Do people in the entertainment industry really look down upon the adversge Joe?

Do people in the entertainment industry really look down upon the adversge Joe?

Meaning us.

People who aren't queen slaying or posting rainbow shit, but are instead fapping to anime and looking for work.

All this contempt they have towards Trump can easily be applied to both young and old people who voted for him.

I honestly can't watch American entertainment anymore without thinking about how these posers hate my existence.

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Well clearly you're not American so you're an outsider looking in. The entertainment you're referring to isn't really aimed at you.

You don't even have to bring the political commentary into this. Just watch this:

We're their entertainment. Zoo style.

Do you really believe that the average Joe caps to anime?
I bet you also believe traps aren't gay.

I'm American.

Not sure I believe you. Your post is phrased weirdly.

Can you blame them? These people pay money they earned to go on a 'star tour' bus. That little bit of entertainment they offered us is probably the highlight of their life.

Have you seen the oscars of this year user? Then you should already know your answer.

It's because rural Americans are stupid enough to vote for a known con artist because they like his red trucker hat that he sells for $50 a pop. And because he makes the liberal Hollywood types upset, hyuck hyuck hyuck. Nevermind that he's not banning your feared Muslims from countries with strong concentrations of terrorist activity because of business interests, he's continuing the same middle east wars, he's taking away health coverage from those communities (which are also going to be devestated by automation in less than 10 years, another big issue problem that doesn't get discussed at all and Trump has zero plans to mitigate)

Launch codes literally shaking deflection meme blah blah blah

Yeah we get it, you think being a Trump guy is cool because a handful of people who wrecked their careers supporting him spoke up. Well, the year is halfway over and he still hasn't rescued you from the basement and reprogrammed women to suddenly be pure and loyal to predatory nerds that only want wives to pump out their horribly flawed genetics.

No eat shit, we are not fucking shit head donald trump. we have nothing in common with him. if you think you do, you are deluding yourself. attacks on him are not toward us. we just voted for him because $hillary was worse.

Learning disability and auto-correct. That's why.

You had other options. You're just part of the stupid human cattle that goes "GEE THERE'S ONLY TWO OPTIONS RIGHT? RED OR BLUE I NEED COLORS AND LABELS MOMMY HELP THIS IS TOO MUCH THINKING"

It's one thing to be one of those people and be really into celebrity shit and have this story to tell now. It's another to watch this from the outside and see a glimpse of what the celebrities actually think of these people, and by extension, you.

i didn't bother to watch the oscars, so this is my first time seeing this. breddy gud

This is so fucking degrading. We're the invisible bags of money to them.

>learning disability
Yes you already told us you're a trump voter

it looks like they think we are cute and they are prettier and more talented then me. Their assumption is correct.

Trump has nothing to do with the "average joe", he always was a fat, elitist oligarch who never did a day of honest work in his life, never faced any real hardship and never interacted with people outside of his circle of rich, out of touch crooks.

People like him detest honest, working folk. It's mostly a myth that people like him speak to the average joe, they just have enough money to hire those who know how to appeal to them.

Their target audience are bored, nihilistic upper middle class sociopaths in their twenties. Just look at those who actual run their propaganda. People like Milo Yiannopoulos, Lauren Southern, Paul Joseph Watson, Richard Spencer... they aren't honest people looking for a perspective, they're elitist, spiteful, snooty rich kids who believe in nothing but their own superiority over everyone who's not like them.

This is the same guy that used his own child for politics.

>there were other options

Kimmel has no moral compass, that much was obvious. Hollywood is the capital of the sociopaths

There morals just seem to be what's trendy at the time.

Take Star Wars. First Order could have been more ISIS like. Instead they did Nazis again like the orginal trilogy. They could have been so creative but because these people think Nazis are the only evil people to ever exist, the First Order has to be stormfront which as far as I know is just a bunch of Sup Forums rejects and idiots.

Paul Joseph Watson used to be a janitor

Yeah, we know people like Paul and Hannity just use us for views. They think they know us but they don't.

>this is degrading

anons really need to see a counselor about that crippling insecurity they have.

>put all your chips in on celebrities and foreigners
>ruin working and middle class lives while insulting them
>shit self in rage as they vote against you

Spot on, that was my initial analysis of the movie too, I guess its a easy thing to identify pretty quickly(the nazi thing).

Sup Forums has warped your perception because you're a fucking retard who gets their worldview from a chinese cartoon website

that and JJ is a hack plagiarist

Its not just Sup Forums. Just go on freaking twitter. Josh Wheadon sexualised tween cancer survivors because of Trump rage and he's still probably going to make Batgirl. They don't even live by there own standards.

Have you ever been around hollywood? Its like a garden of eden and all the mold and filth lives outside of it. the commoners, who wish so badly want to become one of those in the garden, live on the edge of the city and all around it.

I can't blame keanu reeves for wanting to do nothing with hollywood desu.

Good for him.

>being this sheltered
I hope you never set foot in america, for your own sake

>People who aren't queen slaying or posting rainbow shit, but are instead fapping to anime and looking for work.
You don't have to look at celebs to have that. I'm here and I still look down on you.

Nice essay. Was there a real viable alternative to Hillary in your universe? In ours it was her and Trump , and Trump was a better choice.