Sup Forums What's you're opinion on Iceland?
To me it seems like a pretty nice place away from all the peaceful refugees and bullshit.
Sup Forums What's you're opinion on Iceland?
ya dawg raise da roof man
I heard they're getting pretty inbred though. They have an app on their smartphones to check if they're too related to people they want to pork.
Its great but has a nasty SJW infection with a few scummy slavs thrown in too
Overall 8/10 Whiteopia
Really? I know their population is only about 300kish, I would have thought that would be enough to ensure your distant enough for relationships to be acceptable with most people.
They seem pretty based, They may be the last white refuge.
>Norway being cucked by Iceland.
I loved going to the capital,, and its nice
I'm hoping to visit early next year/ late this year, the blue lagoon looks lush.
>zero replies by iceland
I guess birgeeta digadiddgogoatoor fell asleep listening to sigur ros.
I've never actually seen an Icelandic poster on here yet, not even in Scandinavian threads.
I've seen greenland, faroe islands, and iceland
Best neighbours, senpai
Quiet but quality contributions on the whole in my experience. Thoughtful, kind, still living in an overwhelmingly white world for lack of a better way to describe it. But also the kind of ease and honesty you get from a tiny irrelevant place left by itself.
>birgeeta digadiddgogoatoor
How can you confuse nigger slang with icelandic names?
They have the highest amount of redditors and highest amount of sjw's per capita
Mashallah, m8
Are you sure? They aren't that uncommon. You might be mistaking their flag for Norway.
IT'S FULL AND þAT'S Þeir fiskur!
kek it's a nice place to visit, it's a bit like going to the moon. Pretty trollish out by blálónið(the blue "lagoon"), can't describe it strange sounds etc due to geoterm activity.
Smells like fart everywhere, when you take a shower the water smells like fart. Sulphur, so a bit like rotten eggs, but you get used to it
Nice place to party to, you can drink til the morning if you want, you aren't chased out at 2 like here(well beer sale ends 2, closes 3)
>be user
>go to iceland
>share room with chick
>go to shower sniff sniff
>go out
>anonymiss have to use toilet
>it wasn't me
Haha you damn pig
>noo it's the water
yeah I've heard that one before....
then she comes out... and.. WTF it is the water
kek they are like us, drink hard, fart hard and fight in the weekends.
ty habibi
Judging by the way you write there, you are either underage or retarded
sunday... they are all hung over... prolly still on the sofa or in bed...
>God damnit what did I do last night?
it's normal kek
90%+ of their population is connected to the internet according to the BBC, I would expect at least a handful of Icelandic posters.
I'm very baked and tired, so retarded yes
Basically Sweden, Only that it is protected by the Atlantic ocean from the rapefugees.
It's good man. When I went there was a load of krauts at the in-pool bar who all got pissed and started pouring overpriced beer into the water and singing football chants.
Actually pretty based
Your fart story was brilliant btw. If you ever want to come to the US, visit Yellowstone. You literally are not allowed to walk in the udesignated places because you could step into a bubbling cauldron of fire without noticing.
It's hands down the most amazing place I've ever seen. And I love smelling the wafting waves of haze pouring out of the very earth. Sulphur.
it's probably common for them to not know what Sup Forums is
>Basically Sweden
No, they are norse, so they don't get so easily offended as you trannies
Yeah that would be nice to place to visit to actually. At iceland too you need to go see the geysirs and the other big natural shits you can get close enough to see. Great and unique nature up there, why I called it going to the moon.
Kek and the fart story is actually true, I had used all such stupid excuses before and atually farted and tricked her in like 6 million times.
>Is it safe now?
Yes sure, nothing to worry about in there, all flowers.
even they have mudshit migrants
but they dont tolerate the one that got dragged out of a church trying to use sanctuary laws lmao
>They have an app on their smartphones to check if they're too related to people they want to pork.
Just like Alabama!
i plan to visit iceland sometime in the next year
people who have visited, do you recommend it or have a different suggestion? i have an interest in photography and think an iceland/faroe islands trip would be amazing
Do the Icelanders ever worry about inbreeding?
I hate them
Only mohammed get offended mate.
Butthurt Sven = Mohammed.
I've also seen Aland a few times.
BTW why do we get almost no posts from your neighbors? The only Arabian country posting occasionally is UAE. Are the other ones too afraid becuz of Internet surveillence and such sheit?
It's next on my list of places to escape to after svalbard. I do worry it has a feminism problem though
Yes, Sadly Iceland has been polluted by femishits.
However if you want few shitskins and a very stable country overall i would say Iceland fits like the hand in the glove.
Was there last week for the second time.
Its a lovely country. Dont waste your money at blue lagoon, too expensive now and too many tourists. go to a local hotspring (there are tons of them and they're free.)
