Canada to open first poo-themed desert cafe

I hope you know you're a global joke, Canada..

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oh i know

i can't believe they beat the germans to it.

>TFW it wasn't india


There is already a shit-themed cafe in Seoul


They have a franchise in Rio already.

this won't be successful at all

>Suddenly Indian immigration spikes

What are you talking about? Their entire country is poo themed

Hey, if it tastes good, play ball


What's even the difference

fuck this gay country

keep it up, maybe one day you'll meme something.

I heard Canadian cuisine was shit but this is ridiculous!

Another company outsourcing jobs to india?


Koreatown, Lien Nguyen’s.....We import these fucking idiots by the dogsled.

We already have enough Indian restaurants here

It's actually a thing in Taiwan and SK that they're just copying. Since Toronto is already 50% Asian, they know they have the market cornered.

I wouldn't know, only place I've only been to in canada was Whistler on a skiing trip when the sierras were completely barren. Any leafs been there? Do you like it?


nothing new here


Prove it.

>Toronto is already 50% Asian

I want to move to Toronto. Sounds really comfy.

canada confirmed for degenerate trash

Toronto is literally the most cucked city on earth.

Good. Canadians were always shit eaters

I hate Canada so fucking much

Top bantz fake Mexico

In the article itself:
>She said she first discovered the concept when she was visiting her mother in Taiwan a few years ago.
>Similar-themed restaurants have already opened in Russia, South Korea, the Philippines, China, Japan and Indonesia.

The most famous one is in SK IIRC.

Yeah honestly I don't mind the Asians at all. They say Vancouver has even more of them, but the housing market there is even crazier.

Does it taste good?

Asians are the best citizens when mixed with a white culture.

top kek

criminally underrated

It is, also as you stay out of the quarantined nigger areas.

*As long

That's it! Trip to Canada!

Nah, tastes like shit.

jesus titty fucking christ

Glad I'm in Quebec instead of around Toronto. Those fags have no limit on their degeneracy, it seems.

I figured it was a Chinese investor… but it sounds vietnamese.

Canadians don't do stuff like this… they really don't even open many small businesses anymore… only Asian immigrants do that stuff

I suggest a chocolate sundae, with corn chunks or sesame seeds embedded in there.. and I won't even charge these entrepreneurs a penny for my idea.

This has been going on in Asian countries for a while now.

>>TFW it wasn't india

India has plenty of poo in its food.

Which is very different from this. Here Canada is just taking a food that already sorta looks like poo and emphasizing this by changing the look of how it's served.

Canada was probably inspired by British cuisine, since 90% of that looks like poo. Seriously, name me a British dish that isn't some shade of brown and a somewhat elongated tube.

Top Kek poo in loo

Underrated post. Just remember Pajeet, do not shit in our streets.

>Asians are the best citizens when mixed with a white culture.

that second part seems pretty important, because when left to their own devices they seem to create a shithole only rivaled by the sandniggers and africans

This sounds like a Nathan Fielder prank.

>Japan a shithole
>South Korea a shithole
>Taiwan a shithole
>Singapore a shithole

> Poo in loo
> Poo in pants
> Poo in dessert

What's next?

Asians are weird… they serve black / pink/ red burgers now in Japan

Why would it be in India?

Lol didnt they just legalize beastiality

Does living in the woods make u go crazy

The problem is that THOSE people don't come to western nations. It's the Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese and Phillipinos that come.

>>Japan a shithole
>>South Korea a shithole
>>Taiwan a shithole
>>Singapore a shithole

And what do all of these have in common that differentiates from from Asian shitholes? Could it be heavy western influence and even managing?

yes, those places you cherry picked, that are the best the asians have been able to come up with, are still worse then either of our countries on average.

That was my immediate thought too

Started by a Taiwanese woman. Unexpected. I expected this to be by and for jews (with their scat/anal fetish and all).



Fuck, that's funny.

Ok, Eugene. Pretty Patties are the future tho

plenty of south koreans and taiwanese come to western nations. you dickheads just don't make the distinction. I'm the kid of race traitors (my dad is an east asian) and my own mother doesn't know the difference between japanese, chinese, and korean. I don't mean the language, I mean when I went to go to the motherland she told me "oh wow it's so dangerous there, please don't!"

white people are stupid. plenty of "good" asians come over, and the majority of the chinese that come over are smarter and better behaved than whites.

you people are literally retarded

God that's disgusting.

