How will this affect the elections?

How will this affect the elections?

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I don't think it's relevant. I don't care that there's naked photos of Merkel or that David Cameron fucked a pig's head. If i ever tried to get into politics they'd dig up way worse stuff on me

Probably positive.

New York Post endorsed Trump, so I'm assuming this is a good thing.

That was before Trump picked a fight with the Koch brothers, why do you think the NYP has been bashing him lately?

I'd fuck her in the ass if you know what I mean


Look mom I posted it again

They have? I haven't noticed.

i dont know

what do you mean???

hopefully negatively for trump.

it affects my erections

She is a typical eastern european bitch

Stripping and being nude is empowering to women.....unless they are republican

Are feminists attacking them for slut shaming a stronk womyn?

>If i ever tried to get into politics they'd dig up way worse stuff on me

Worse than fucking a pig? Nothing is going to top Cameron.

Uncensor this, leaf!!


this is good for everybody but Barron

Nigger what? The last two weeks the post's front page has been nothing but Trump attack ads. It's sickening.

Gotchu covered senpai

>Trump has a hot wife
>Tumblr cunts get mad

If anything it'll help.

Since I am not a faggot this will be a big positive.

But it would be nice if the pics were not redacted.

Of course we know what a nude pic of dingbat Clinton is worth...



In all seriousness, every single media outlet is against Trump and shilling in overdrive for Hillary. How can he possibly win when the American public, who are media lapdogs eat up the shit they are shoveling. I'm serious, I want him to win but how is it possible now?

Trumpists are on full damage control now that they realize their first lady is a common gold digging eastern European prostitute

Both you and I know that it will turn against lefties.

>How can we allow someone who shows her body to be first lady!

>Are you saying that just because she is a woman she is not allowed to show her body?!

No matter what they do here they'll lost

> mfw Trump just sky-rocketed in every Male demographic.



This kills the boner.

At least it's not the First Mother.

Imagine running for President and finding out your mom's a whore with the rest of the world.

People are not that stupid, they see this. If you want to manipulate do it in a subtle matter. He can actually exploit this and make himself more sympathetic

t mountain joo

Funny how every attack on Trump by the liberal media only serves him and shows their own hypocrisy.

>women are free to do whatever they want, you can't slutshame them!
>this woman that is married to a republican? let's slutshame her!

Not her u moron


He doesn't need to win, if Clinton wins its a civil war. People have already said so. Clinton knows this, Trump won't win. It's time to get fit, learn to fight and gather intelligence

? she looks hot
you have my axe Donald.

>How will this affect the elections?

Considering slick willies history not one bit

He already had like every FUCKING WHITE MALE voter

>All liberals are the same

That's like saying all Republicans are Bible thumping hillbillies.

Yeah, wouldn't this hurt Hillary with women

these's nudie merkles, and nobody gives a shit.

I thought feminists weren't about running other women down, and body shaming.

I thought they were sex positive?

That's just a nigger liberal meme, and you fell for it because you don't live here

Very nice!! 10/10!

Trump is God!!

> thinking fucking a pig is bad

Please, don't be such a bigot. Love crosses all species boundaries.

We are though. I fucked my wife's son who turned out to be my brother yesterday m8

I said EVERY male demographic. Not just White Males.

Unless they are gay as fuck, no man would find Melania unattractive.

Maybe a little.

Makes liberals look hypocritical for using her sexuality as an attack.

I thought baring your breasts in public was nothing to be ashamed of and an empowerment of women's equal rights.

Guess it only applies to them.

I mean, she's nice looking. I'm high test and need thick thighs and shit.

Here's that attention you wanted

I think more than any modern figure in history of which I am aware, Trump has managed to redpill the shit out of me and so many more. The deception didn't end with the DNC or the Democrats, it was the media MSM, the whole facade of the establishment on both sides, from Romney and the Bushes to the Rothchilds and (((Jews))) and Koch brothers.

