Reuters literally changed their poll formula to this after Donald Trump takes lead
Reuters literally changed their poll formula to this after Donald Trump takes lead
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Don't let this slide
It's worse than this. They ask you a long set of questions, most people don't have time for that shit and it usually lasts at least 20 minutes or more.
After 20 or so questions, they determine if you're worthy and finally ask the president question. The whole thing is a crock until probably October or November when they start polling accurately, because ultimately they have a reputation to uphold.
Well now it's even worse than you've described. There's no question that directly pits Clinton against Trump, so anything can be left up to liberal interpretation.
so Harambe is just as good as gary johnson?
Bump for interest.
Haha holy shit you aren't making it up.
Bump, I knew never to trust the news or their "polls"
last attempt to stop the sliding
>5 posts by this ID
Wow. The shills are out today. This is a HillBilly board. Please take your sexism off my board
Yeah, they took out the "neither" option because the results make it apparent what happens when people think both candidates are shit and stay home, which is what actually happens on election day.
Trump tends to do better when the apathetic maybe-voters are taken out of the equation, I.e. real life
we've known this for a few days now
PPP is clearly in the bag for Clinton. This is just downright disgusting.
The inclusion of questions 5, 10, 23-28 is just ridiculous and borders on push polling.
>"Public Policy Polling (PPP), a polling firm that conducts automated polls for both public consumption and for liberal and Democratic clients."
Shock and awe.
Also which one of you niggers did this? Was it Ebaums?
I hope they keep it up.
Less Hillary leaning undecideds, will get off their ass to make it to the pols if they believe she's got it won.
And them we come in and play the Trump card.
In fact I think we should wait till later in the day to vote so they think they've got it won.
I felt the same way, but someone pointed something out: if they rig the machines (they have before) then there will be a breadcrumb trail denying any possibility that Trump was White House-bound
>Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of Harambe?
>Favorable ........................................................ 5%
>Unfavorable .................................................... 27%
>Not sure .................................................... 69%
I can't tell if the 5% that voted Harambe were memers or old ladies that have no idea wtf is going on.
That's a false equivalency, lizardmen do run the world.