Who /nevergettingmarried/?

Am I the only one here who unironically gave up on having a wife and family?

I'm 24, im a normal guy; I'm not some neet cuck but I live in a small town. Quality women are few and I've been rejected by several. Online dating is worthless. I don't try to justify it by saying I'm mgtow; I just saw the writing on the wall. A lot of my friends are already married or engaged.

I think I've gotten pretty well used to it but sometimes it effects me. Mostly though I just don't care now. I spend my free time traveling, reading and buying guns.

Those of you with wives and gfs, especially traditional religious ones- keep it up. We need you. I'm not gonna make it but I'm rooting for you all the way.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm always going to be alone. I've accepted this.

I'm genetic garbage.

>ID: B0t

well well well


>not doing your part for the race.

Im dating my healer in FFXIV who I met last year.

NO brother! Remember 14/88!

> reading and buying guns.

You're some kind of freak

I'm in the same boat. Women just aren't worth it anymore. I'm 23 and it feels like the handful that you would risk marriage with are already locked down.

Hey user, I tried playing the lottery like 3 times already and can't win. Who /neverjackpot/ here?