Okay Sup Forums, what's the most retarded, batshit insane, and/or ridiculous political conspiracy theory you know of?
How vehement are its supporters?
Okay Sup Forums, what's the most retarded, batshit insane, and/or ridiculous political conspiracy theory you know of?
How vehement are its supporters?
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democrats hate minorities like blacks and use welfare to keep them in check.
but you refuse to study LBJ because cognitive dissonance, so this tells republicans that you're mentally ill.
Trump is a Racist
That Hitler killed 6 million jews.
Finland doesn't exist
That being said, I believe it
The elite worships IsIs, the innocent "Childlike Empress", and the rest is deception.
That canada is relevant
Greece is cucked.
I live in Finland
Valencian is not the same language as catalan and valencian people already spoke valencian before catalans reconquered those lands from moors.
They really believe it.
Ah yes.... Canada the 51st US state.
Your flag says otherwise. Perpetuating the Scandinavian Jew is detestable
That Islam is a religion of peace. People who believe that conspiracy are nuts.
Humanity was secretly relocated to Mars several thousand years ago by a secret society of African elites
It's hard to tell which are legit and which are bulllshit.
I'd have to say either the popular "the holocost was a hoax" stupidity...
The moon landing was faked.
The KANGZ shit I see here.
It's supporters are pretty fervant. They run all major States. They run all universities, mainstream media outlets, secondary schools, and the majority of churches. They have trillions of dollars of support and the backing of the US army. Their influence pervades every aspect of modern life despite their ideology being relatively young.
I live in Finland
The digital smart meters are for mind control
Also i recommend Kitty History for more sensible ones
There are people who think that human beings are naturally equal, but that a giant historical conspiracy has rendered us unequal. I forget what this belief is called, but obviously, it's completely insane. They are quite vehement.
There is no quicker way to ruin preggo art than this inflation bullshit.
Blacks were everything in the ancient world until Whitey and the Fire Nation attacked.
American penis is too large to be compatible with Canadian women
Trump is a woman who has undergone severe hormone treatments to mask her feminine nature and achieve business success and that is what's responsible for the rage and unusual hair.
She claims to wear a "bulletproof vest" but it's actually a corset to keep her breasts from spilling out. The reason why Melania seems so vapid and Barron seems so sleepy is because they are heavily drugged to keep the truth from slipping out. It's well-known among the elites that Donna Trump goes by "she" around the house. Tiffany knows the truth and is bribed to look the other way, that's why she looks so amused in all her public appearances. The rest of the Trump children are too well-paid to reveal the game and for added insurance their fathermother auctioned them all off to wealthy Jews. If the secret isn't kept, they'll be verklempt!
You beat me to it.
They put fluoride in the water for mind control
Trump is democrat plant.
Still can't believe this got traction, or even understand it. If a fucking mole could get the nomination then what chance did the actual """""conservative""""" field have?
That Berenstain Bear shit
The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy.
The Jews and Goyim are very vehement.
They believe their own bullshit, even if it's contradictory and/or false.
That a conspiracy is not just one of any other kinds of laws. Three or more people conspiring to do illegalities and that a theory to describe this is in fact itself a conspiracy. Either the first thing is hiding or talking about literally anything is hiding. Theorists have facts. This tactic says everybody is retarded for talking about conspiracies. It's stupid. Stop
There actually is reason to believe this one, though.
fug :D
>Donald Trump is actually Hitler
What are you?
Has anyone else that egalitarianism and communism have a very similar end-game?
I don't think that's a coincidence
That "systemic racism" is what's keeping down blacks
literally my entire age group almost believes in it.
Moon landing. How much evidence do you need short of actually having tagged along?
I would have considered myself a democrat twenty years ago, it was before we say how neo-cons had siezed control of both parties with only minor social issues deciding elections anymore.
The right lost its way and the left went full fucking retard. Trump is a return to what is important, jobs and security. All safety and culture flows on from those being secured.
>for mind control
Kek, the fluoride has some bad effects (including possibly effecting your pineal gland) but full on mind control through fluoride is absurd
Black lives matter.
Albania is fictional also.
I mean seriously, name one Albanian river.
Or mountain.
or famous Albanian.
Alex Jones going on about how the Nazis are still alive and pulling the strings of globalism.
Atlacomulco Group
Basically in a small town, 3-4 powerful and rich families gather together and hired a witch, so they could ruled over the country for the rest of times, now back to the future, those familes had 6 governors, dozens of mayors and 2 presidents of the country so far. And while I don't doubt powerful families made plans to rule the country, what I don't believe is they hired a witch.
Systematic low-IQ is the only thing holding us down.
Mama, these diapers are a barrier between me and the toilet. It's all your fault for putting them on. And the diapers are white.
Cracka. This is silly. The gibs, please.
I can't gibs them myself.
It would be a shame if I sniped all the cops instead of voting.
they are pretty bad man
moon landing. how much evidence of Stanley Kubrick faking it do you need to know humans never set foot on the moon?
> Okay Sup Forums, what's the most retarded, batshit insane, and/or ridiculous political conspiracy theory you know of?
So called "Holocaust"
> How vehement are its supporters?
To the insane extreme
Black Bullshit Matters.
Oy vey, Cracka. We the Congo Jews now.
>tries to get rid of Jews
>becomes the thing they tried to get rid of
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
Dahnald. Your mind, please. It isn't going convince itself. It would be a shame if you didn't have me to tell you what to do. Now give the fucklegates, Dahnald.
The earth is flat. Most of its supporters are just trolls but some of them actually believe this.
>but you refuse to study LBJ
But I have studied LBJ, sounds like youre the one who hasnt. He was a southern, redneck country boy from Texas who voted consistently with other Southern Dixiecrats in favor of segregation during his time in Senate, up until his Presidency when it suited his own personal agends to do otherwise. He was also a rabid racist who would call black people "niggers" to their face. Its not hard to find information on this, its well confirmed fact.
The patriarchy
Oy vey, the Niggers' brainwave pattern is flat.
Watch Room 237, it's a documentary about how Kubrick apparently hide messages in the Shining, some people believed the movie was about the natives genocide, about the fake moon-landing and other stuff.
Same goes for Eyes Wide Closed, people believed there are many messages hidden about Illuminati and stuff.
I love that one kek
But blacks were not Aztecs or Ancient chinese civilizations, How do they explain that?
>Eyes Wide Closed
Eyes Wide Shut (ftfy)
And yeah, there are messages about the elites and their pagan worshipping, globalist ways.
Also, Kubrick died of a 'heart attack' shortly after turning the movie over to the studio.
>democrats hate minorities like blacks and use welfare to keep them in check.
That's true though. All democraps do is blame republican'ts and say they'll bring more welfare.
Race is a social construct
There are more than two genders.
That whenever a qualified woman walks into the office of the employer, the employer thinks to himself "hmmm, a woman ey? let's just go ahead and reduce that salary by let's say ~15% then MWUAHAHWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHWHAH THE PATRIARCHY WILL NEVER DIE"
Its supporters : Literally every progressive/liberal/left wing person in the western world