How bad was it?

How bad was it?

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The scene were he is all butchered up was pretty cool. It's pretty bad but worth it if you like cyborgs

REALLY bad. Worse than the Total Recall AND Ghostbusters reboot

>didn't see it
It was ok.

Meh, not good, but not as shit as the Red Dawn and A-Team remakes.

Dumbed down PG-13 nonsense, even the action scenes weren't that great. Also making Anne Lewis a gay black man has got to be the stupidest thing ever, especially since it was done so there would be no competing female love interest to Murphy's dipshit wife who was a non-character to begin with.

>someone thought that music fit the scene

None of the smart dialogue of the original. I wouldn't care so much about the Jewish conspiracy if they just started making decent movies again.

It was shit and completely useless.

Not even rated r for fucks sake

horrible. thematics thrown out of the window. paul must have been mad as fuck.

Better than 3

But other than that completely pointless, the suit looked like shit, I hated the agile robocop on a motorbike and the satire is tacked on.

It also has Keatons character pull some villainous shit at the end for no reason other than him dying

Really? That's the best you got?

Try watching the original, newfriend. Then tell me it's "ok"

I actually thought it was pretty decent it had really neat set pieces I'd even go as far to say that it was more aesthetically pleasing than the original


I didn't say it was overall better (I think both movies are pretty mediocre) the story was as shitty and corny as the original it was just lacking because it had the pg-13 stamp and was made to appeal to the capeshit generation.

It was forgettable at best.

>the story was as shitty and corny as the original

>Dumbed down PG-13 nonsense
good grief

well if you compare it to the original its hot garbage, but it and of itself it was a C-

I can't tell if you're agreeing or not, but that's exactly what it was, let's not get into all the heavy handed poorly executed "nods" to the original.

FFS, this Robocop was made in China, fuck this movie on whole.

>but it and of itself it was a C-

But the fucking jews had to slap Robocop on it to lure out the nostalgiafags and that's why it earns a hard F.

I liked it a lot ... when it was called Ghost in the Shell

>gay black man
he was married, you meme-spouting faggot

plus, Michael Kenneth Williams is based as fuck

>he was married, you meme-spouting faggot

To a man, not to mention he didn't do SHIT of any considerable worth in the movie, I don't care how based his faggot ass is, if anything that based-ness was wasted.

gender swapping Anne is STILL retarded.

>oorly executed "nods" to the original.

>To a man
stop lying, you stupid, vile asshole. There's a scene of a barbeque with both Murphy and his wife and Lewis and his wife. Why are you making up shit on Sup Forums?

Why are you so determined in defending such a worthless throwaway character?

Man or woman he does nothing for the movie.

Post actual counter-arguments or fuck off.

Because you're flat-out lying like an asshole. I won't discuss the character's qualities, but I don't like people flat-out lying like that. Go fuck yourself.

>but I don't like people flat-out lying like that

Oh wow sweetie? Snickerdoodle? I'm sorry your boyfriend left a load in what you thought was your totes BFF but you need to develop some thicker skin on the internet okay hmm?

You do realize you're on the shittiest board of the shittiest chan, right? This isn't the place for proper argument.

Yeah I realized right around the time Michael Williams buttbuddy here started crying like a bitch.

liberals hate it for some reason

The scene where he's shown what little remains of his body was pretty jarring and remains a strong visual. Otherwise it was largely an uninspired remake. The ending where the villain suddenly transitions from a questionable CEO to a murderous psycho came out of nowhere and was really dumb.

Overall not as original or groundbreaking as the original, but maybe more relatable (much as I like Peter Weller):

It's an inferior copy of a much better film, but not awful on it's own. It's too bad they had to go and slap the robocop name on it, because that alone ruined the chance for me to appreciate it as something original and imaginative. Had they simply made a cyborg cop film as a spiritual successor to the older film with it's own title and entirely new story, i would've had the chance to be more than just a nostalgia/brand recognition cash-grab.

its more of a social commentary, not a social satire, which is the best thing from the original

All around I thought it was good.
>future setting
>the only thing futuristic-like are the cellphones
>the other atmosphere seems bland