on apparitions reported to have been experienced in 1917 by three shepherd children
>three shepherd children
Fuck off, you don't know what you're talking about
' Dickhead
I felt the exact same way until I actually read it. It is too spot on and consistent (4 guys wrote the same story while they were not in contact with each other) to be man-made. It doesn't feel like you are reading a book, you are reading the Bible.
He just did.
I didn't assume you would be answering, my mistake
You didn't get an answer because it's psychotic to be in a religion.
You are God. All living things are.
Why would you pray to yourself?
Also why should you take mistreatment from crappier versions of you?
Also why would you be mean to yourself?
Any questions?
But catholic theology (their interpretations etc.) are top-tier if only cause they been on it for 2000 years. That's literally the point. I love biblicism but can't God just say: Be catholic or Be prot?
I can't follow his commands if I don't know which are from him
Moron, read more.
>A huge crowd, variously estimated between 30,000 and 100,000
Yes I do. I'm just not arguing with you. I don't care about you or your beliefs
>Witnesses gave widely varying descriptions of the "sun's dance".
>No movement or other phenomenon of the sun was recorded by scientists at the time.[4] Not all witnesses reported seeing the sun "dance". Some people only saw the radiant colors, and others, including some believers, saw nothing at all.[11][12]
Lol seems so conclusive.
>Can a young healthy educated atheist suddenly hallucinate so hard that he even drops his rich jewish family to become a priest?
Hallucinations can be extremely powerful and the whole point is that they are perceived to be real by the person suffering from them.
Lol whatever helps you sleep at night schizo.
>The laws which are stated in His word
The Koran? The Diamant-Sutra? The bible? The catholic cathechism?
Before this derails. I'm a christian but what denom is right? Orths, caths, prots, mormons?
Oh, I don't really know that many people, but I will tell those I meet just to read the Bible. To be honest with you I'm not even the best person I could be, but I will try to become better.
>I can't follow his commands if I don't know which are from him
okey very easy reply:
If it was a church or a book is a NT issue right? No one questions if the Torah should have been written down or not. The Ten Commandments are in the Torah.
The Catholic Church has different 10 Commandments than the OT.
They took out the commandment that gave them all that weath in the first place. The are a group of lying heretics.
If they shamelessly changed the CORE of what God wants us to do on earth, what else have they changed?
God created you. He doesn't owe you jack shit.
I see.
Read them all and see which speaks to you. As for me, I have seen that many denominations have lost their way. Alot have also contradict themselves. I don't follow a "denomination" I follow Christ himself. And the Bible is His word. So that is what I follow.
I wish you good luck.
Seems to me that you are on the right path, you are very humble +1
My parents actually created me.
he has never answered anyone i dont know why you think youre special
It doesn't matter who it was written by. The fact of the matter is that it inspired some of the greatest minds in the world. Leading the west to an enlightenment. It's the common thread that binds the west. Why do you think there's such a huge push from the atheist community against christianity, but no other religions?
Because sound travels slower than light.
I thought you were only a cuck now you don't even get science. Sad!
>No movement or other phenomenon of the sun was recorded by scientists at the time
It wasn't a physical phenomenon, otherwise the whole world would have reported it.
>Not all witnesses reported seeing the sun "dance". Some people only saw the radiant colors, and others, including some believers, saw nothing at all
Because not all people, even not all Christians are the children of God. Only those who are can have visions and will live eternal life. The others were created to interact with us during this life. They can teach us, they can punish us, they can help us, etc In the times of Old Testament they were considered as subhumans, but the rules have changed: now we must love them.
>Hallucinations can be extremely powerful and the whole point is that they are perceived to be real by the person suffering from them
Ratisbonne "hallucinated" exactly 1 time in his whole life. Very strange, isn't it?
Thanks man, I'm actually flying through Amsterdam tomorrow and have read about your security being increased because of threats. I hope it's nothing serious, but I will pray that nothing happens.
KEK has more proof of him existing than god.
What commandment did they take out?
>I have a job for you to do
>But I'm not gonna tell you what it is
Can't really blame me for underperforming then
Are you Jewish?
it is the best protected Word in the history of mankind. The most spread and read book ever created. The instrument that triggered the intellectual revolution was first used to print the Bible.
I'm pretty damn sure God is protecting His Word. He protects the Bible more than the Roman Catholic Church I'm 100% sure that signifies something...
Because the lizards are too busy rigging elections to falsify a projection of your idealistic God.
Because you pray to a god who wills the end of your race.
Because you live in the New Islamic Caliphate of Germany.
God only answers people living in Christian lands.
The problem with protestantism is there are so many branches. Like what caths say about prots is a fair point: If the bible is clear why are there more than one prot denom?
I'm non-religious and criticize islam and christianity. This is the same with everyone I know. Do you have some kind of proof that atheists don't criticize Islam? I see it everywhere.
It sounds a lot like it was a mass hallucination, which is a thing believe it or not. There are multiple explanations in that very article that you are ignoring.
>Ratisbonne "hallucinated" exactly 1 time in his whole life. Very strange, isn't it?
Unusual if true, but possible he's lying about not having other hallucinations, also much more likely that someone has one hallucination in their life rather than it being magic universe talking.
Because that would mean no more gold statues and no more "holy nails" or other things "Jesus touched" to lure pilgrims to their churches and donate.
Sweet meme, breh