
What did you learn from this movie?
Do you really think Mexico is like portrayed in this film?

It would be more realistic if the drug kingpin had been a city mayor. The cartels and the government in Mexico are one and the same.

Pretty accurate.

It made me hate mexicans.

I really liked it, thought it was accurate and realistic. Didn't make the woman tough, she was a pussy and gets her ass kicked

How do I become a killer machine like Del Toro?

yeah seemed really realistic that a 60 year old fat lawyer became a super soldier assassin and delta operator force had a big battle in a sekret border drug tunnel letting two FBI agents hop along for fun

I heard that Mexico was full of Mexicans. Reason enough to never go there.

Easily in my top 5 favorite movies of all time. I didn't really learn much, always known that the cartels are shitting up mexico and there is brutal violence every because of the drug trade. I love the movie even more so because it didn't try to shy away or downplay how fucked up the whole cartel situation is. Also how the spooks operate and how shady they are. And Benicio is the hardest motherfucker around

This meme triggers me because the fact not even a single Mexican has claimed to be white, ever

The war on drugs can never be won.

its a bit tame, but ok for the most part

>get married with a child
>return home to see your wife beheaded and your babby dissolved in acid
>train to be oper8r as fuck to slake your lust for revenge

I learned that the author of the script doesn't know anything.

I live in the El Paso, Juarez area. To start off, the only parts shot in the actual Juarez area were the one where they show a wide shot of the convoy crossing the international bridge. The rest was filmed elsewhere but not in juarez.

Second, the le ebin shootout they have at the bridge was just to ficticious and they end it with " It wont even make the news here". A shootout at the international bridge would be major news in both countries with thousands of witnesses. Also, 4 tattooed gangbanger crammed in a car wouldn't even make it past the middle of the bridge where American jurisdiction starts since they have border agents and k-9s checking cars before the even get to the point where they actually check your papers.

It was fantasy, my friends. Juarez isn't like that. It was bad about 4-5 years ago but now it like any other major city. A shootout at the bridge is just to ficticious and if it were to happen it would bean international disaster.

But then again, an actual portrayal of juarez wouldn't be exciting.

That wonder women and her special negro should of been shot dead and left in the tunnel.

there is also the implication that cartel thugs these days are mostly inept/untrained; but sheer brutality against unarmed civilians makes people fear them and not oppose them

even our shitty army has a massive K:D ratio on them

>oh no senor we are very safe

that movie is real shit. human trafficking is off the charts. build wall nao.

Didn't watch because it looks like a "stonk independent woman," movie.

its the opposite

she is a patsy and constantly needs to be rescued or is put in her place by a man (benicio)

Juarez has its dangerous areas sure, but its not really that dangerous. You could say the same thing about any other major city like LA or Jew York.

The cartel violence in Juarez has never "spilled" into El Paso and it continues to be one of the safest cities in America.

And its señor, you inbred hick.

I don't think it was too accurate:
>house bombs
>shoot out on the bridge
>Del Toro basically becoming Big Boss-tier at late middle age

Still a fantastic movie though, one of my top 5, everyone was excellent, especially Del Toro.


i believe you. but if its been chased out of juarez, then it has to have moved somewhere else, because theres no way in hell it just got cleaned up entirely. so i assume other cities are either going to shit or getting shittier?

essentially, whats the new el paso, bro?

she doesnt do fuck all the entire movie.

Sabotage > Sicario

The drug cartel violence simply died down. It happens but now its much more discrete. In 2009-2011 we had bodies and daily murders but it died down. Other states like Sonora and Nuevo Leon are experiencing a rise though.

The new el paso? What do you mean?

We are full of big boss motherfuckers that havent died yet when they should have.

The english speaking scene between two native spanish speakers was cringe and the excuse was hella lame hollywood bullshit. The state police arent the most corrupt because the WHOLE SYSTEM is corrupt so that little comment was inaccurate. Maybe the staties are more likely to shake you down if youre a foreigner but the corruption goes all the way to the top. And hanging bodies from brigdes is not a common sight anymore and hopefully it stays that way.

I watched it for 5 minutes until it became clear that half of it was gonna be "strong womyn in a hostile world of men proves she's tough amid the corpses and cartels n shiet"

You are a superficial faggot. You should've watch it all and then decide what it was about

thats funny since the whole movie she spends crying and getting beaten and it ends with Del Toro triumphing over her.

Except it wasnt that. It was a federal agent woman gets bullied by a cartel hitman backed by the cia so she literally has to stfu about everything that happens or she dies.



We launch special operations into mexico on kill/capture missions all the time.

Doesn't end like that at all, she gets shown that she's a fucking fragile snowflake that's at the mercy of whoever a ordering her around, she spends half the movie crying while the guys shoot up cartel guys like it's nobody's business


no I'm not gonna waste my time on some edgey bullshit

> Didn't watch because it looks like a "stonk independent woman," movie.

