Golden Dawn’s representative, Ilias Kasidiaris denounced, in his dynamic style, the nationally treacherous policy of SYRIZA on national issues and illegal immigration in parliament.
This guy speaks the truth, take some time to watch the video in its entirety and then give your opinion.
Greece has been bought by international Banks and they have Greece on a rack cutting it deep to bleed it of money and YOU are blaming foreigners for it. Greek was clever but it's not now. This guy wants to kill lots of people including Greeks. That's how it is with all you psychos
Henry Hill
>This guy wants to kill lots of people including Greeks. That's how it is with all you psychos All this guy wants to do is cleanse Greece of all the refugees.
Jordan Harris
>This guy wants to kill lots of people including Greeks. If this is what your streets looked like, you'd probably act the same way.
Colton Reed
If the Greeks dont get rid of these immigrants, everything else is hopeless. They just get replaced
Leo Stewart
>muh handgun
get a rifle you fucking idiots
Nathaniel Hughes
Landon Cooper
I've been saying for a while we should add him to our nationalist leaders lineup but no one has made a pic.
daily reminder that golden dawn isnt going to save greece because they are retards
Jonathan Edwards
This desu. He will find a way to get us fucking bombed
Xavier Perry
modern greeks are just t*rkish rapebabies with no genetic relation to ancient greeks due to centuries of ottoman dickings anyways
James Reyes
Ah ok. I couldn't find any clips of him speaking English.
I remember one time there was a clip of him giving a speech at a GD motorcycle rally, and there were no English subtitles, so I asked if a Greekbro could translate and he did the whole thing.
Brandon Murphy
knew an albozerg qt that looked just like this but she had into pre-arranged marriage
Xavier Evans
Ου μαρι υστεριkια αλγερινιαρα
Jackson Walker
no they will never get elected because the are clowns
Aaron Miller
That would be me, it was a 3 minute clip and proved to be a metric fuckton of text
Adam Myers
That was you? Shit man.
Remember we talked about GD's NYC sect?
Gavin Carter
Yeah and I asked you if you could see Trump tower from there and also said that you could hang with those guys for they are definitely redpilled, and you said that them being Greek nationalists and you being an American didn't felt right
Christopher Lopez
>Εkσο η kσενι
Τ.Ο New York
Christian Kelly
Eli Gray
looks like a romanian gypsy
Evan Brooks
All the Greeks I've met in the US (first generation) looked like Arabs.
Mason Garcia
Yeah it is you. Awesome seeing you again.
That was in a Trump General right?
Isaac Ortiz
Jackson Thomas
Triggered by her trigger discipline.
Alexander Smith
>Geert >Nazi
Elijah Thomas
EXCELLENT! Thanks brah.
Jackson Garcia
>what is lip service
I don't even care if he likes Israel though. Israel is too big to take on now.
He's anti Muslim and a nationalist. That's all I care about.
Joseph Cooper
I believe so. Well we are here for ever, aren't we? I'm pretty sure that the overwhelming majority of Sup Forums is regulars that just lurk and shitpost half a sentence. Those who have held convos larger than one paragraph can always shout out and find each other. It's nice to see that my assessment seems about right. Hope you are doing well mate
Joseph Hall
The flag is upside down, m8 the cross should be on the left side, see how the others are aligned
Hunter Roberts
Nvm I just saw that they are mixed, desregard my previous post
Jose Lee
>Well we are here for ever, aren't we?
>I'm pretty sure that the overwhelming majority of Sup Forums is regulars that just lurk and shitpost half a sentence
That's what I usually do on my phone when I'm not at home. That's why anons like TrumpNightlyNews so much.
>Hope you are doing well mate
Yeah you too. And someone finally added Greece like I said: Someone also made pic related but the size didn't fit the lineup.
Yeah and it's a recent update too. I also saved yours m8
Alexander Williams
I'm sorry bro. I believe some of us still practice that shit.
>memes Please provide any facts that lead you to believe this and I'll carefully explain how wrong you are.
Jeremiah Phillips
*can't believe
Logan Roberts
Well it's nice seeing you again. You're pretty based Greekbro. Hope GD works out for Greece.
Jason Davis
Fucking hell that reporter is so fucking hot. More pics of her pls?
Henry Williams
We can only hope. I will be seeing you around bro, take care
Jace Lewis
You saw the Armenians then, they tend to be darker than us
Adam Rodriguez
I think Trump will set the prescedent worldwide for nationalists to take control of their countries. So I hope so as well.
