Can anyone on Sup Forums care to prove that your conspiracies about the Frankfurt School ruining western culture through Critical Theory are legitimate?
Cultural Marxism
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>look at these charts!!!
Thank you. If Sup Forums bothered to read they'd see Adorno was on their side.
> The whole post-fascist period is one of clear and present danger. Consequently, true pacification requires the withdrawal of tolerance before the deed, at the stage of communication in word, print, and picture. Such extreme suspension of the right of free speech and free assembly is indeed justified only if the whole of society is in extreme danger. I maintain that our society is in such an emergency situation, and that it has become the normal state of affairs. Different opinions and 'philosophies' can no longer compete peacefully for adherence and persuasion on rational grounds: the 'marketplace of ideas' is organized and delimited by those who determine the national and the individual interest. In this society, for which the ideologists have proclaimed the 'end of ideology', the false consciousness has become the general consciousness--from the government down to its last objects. The small and powerless minorities which struggle against the false consciousness and its beneficiaries must be helped: their continued existence is more important than the preservation of abused rights and liberties which grant constitutional powers to those who oppress these minorities. It should be evident by now that the exercise of civil rights by those who don't have them presupposes the withdrawal of civil rights from those who prevent their exercise, and that liberation of the Damned of the Earth presupposes suppression not only of their old but also of their new masters.
literally the core of the modern SJW movement
Because the Franfurt School was real thing. Critical Theory was a real thing. And I have been to college and I live in a western society.
Not to mention, my digits confirm this beyond doubt
>I have been to college
So have I.
All Western policies should first be examined through "would they do it in Israel?" lens first.
>care to prove
naw. maybe someone else tho
>Because the Franfurt School was real thing. Critical Theory was a real thing.
Kek has spoken
Theres also Adornos laughable "The Authoritarian Personality" which literally just boils down to "If you disagree with me, youre a nazi and a closet fag!" and it had a strong influence on american social sciences. It also the start of labelling every dissenting opinion as a "phobia"
The Franks preached against many of the things Sup Forums claims they were for. Adorno, for one, hated modernity and identity politics to the point where he was attacked by feminists very late in his life. Walter Benjamin's critique of progress was entirely rooted in Jewish theology, which should debunk the idea that the Franks were trying to "wipe out" Judeo-Christian thinking.
>Judeo-Christian thinking.
This itself is such a bullshit term. You honestly think anyone in say 1950s America, or France, or Britain would refer to western society as "judeo"?
And cultural marxism might be the weirdest "movement" or whatever you want to call it, because its followers dont even know what it is or realize they are part of it.
When its even mentioned, they usually have a knee jerk reaction to deny it, as if you just mentioned the Illuminati or something. But I noticed you guys have been buckling down. While before you outright denied its entire existence, now you moved the goal post back to "y-yeah the Frankfurt school was a real thing, and yeah Herbert Marcuse and Theodore Adorno were real people, BUT THEIR WRITINGS INFLUENCED NO ONE!"
Some of the frankfurt school (and related) provided the tools for 'cultural marxism' (critical theory, cultural studies) and others a framework (cultural hegemony). One of them also endorsed the 'Long march through the institutions'. You're asking us to provide a direct quote where one of them says 'do X to destroy the west', which is a ridiculous question and one designed to deflect from a phenomenon that has now affected the educational and political institutions. It is also be called neo-marxism
The only people who get tetchy about the term are leftists concerned that Marx will be tainted by association.
>When its even mentioned, they usually have a knee jerk reaction to deny it
That is because the term is a complete non-sequitur. It's a complete reduction of things into one stupid term.
If you bother to read this you will understand why people "knee jerk" against the term. It is such a stupid term it is emberrasing to even hear it. It makes people cringe to hear it. And its not a movement.
>The only people who get tetchy about the term are leftists concerned that Marx will be tainted by association.
This. they dont like that it has "Marx" in its name and they dont seem to understand its an offshoot of it.
>The only people who get tetchy about the term are leftists
No it is because it is a cringy term.
>No it is because it is a cringy term.
how so
How does this prove anything?
to whom?