It’s a great movie and while the chick cop is presented early on as a stronk womyn, (and she is a competent cop) as the movie goes on she’s shown as getting deeper and deeper over her head and finally realizing that she got played for a chump and in fact isn’t a stronk womyn.

I was actually surprised they went this way with a female character and the star of the movie, as it goes against the grain of what Hollywood is putting out nowadays.

that's even worse than I thought

I saw a clip from a part in this movie and was fucking pumped, so i watched it...

had like two fucking action scenes and the whole movie revolved around this female literally ruining and fucking up every plan, and getting over emotional. not even kidding, it was fucking retareded

It wasn't edgy. “You are not a wolf, and this is a land of wolves now.” she cries in the end of movie

are you white? RARE

Bretty good, specially because I watched it for free. All I had to do is look outside my window (still waiting for the ending, tho)

It's actually very much the opposite, I thought it'd be some feminist fantasy but instead the women is useless

I visited Juarez in 07 for a $10 drink til you drown night.
In one of the 4 clubs a guy was selling Social Security cards for $20
At another one a dude drowned in his own vomit and he was still there the next morning.
And the pharmacy was open all night selling knock off steroids to Chads.
Fuck that shithole

I learned that female cops suck.

Movie was boring as fuck.

The hype for this movie is beyond me.

I learned that a writer can subvert the Hollygoy "stronk independent wimmin don't need her no man" bullshit if they're smart about it.

Also that movie had god-tier cinematography

My friend actually started telling me about this movie cause we were on the topic of cool sunglasses. Is it redpilled? Is it good? Should I watch it? He generally has shit taste in movies so I didn't really listen to his recommendation for it, but perhaps I was wrong.

>We are full of big boss motherfuckers that havent died yet when they should have.

Why don't you guys go and civilize those animals up north, teach them how to sell drugs properly.

It's excellent, and the action is balanced and tense, and the story, while generic, doesn't doddle or drag itself out.

Fun Fact:

Juarez got butthurt about this film and tried saying that their crime has been going down and they are much safer

In reality, now a single cartel controls the city, so there is less cartel on cartel crime, hence less crime

funny isn't it? Mexico is quite LITERALLY a parody of civilization.

No, that user is right.

Decent film but it would have been A LOT better without the negro cop partner. Not just because negro but because bad cringy acting and script.
But also because overly protective negro of the White Woman BS.
Saw it once not worth seeing again. 2.5/5

Federal Military is shit. They just kill entire towns.
The Mexican Marines can actually operate, though. They will fucking find you, they will fucking catch you, they will fucking torture your family, they will kill your children in front of you.

Mexican Marines, they're goddamned ruthless as hell.

>found out at the NORTHCOM

Best army in latinamierica

Lived in El Paso a long time. This is pretty much true. Except cartels use Americans called Barrios Aztecas and Mexican Mafia to do their bidding. So technically the cartel doesn't spill over because it's brown "americans" doing the drug pushing and the violence.

Also, El Paso cops are just like Mexican cops without the bribery. EPPD will take your ass out into the desert way out on Montana blvd and teach you a lesson you'll never forget. This very violent and effective police force that lives among the citizenry is extremely good at keeping the peace.

El Paso Mexicans do not want dirty juarez mexicans ruining their city, so everything works ok.

Average movie but it's pretty redpilled. Made me realize realize Emily Blunt is an overrated bitch who got lucky with two action movies. I also realized that Deakins is way past his prime and Villeneuve is a one-trick pony.

The whole point of the movie was that only the FBI was legally allowed to operate on US soil, so the two got brought to everything so it would be legal.

>El Paso Mexicans do not want dirty juarez mexicans ruining their city, so everything works ok.

Can confirm. You've never seen someone hate illegal Mexicans like Mexican families that have lived in the US for hundreds of years.

The reason their is a choice between "Hispanic" and "non Hispanic" on the census was because Mexicans in the US wanted to be able to check "white" but also still have a way to get electoral gibs like preferential districting.

So, you are demonstrably incorrect

>Mexican intellectuals

Made me understand why the U.S. co-opts the drug trade.

Not only does it pay for secret programs.

Shitskins and subhumans cant be trusted to run the industry without killing each other, so the white man must take over and handle it.

I thought it was an incredibly redpilling movie and made a lot of sense.

This Also that Mexico is a fucking failed state at this point run by Drug lords

>That guy who was dressed like Mike Vinning
>Operating the fuck of those cartel thugs
>That last minute warning in the form of a head nod

Benicio and Brolin are fucking great actors. Also is Brolin Swedish heritage, Swedish last name.
Would Spaniards say that benicio looked 100% Spanish?

>mexicans in the us

mexicans live in mexico

retarded pochos and "mexican americans" are just gringos with identity issues

Who else /boner/ here?