You too bro.
Jason Morris
Christopher Price
We count on it here in Europe, please don't screw this up Ameribros
Noah Gray
I came here to post this video. Got goosebumps when he crumpled up the paper and tossed it at that pitiful excuse of a Greek. Golden Dawn is a bit too provocative for my tastes, but I completely understand how absolutely frustrated they must be, having been sold out by their countrymen.
Pic unrelated, but check out those fasces.
Ian Adams
We won't. The only way the evil witch can win now is by election fraud and outright totalitarian takeover. Which will result in a civil war.
We're in this shit together, man.
Bentley Kelly
I know mate, i'm certain that Trump will be able to masterfully manipulate all the events to his advantage, exactly as he has been doing so for the past year and a month. Can't wait for the first debate with Shitllary, he's gonna go nuclear and cause her a stroke on live tv
Caleb Wright
I agree, very good and passionate speech.
I wouldn't say it's too provocative given the situation. Aggressive speaking is needed in these times. It's currently winning with Trump.
Aaron Watson
>Can't wait for the first debate with Shitllary, he's gonna go nuclear and cause her a stroke on live tv
It's going to be fucking savage. Politically speaking, he's going to be a mad dog that shreds and thrashes her all over the fucking place.
That's why I said, the only way she can win now is via election fraud and tyrannical takeover.
Andrew Nguyen
I bet the democraps are begging for a huge earthquake to ruin the statue
The problem is this: Trump was a very widely accepted buisiness man and a celebrity before he took the mantle of the saviour of America. These guys were always been regarded as literally satan by the media, even if they were more polite than Sven to his wife's boyfriend they would be still the devil himself. They need to find a way to demolish the narrative
Landon Sanchez
Man, i've been waiting for this many many months. My body is fucking ready
Adam Ward
When I said they were too provocative for my tastes I was referencing how they consider themselves a neo-Nazi organization. Please correct me if I'm mistaken. Like I said, I sympathize with their sentiment, but I think a lot of normies are turned off by pic related.
>t. NatSoc
Eli Roberts
>These guys were always been regarded as literally satan by the media, even if they were more polite than Sven to his wife's boyfriend they would be still the devil himself
What, you don't think that's exactly what our media has been doing? They've been shouting LITERALLY HITLER for over a year.
The only option then is to fight harder through the lies. It's an uphill climb and always will be.
Me too. It's going to be intense.
And Trump is going to ensure it's on prime time television with all eyes watching.
>I was referencing how they consider themselves a neo-Nazi organization.
I don't think so. Just nationalist or NatSoc. But I don't live in Greece so I don't know for sure.
Julian Young
>including the half-turkish beast >including the skinhead albanian thug guy >falling for the golden meme
This is the one you should use.
Michael Peterson
Hi Alex toms
Cameron Bailey
I know, i have been following closely your politics, to the point i don't follow Greek politics (because i'll go full allahu ackbar at some point, it's fucking unbearable). The difference is that Trump was known before he run for office, he was relatable and a bit of role-model for the american dream, it's kinda hard to make the "litteraly hitler" allegation stick. These guys cannot fight the narrative
Nathan Roberts
>>including the skinhead albanian thug guy Who?
Easton Johnson
>no trigger disciprine
Joshua Turner
Don't fall for leftist trolling m8
James Morris
Trump has sacrificed his whole public image and company for this.
>These guys cannot fight the narrative
I know. But like I said before. I think Trump winning will set the precedent for nationalists to rise and take their countries back.
Jayden Bennett
In Trump we trust m8
Chase Edwards
Has Kasidiaris ever spoken about Trump btw?
Joshua Nguyen
I know for sure that Panagiotaros have endorsed Trump. I'm certain that GD is positive about Trump, as all nationalists are. But i haven't seen any clip of Kasidiaris saying something about Trump.
Blake Scott
Yeah I did see one clip of GD talking about him a few months ago but never seen Kasidiaris or Michaloliakos.
Probably too focused on their own political issues.
Did you see Geert Wilders and based Farage at the RNC convention? I was hoping for a backstage photo op but it didn't happen (I guess).
Wyatt Smith
Yeah and i was actually positively surprised. I don't think that european politicians have attended the RNC convention any other time. This shows just how much faith the eurosceptic wing has put on Trump. The West needs Trump, he's the last hope of straightning our shit up without bloodshed
Jason Richardson
I was surprised as well because we had been memeing it for months prior and then it actually happened. Albeit on a small scale.