Probably the most beautiful women in the world, lots of them are SJW but those accents are so cute.
They're also crazy for Americans because they're bored of icelandic guys (and they love american culture) example is photo of chuck Norris grill -- I went to the big lebowski bar instead.
Hey, isn't there a restaurant that has a sign out front that says "if you're a homophobe, racist, or an asshole, stay out'?
I was in Iceland about 3 weeks ago myself.
Our inbreeding is like Targaryen inbreeding though, it just makes us more beautiful and crazy.
Not that I saw, but I also really only explored the main street and around my airbnb,
You'll find graffiti like that (and signs) all over Europe though.
Can you please send an inbred Icelandic qt over to Berlin, Gustav?
Nah, it was actually part of the restaurants 'theme' and whatnot. I poked my head in and yelled 'hitler did nothing wrong' due to being instigated by my pals. Also I saw the chuck norris grill too. Reykjavik is where you hung out mostly?
It's Gústaf pls.
We're not dirty Scandis.
This time I stayed in Reykjavik. Last time I stayed in Hafnarfjordur. I much prefer hafnarfjordur.
But the ladies are in Reykjavik.
So once I get my offshores done and can live of my properties do you think I should come over? I am totally fucked with multinationality
White stronghold? More like liberal stronghold
Of course, just make sure to spend lots of money.
Then Gústaf if you insist...
Do you have any cute traps in Iceland?
traps? you fucking german degenerate.
what a disgrace to your ancestors.
Mission succes.
Don't forget: It's not gay to fap to traps as long as they have a feminine penis.
The few I know are pretty nasty, desu. I'd need to be on several types of drugs to fuck any of them myself. Maybe I have high standards when it comes to traps? I don't know.
>Feminine penis
Lmao how the fuck do they look?
Hmmm... Do you have any pics so I can judge by myself?
That true ill give you that.
fuck off
None, sorry. Don't use Facebook for anything other than work and I'm not very active on social media.
I could probably find/ask them their Instagram accounts or something but I'm too lazy.
How are the universities there I might go if Hillary wins. I'm studying Western European history.
It´s pretty nice, and >99% white as well. I'd never live anywhere else given the choice.
>How are the universities there
Pretty cancerous, but it mostly depends on what subject you take.
Haven't heard much complaining. The ones in Scandinavia are probably better for most things though.
You might be able to come here to study but there's little to no chance you'll be able to move here with a History degree.
Feels good man
Norway's Australia :)
People from Nordic countries can move there easily.
If you want a real rare go here:
Well let's say money isn't an issue.
Við elskum ykkur líka, mínir foyreysku vinir
>tfw I could understand that
I would love to spare you from your inbreeding!
Our Directorate of Immigration will be though. Outside of finding an Icelander to marry, moving here is pretty damn hard from outside Scandinavia and Schengen.
Here's an idea: You could probably bribe someone into marriage if money's not a problem.
Skandinavians reporting in.
Stay away from my sister-cousin, Pekka.
tillykkelse, min norske ven
No Mongols, only whites
Sigur Rós is my favourite band. Seems like a pretty based place.
Can I move there?
Sorry, whites only
well its 300k now - there weren't 300k settlers.
That said I am a fan of Iceland
>and I did root for them in the Euro's
I bet you would let weed man in?
I thought he failed to make weed legal in Canada?
You're right. If I remember correctly first settlers were believed to be around 10 - 15k. Between 1000 to 1800 the population would usually fluctuate between 25 - 75k. We didn't hit 100k until the 1920s.
that makes sense - a lot of the world population boomed at the same time.
afaik, there were some bumps but the legalization will go on.
It didn't go to 75 k until around 1850 IIRC, then in the 1870's the hallæri forced a bunch of people to move West
Justin is an honorary Arab
Indeed. Iceland did take a bit longer to start the population boom though. We industrialized later than much of Europe.
Iceland seems to be doing well economically, they are independent completely of the EU and are in a good position geographically. Also their football team is not bad
white countries play ice hockey!
Any people who live in Reykjavík share the sentiment that my missus' family hold that it's becoming almost exponentially tourist-y? I was there over Easter and damn, it really gave me a kick up the arse to improve my language for next time I'm back so I don;t look as bad as all the chinese wandering around.
Didn't their government tell banks to fuck themselves when they wanted bailouts back in 2008? Sounds pretty based to me. Also
>home of strongmen
>vikingz and sheit
>they eat rotten shark
Sounds like a nice place, one I'd like to visit some day.
>Mongols, Slavs and Canucks
Yes, Reykjavík has become flooded with tourists, as well as most of the South.
Very touristy. Whoring ourselves out bad for the tourist bux.
So many Asians. Plus most of them can't even speak English.
Then there's a bunch of tourists dying in the Highlands every year because they're morons who can't follow advice or directions.