>But then again, an actual portrayal of juarez wouldn't be exciting.
Yeah a movie about a city where the Sinaloa Cartel and the Juarez Cartel have violently fought and killed each other for years leaving hundreds dead, and have drafted El Paso gang members (Barrio Azteca Gang) and Juarez street gangs (AA, Mexicles) to kill each other, and battles between the Federal and city police all over the city is totally not exciting and non movie material.
El Paso, Texas here too jotillo, Juarez has never been a nice calm peaceful city, even before the Cartel wars, there was street gangs shooting and killing each other all the time, women and prostitutes being murdered and raped and, hundreds of disappeared women, and being mugged was just a normal everyday thing.

Also, El Paso americans of brown descent own more fucking guns than all the rednecks I knew back in eastern tennessee.

Mexicans have major gun fetishes. Twice while in El Paso I had pistols pulled on me by El Paso Mexicans. Once over a parking space, the next outside a bar (technically he pulled it on the group).

El Paso is a very weird place full of brown snowflakes who dont belong anywhere. They hate mexico, and mexico hates them. They hate republicans, but hold all republican values. They hate on the rest of Texas because Texas is redneck, and the rest of Texas calls El Paso northern Mexico.

Even the weather hates El Paso. Scorching hot summers with fucking sandstorms like back in Iraq. The wind/sandstorms were so strong they flipped over trackortrailers on hwy54. Then the winters were strange with sudden freak snowstorms that would go away to clear skies in hours. El paso seems to just hate people.

El Paso is a valley that could be nice to live in if Juarez could be completely firebombed off the face of the earth.


>ywn be a cool operator operating on the US border remvoing shitskins in your colombia and patagucci gear

One Cartel has control of most of the city now, which is why the violence has went down.

Aren't los zetas like former special forces or some shit?

Michael Weston is still out there kicking the shit out of pussies.

>that trigger discipline

This movie reminded me a lot of Apocalypse Now t b h

Nothing that I did not knew before
>Mexico drug wars are a bloody hell
>US messing things in other countries
>Woman can't into real world

Del Toro was the best.

I think I've seen this movie about 6 times now.

Great movie

>Juarez has never been a nice calm peaceful city

Can confirm. Back in '99 I remember an entire quincinyeta (i cant spell beaner, it's a 15th birthday party where mexicans all take turns gangbanging their 15 year old daughter) the Juarez cartel killed every family member at the party then buried them in shallow graves.

Does the Juarez cartel still exist? Did the sinoloa BTFO Juarez or did they get their city back from those fucking jungle goblins?

That women are shit at everything they do.

yes, but they've been hunted down to near extinction by the government and other cartels since 2010

you tell us
you live there
is it accurate?

Those 4 retarded Mexicans in the car is literally every cartel group plus a few guys who are ex-military towards the top threatening people to keep them in line, and the idiots at the bottom want to show how tough they are so they don't get fucking killed so they cut off heads and shit like that, while those at the top dont fucking care at all

garbage gang bullshit that made enough money to buy off all politicians, the president, police, and military. retards smoking illegal weed/doing illegal drugs are literally getting people killed and these faggots dont believe they have a part in it when they buy drugs

Way back in the day when they were loyal dogs to the Gulf Cartel. Now, they let anybody in.

>tfw you will never be an ex US military trained CIA watchdog over your Mexican Cartel pets funneling you illegal money to overthrow nation states the USA doesn't like.

he's in a combat situation you stupid fucking nigger

>retards smoking illegal weed/doing illegal drugs are literally getting people killed and these faggots dont believe they have a part in it when they buy drugs

you know the drug wars can be an argument against the concept of a completely free market

Ideally, consumers choose the best product that is best for everyone, yet we have people that do drugs and don't give 2 shits that their money is sent to Mexico to kill people.

TD is irrelevant if you're operating, isn't this when he's actively killing people?

Only watched it because of emily blunt.
Wasn't disappointed

stop being such an edgy fuck. its a movie.

Anybody have the video of those two brothers who rules Los Zetas going out in a blaze of glory verse the Mexican Military at La Plaze de Nuevo Laredo?

Fucking epic shit. The mexican government kidnapped their grandma, stole her DNA against her will, just so they could identify the bodies after the firefight. These two Zeta Bros were so torn to pieces.

He's literally stalking through a house to kill his target.

Go back to /k/ you wannabe commando.

I dont know how bad it is in the movie, but when I was in Tijuana, it was pretty shit. My church group hired bodyguards to protect us from petty thugs. Local mafiosa type showed up to offer us further protection free of charge which was chill.


The Juarez Cartel is still around but they are significantly weaker and dont control most of drug corridors to El Paso anymore. There is two factions, one is loosely working with the Sinaloa Cartel, the other opposes it but they are weakened.

Mexican marines don't kill the kids too?

>Local mafiosa ... offer us protection free of charge

LOL, your mom sucked off a Mexican. Nothing is free in TJ, bitch.

Billy Waugh 71 years old in that pick
He would fuck you up son.
Also he's the real Big Boss


You think delta isn't deployed across hispania to fight cartels?

You think it's all done by FBI's HRT and CIA's SAD are doing all the raids?

Delta and seals are all over this shit like a Tom Clancy novel

sollima is shooting a sequel.
