What's next for his career?
What's next for his career?
giving shelter to some refugees to his house
>Having twins at 40
Abominations incoming
every time i see his wifes name i mistake it for ANAL, every single fucking time
who the fuck names their kid something one easily misinterpreted letter away from a degenerate sexual act
my little anal
child rapes
I thought they got divorced.
At least those are normal names. Some of the shit celebs create for their spawn are just ridiculous.
>George and Anal welcome twins
He's leaving Hollywood to take care of his twins.
He's old anyway.
enjoy the autism Cloonster
He will wrongly predict the winner of the 2020 presidential election.
>Having kids with a jewish lawyer
He was already fucked, now he's royally fucked if they ever get a divorce.
>not welcoming soldiers to our ranks
kek what a cuck
>fat girl
dying before his kids are in middle school
play a syrian refugee who lost his home and family killed by obama's drone strikes, invited to europe to live on welfare, learns the language (french the language of cowards), gets a job (uber driver, gets off welfare, his hobby is doing comedy on the side, he's doing it all in frog language, another syrian puts it all on youtube, goes viral, becomes a celebrity, rails against western countries for being racist and demands world peace, becomes politician, wins against le pen (the younger one, cute bitch) goes back to being a muslim and turns france into mecca for europe. the end
At least they have traditional names and not 'Nettle' or 'Marzipan' as celebs are so inclined with
>Clooney can fuck a tranny
>when Eddie Murphy does it it's terrible
talk about white privilege
Raising autistic and or underdevelopmed children due to his old man sperm