I just discovered my gf has been cheating me for a few months.
How do I get over it?
I just discovered my gf has been cheating me for a few months.
How do I get over it?
cheat first next time!
#shit post
does she know that you discovered it?
Join the rising Priesthood. There's cotton candy, fries, and all sorts of surprised down here. And balloons too! All colors!
But I dont want to cheat anyway
Start fucking the guy she's fucking on the side.
Shame her. Tell all her friends and family she has STD's. Make her a public disgrace and do everything you can to make her life miserable.
If you have any nudes, send them to her friends and family.
how did you discover it? Give us some of those sweet sweet heartwrenching details, dude!
Well that will take some time. She has become a hooker "secretly". It will take a while to meet all people she has been fucking
if she lives with you, kick her out. Don't give her the reason, just do it.
The good old tolerant german revenge.
I read some "reviews" from her "clients" on internet
You realize that literally every girl you ever date long term is constantly looking for an upgrade until they hit the wall. Once they hit the wall, they'll take any upgrade that happens to fall into their lap.
That's what women do. That's what women are in their romantic lives. They're just looking for the next best thing while they stick with something that's satisfactory for the moment.
What you need to do is the exact same thing. That's it. This latest generation of women will be pushing their mid-30s, husbandless and childless, before they start to come their senses about the merits of monogamy and family.
Believe me, it's far, FAR more important to women, just as a base instinct, to reproduce. That's the ultimate irony of feminism and women's liberation; it serves men SO FUCKING well.
Be a monster. Lead them on, fuck as many as you can, and drop them in a heartbeat.
What the heck? Just pimp her out then and make her share the money with you? I would love to have a personal hooker gf to pimpi out for money.
Shoot some people at the nearest McDonald's obviously.
jesus christ just dump her
Immediately ask for a threesome.
Cmon Hans.
I laughed at this but then felt bad. You're going to have to break up with her, there's not much else you can do, unless you want to constantly be let down. There's not really a way to get over it, it just takes time.
>not being supportive of her career choices
It's the Current Year m8
Give us a look and i will tell you the ultimate plan.
>having sex before marriage
Found your problem. Repent of your sins and accept the Lord Jesus Christ.
tell her you want to watch her fuck a nigger film it pornhub link Sup Forums we link it to her entire family and friends coworkers etc ;)
I'm dying laughing. Holy shit, OP.
Get out. You need to cut her off and out of your life entirely. That bitch is insane. All you are right now is the emotional support of a prostitute. Why in the fuck are you going to subject yourself to that?
Leave, motherfucker.
can people explain to me how goat horns and getting cheated on became related in Spanish culture?
Hit the Facebook and lawyer up a gym.
Did you hit the bitch?
I despise these evil cheating fucks of people, nearly always women.
A cuckold is a horned man that has beem cheated on.
Cuernos means horned.
>this make some money with her, and beat her when she doesn't bring enough money (she have to know who rules in da house)
and once you got a couple good stuff, leave her but still pimp her.. and find a "good girl" around
Lol grow up fag
>me voy de erasmus a italia
She has to pay man
She just though that you were not good enough for her, Ahmed.
t. virgin
>Actively abstaining from acting upon your natural male urges to go out and fuck bitches and conquer shit
Fucking Christfaggots
She probably has been cheating on you with a refugee. Get ready to be a father! Congrats on being German
I literally cant even
Its not your fucking body, its hers and she can do what she likes with it.
You are literally oppressing and slut shaming her, you area privileged shtitlord, you don't own her.
Now if you want to make reparations for oppressing her then:
Apologise to her
Give her money whenever you have sex with her, you need to support her career and you don't own her, by paying her you are rewarding her for her labour that you have been stealing.
Buy a cock cage to allow her to have power in the relationship, then she will now feel threatened and raped by your patriarchy.
Hope you make things right