>The West needs Trump, he's the last hope of straightning our shit up without bloodshed
I know. He's our last chance and by default, Europe's last chance.
It's gonna be a crazy next 3 months, bro. Hard to believe it's only gonna be that when we've been in this for well over a year now. But now's when shit kicks into maximum gear.
Adam Scott
>I was surprised as well because we had been memeing it for months prior and then it actually happened. Albeit on a small scale.
Just wait for 1/20/2017 and onwards m8, it's gonna be on a massive scale, the memes will transcend reality on a daily basis
>It's gonna be a crazy next 3 months, bro. Hard to believe it's only gonna be that when we've been in this for well over a year now. But now's when shit kicks into maximum gear.
It has been a wild ride and now it's about to get even wilder. I've never been more excited about any elections ever in my life and i've seen quite a few
Jayden Bennett
leaf leave
Andrew Reyes
kαkα παραδειγματα εισαι βλαkας
Nolan Walker
>it's gonna be on a massive scale, the memes will transcend reality on a daily basis
My body is fucking ready.
>It has been a wild ride and now it's about to get even wilder. I've never been more excited about any elections ever in my life
How do I think I feel after 8 years of Bush & Obama? I've literally never had a President in my life that I liked.
This is the most important and revolutionary election of the past...shit, maybe in US history.
We're living fucking history right now.
Kevin Allen
What an hero, he's so based beyond belief. I'm proud of you greeks.
Luke Murphy
>We're living fucking history right now.
Better yet, we are shaping fucking history right now. All this poll rigging in the first few days of his candidacy got us a fucking long way. We will never be acknowleged, but we helped a fucking lot.
Lucas Williams
>All this poll rigging in the first few days of his candidacy got us a fucking long way.
Well, is it really "rigging" if it's genuine support?
Christian Phillips
In the first few days it actually was. Remember the black females poll? But what we did there is that we merely normalized the message. If the majority can hold "extreme opinions" then it is socially acceptable. We broke the social stigma, we started the push-back. We didn't make anyone like his policies. We made it socialy acceptible
Michael Cruz
> 1776
Someone needs to screencap this.
Juan Reed
Right. But it's still genuine support. We're not rich mega donors and corporate lobbyists who want to elect him for personal profit. Know what I mean?
Jayden Bailey
Of course. As i said on my previous, we just manipulated the social mechanics. We out-jewed the jews (media) if you will, where they were forced to report some massive spikes of Trumps popularity, we normalized Trump. Of course it's his message that gets the people behind him, but if we didn't throw our support in the first few weeks, the outcome could be very different today
Jaxon Mitchell
Most likely.
And we'll never ask for credit. We did it to MAGA (and MEGA).
Tyler Martin
Who gives a fuck for the credit bro? We did it for free and for MAEGA
Henry Richardson
>Who gives a fuck for the credit bro? We did it for free and for MAEGA
That's what I said.
Plus don't forget about the anons over in /cfg/.
Hunter Turner
>implying it isn't -mostly- /trumpgen/ in the first place
I'm sure that we have stared at the abyss for far too long. But their ways actually do work
Andrew Roberts
Well 99% of Sup Forums is pro Trump except for shills and ex Bernouts and the occasional "le all politicians are shit/woo anarchy" dumbasses.
I most lurk /cfg/. Rarely post.
Evan Wright
Well there wasn't any genuine opposition from Sup Forums. Think about it, could you be a cruzlim and a Sup Forumsack at the same time? No. Could you be a guackhead? No. A bubble-boy? No. A bernout? Fuck no, you'd get triggered in the first 5 seconds in this board. A mentally Hill? Kek, she has only payed supporters. No, Sup Forums is actually /trumpgen/. I don't believe that there are people that do not lurk /trumpgen/ even when shitposting on other threads. If we all started posting the threads would be pruned in 5 minutes.
William Sanchez
the thumbnail looks like a lotta butts.
Benjamin Cook
so i donated spaghetti to these faggots so i could get a golden dawn t shirt and they never fucking sent it
David Butler
>No, Sup Forums is actually /trumpgen/
I am okay with this.
Jayden Butler
Carter Lee
damn, he's really butthurt about macedonia
Camden Butler
Well I gotta get some sleep. See you around Greekbro.
Take care. MAEGA!
Mason Ramirez
just read an article about a vice guy that tried to get an interview with them and they were incredibly unprofessional and rude about it.
figures, seeing as their attitude when i emailed about the shirt never coming in, they were like well yea fuck you pal, tough.