Japan has one too

only asian immigrants open these kinds of businesses because only asian immigrants GO to these types of businesses

whites are so fucking intent on getting assraped by franchises disguised as farmers markets, or paying 20$ for a kebab made by a suicide bomber. whites have a boner for getting dicked by violent ethnics. of course that makes it impossible for a white to open a restaurant.

of course whites will only buy food from someone as dark as coffee with three criminal counts. they fucking despise asian food.

you did this to yourselves

>everything looks like the "soft-serve poo emoji"
Does anyone else remember back when the common mental picture of shit in our culture was the "brown log"? What happened? Did we just get flooded with Asians and Indians with their low-fiber cuisines?

New meme?

Yea so retarded your family and your people are coming to live in the society's that we have created in droves huh?

Stay mad

>desert cafe
does it strip you of moisture?

>Germany genociding themselves
>Bi-Weekly Terrorist attacks in France
>Sweden Yes
>Britian backtracking on exit
>USA nearing Civil War
>Muh Leaf

You guys are pathetic. Canada is literally the only Western Leading Country who's fate ISN'T possibly going to implode in the next 50 years....

But poo shaped Ice Cream, holes in Law about beastality(being corrected) and "muh weed man" somehow convience Sup Forums that we're the worlds leftist black hole.

shit thread

i remember

Can't wait


May not implode, but we're gonna get fucked either way


or someone is going to invade us because fresh water reserves.

we are a leftist black hole tho, at least while dude weed has power. I think a majority of Canadians realized their mistake so we might not be as cuckly as we may seem

i have always wondered
i know eating dyed buns colors your poo

if you eat dyed buns in the order of the colors of the rainbow, do you get rainbow poops, or does it all get mixed up in your pooper tubes?

is it possible to have holy bright white poops?


What a fucking joke


Eating rainbow dyed shit just makes your poop blue, at least that's what it does to me.

White poop is only possible with some sort of serious medical problem:

Truedeu doesn't have the money to do serious damage to Canada's demographic via "refugees".

The USA's mistake was sharing a border with Mexico, and being the world equivalent of a Casino with advertising signs. They are now 50-60% White. Canada is still 70-80% White. Europe is more White, but shares borders with hordes of barbarians and traitorous leaders who just have to do NOTHING for civilization to crumble.

Canada has had it too good for too long, hence why they're retards.

An Invasion would give this country a rude awakening.

you destroyed asia with perpetual war lasting until the late 70's and now think you can brag because america is literally the only country (aside from switzerland, who is even richer than YOU) to not have been utterly burnt to the ground at some point since the 40s.

of course you were richer. you're not richer any longer, though. have fun getting shot going to mcdonalds.

americans are fat, illiterate, medicated, incapable of sitting still, and mentally ill. literally 95% of people in asia are smarter, less fat, less mentally ill, and more patient than the average american. we come here because it's easy to outcompete you retards.

theres no novelty if you see it all around you every day

it'll be like trying to sell ice to eskimoes

what makes you think the communists you've put in power wont turn you into eastern germany?

maybe you aren't aware but eastern germany STILL to this DAY has wages HALF that of western germany or even france. THAT is how bad communism is.

you guys aren't immune. if you're not giong to fight alongside us you'll succumb as well

Canadians will wake up... But not still the stink of our surrounding allies corpses and burning countries become unbearable.... Unfortunately.


how much does the average singaporean hate poos?

I really can't imagine living around them. it's easy to hate mexicans and niggers because they're violent and it's obvious.

it would be so much harder to articulate hate towards poos to a normie because they're obviously subhuman, but how do you convince a bluepillfag?

like, you can just see it in their EYES that they're kinda slow and take time to process things.


I thought they already had plenty of Indian restaurants.

t b h they are okay, they keep to their own district 95% of the time. I go there sometimes to buy real cheap groceries. In other areas you can find them drinking in some corner or on the side of the road after dark. They wont do anything to you though.

also, if you take the subway, its a bit pungent when the doors opens at that stop

there was a riot a few years ago where a few drunk poos smashed a bus and overturned some police cars; arrests were made and the sale of alcohol as now been banned in their area. You cannot buy any there from 7:30 at night til 7 in the morning.



The cook an waitres are Indian.

I'm not going to bullshit you man honestly that looks delicious, i want ice cream now

Just wait until the real oil crisis hits. Canada will be a Venezuela

jesus christ, canada.
>retarded PM
>legalized bestiality
>POO food
>massive fires
this isnt how you go about becoming relevant

There are literally hundreds of insect restaurants in America.
