Disturbing scenes you're unable to watch without your pulse going up

I'll start:

That scene in Licence to Kill where a guy gets thrown into a decompression chamber and pressurized until he's pulp. (Sorry, can't upload the picture; still disturbs the shit out of me)

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it's fine user, i've got you covered


Launder it.

In 127 hours when James Franco had to cut off his arm

The kitchen scene in Jurassic Park. The only scene in any movie that's ever given me nightmares.

Jackass the Movie
>paper cuts

When she cuts her tongue in half in the Evil Dead remake

It's definitely the most nightmare-inducing one for me as well.

That scared the shit out of me as a kid.

Kek I remember when I was like 12 I was watching JP with my parents and my little brother who was 10 wanted to watch too. He "got tired" and went to bed when that scene came on.

Fire In The Sky

>johnny knoxville bleeding out of his cock after dropping a dirt bike onto it

That one scene in Eyes Wide Shut where the old man drives up to the gate

Never considered that scene nightmare fuel when I first saw it(I was 5) but fuck if that wasn't the most stressful scenes to sit through.

I must have seen the movie for the first time like 10 years ago but even to this day, once in a blue moon, I'll have a nightmare of hiding while dinosaurs hunt for me. Like I said, the only scene from any movie I've ever watched that I've had that reaction to

Nice thumbnail asshole

The first explosive decompression scene I can remember is from pic related. Homeboy's head explodes like a watermelon. Dogshit late 80's monster movie schlock.

Great anti-drug


I can't make it past the.. oh Jesus, I cant even say it without getting flashbacks

"help me"

In Irreversible, when the long-armed monkey-man picks a fight at the Rectum and has his arm broken

why would you even post that you sick fuck?