>We're out of the matrix now, boys.
>There are millions of us, even assuming a Trump loss to blue-pillers and NWO faggots
>Wat do

>nude Merkel
Are they any good?

There are many with enough slut shaming in their soul to actually hate Trump for this.

that's why he'll win. General sentiment by the people across the world is that most of the elite who owns the media has betrayed them, their core values and beliefs, not to mention has hidden motives to defend larger and larger political institutions. The people are extremely skeptical about the media to the point of doing the exact opposite of what they tell them.


Is american but still believes americans are media lapdogs.

Hmm. Proxy methinks.

Only old coots with dimentia believe the media, and super cucked libs.

But bernie is uncucking many of those.

And not a single libtard media outlet can say shit cause it would be considered anti-feminist.

A modern woman can do what ever the fuck she wants right? Right ya fucking liberal cucks! lol.... It must piss off Hillary's campaign that they can't fling poo at Trump without destroying their own failed narrative.

You need jesus.

We knew she was the whole time.. lol who cares. Her job is to support Trump. As long as she does that, whatever

Like no one knew Ivanka was a slut until now lol.

The god emperor is gonna win.

Even nude she looks more dignified than Michelle Obama.


And it was just FKK, btw.
It's totally accepted in Germany.

so nudists?

It won't.

Dahnald is winning for sure now.

Nudism is very big in Germany.

I'd rather see her naked than Hillary, wouldn't you?

she makes my peepee weewee

It's better than the ape we have for a first lady now. That things penis is bloated as fuck.

Chelsea must take it all of now.

Yea trust in media polls are down to like nothing at this point.

This is the left trying to counter the malia Controversy

This will make the left implode on itself because they can't body shame Melania. There's too many of them that promote means to show off their gnarly ass bodys.

Cant slut shame her either!

propaganda doesnt always work see: brexit


>you've never seen a first lady like this

it won't
Ameriburgers are just fine having a literal man as the "first lady"
this won't bother anyone.

>tfw you will never marry a whorish hotty like this

They will overdo it with propeganda, so in the end they will lose more votes

If media meddling had as much impact as you think, Cruz would have won the republican nomination in a landslide. They were shilling for him with the exact same tactics they're now using to shill for Hillary.

But instead Trump won in a landslide, and the media has been exposed as a paper tiger. It's apparent now that they really don't have the power to influence people to the degree that we all assumed. It seems like the worst thing they can do to a candidate is ignore them, and they absolutely refuse to do that with Trump.

The only kryptonite for attractive people is calling out the fatties or uglies.... doubt the Trumps this dumb.

Pic related lol

>shitty puns in tabloid headlines exist in other countries too
Thank fuck for that.

The first lady is not the one people are going to vote for. That is not what the election is for.

I learn new things on this board every day.

She plagiarized Michelle's speeches.........then didn't fire the incompetent speech writer.


>And not a single libtard media outlet can say shit cause it would be considered anti-feminist.
>implying they give a shit
Women's rights only apply to women they agree with. How are there still people that think leftist leadership has any sort of consistent principles?

Milf Melania>Prime Melania


I agree with you when you post me even single link proving your case.

Men like sexy women. Men will vote to see a sexy woman in the news more often. Lesbianic women who hate sexuality are already voting for shillary anyway.

can someone tell me what's the big deal of some tits

why are americans acting so retard

>How will this effect my erection

It's just liberals being hypocrites as usual. They do their odd nude slut walks, and protest nude, but scream and throw a tantrum when a woman that isn't 450 pounds shows some skin.

Wtf I hate Trump now

we were founded by Puritans, ivan

For the right, some are offended due to puritanical roots. See: Cruz's hit ad on Melania in Utah.
For the left, she's an attractive woman and they hate that shit.

Trump is in command of the party with puritan Christian values. Having a harlot as first lady is the antithesis of those pure values

Isn't this misogyny by liberal standards?