Cultural hegemony is a term from Antonio Gramsci's prison notebooks, which weren't even published until after WWII and thus far too late to have been an influence on the Franks. As far as Marxism was concerned, Adorno and Benjamin learned Marxism from Georg Lukács.
Also, SJWs are better blamed on French post-structuralists like Derrida and Foucault, whose methodology was entirely different.
You don't fucking see it yourself?
>Also, SJWs are better blamed on French post-structuralists like Derrida and Foucault
lol wat, friedman is like the big jew meme on pol right? hello? he's like the super capitalist jew everyone here apparently hates, and he straight up admits socialism is a creation of jewry.
Like I said, it is a non-sequitur reduction of different often unrelated philosophical tenets. It is made by people who have never even raid these authors. Why even the "cultural" part?
Nothing to say here OP?
that describes pretty well what they seek to do. They being the crypto-kike lecturers, so quick to speak out against their own countries, who're so prominent in humanities and social science departments and online.
I'm familiar with the Franks and I have serious doubts a conspiracy existed, especially considering how Adorno's views were closer to Sup Forums's than tumblr's.
>creation of jewry
He didn't say Jews created anything. And Jews tending to be socialists doesn't prove anything about this "cultural marxist" crap.
You didn't address or answer my question.
top feckin kek
>It is a school of thought that believes that the means of knowledge, culture, and pedagogy are part of a 'privileged' epistemology. Where privilege is meant to mean the absence of injustice and the resultant undue enrichment in terms of production of knowledge. Neo-marxist feminism relies heavily on critical theory, inter-sectional feminism and postmodern thought, and seeks to apply those theories in psychotherapy as the means of political and cultural change. Teresa Mcdowell and Rhea Almeda use these theories in a therapy method called "liberation based healing", which like many forms of Marxism uses sample bias in the many inter-related liberties, in order to magnify the 'critical consciousness' of the participants towards unrest of the status quo.[7][8][9][10]
It's not a conspiracy. It's a movement. A movement which has the ultimate goal of destroying Western society and all its traditions.
Would you deny this is the ultimate goal of the leftist intelligentsia?
This link comes from a good place. If you guys want to learn why this stuff is wrong and really get a general primer on leftist philosophy you should read it.
In my next posts I will quote some good bits of it.
Who hates Friedman on here? never seen anyone hating on him.
It is pretty accurate tho
oh nevermind (((you're))) a faggot
>There is a lot about that view that is not only wrong (the belief that cultural marxism is a thing), but a lot of what they were writing is of use to the nascent right of The Current Year, and the attitudes of these nominal Lefties (Jews, no less) at times ranges from based to outright shitlord.
>Horkheimer's work is permeated with concerns about the dominance of positivism in the sciences and the instrumental use of reason, which reaches a culmination in the Dialectic of Enlightenment written in collaboration with Adorno. Dense prose aside (putting it mildly), the argument they develop is a scathing critique of Enlightenment theories of reason which they claim objectify nature and transform the natural world into instruments for the use of human beings. The other side of that coin is the destruction of meaning and value we once found in nature, leaving little more than a base subjective take on thought and value. The destruction of the personality and the development of crude, impulsive desires follow naturally. When reason itself is irrational, those who worship it are heading to their own destruction.
>For Adorno's part, besides the shitlord badges mentioned in the OP, he also refused to support the student protests, had no part of feminism, and wrote a damning critique of jazz, which, being the nagger music of its day, can be read all too easily as a subtly-veiled niggerdeath poast.
>Although he's second-gen Frankfurt School, Habermas's critiques of instrumental rationality in social theory would be of considerable interest to local fans of SCALE's distortion of modern life. He didn't originate the idea of bureaucratic-administrative nightmares as characteristic of the modern industrialized society (that honor so far as I know goes to Max Weber, who Adorno and Horkheimer as well as Marcuse and Fromm also drew on), but his account of the way rationality and administration go hand in hand to simultaneously improve some features of social life while degrading or destroying others, often in ways we don't notice, is certainly apt.
>Much of what calls itself the Left these days can be blamed on more recent French work out of the structuralist and post-structuralist ("postmodern") schools there. Foucault, Lacan, Derrida, Althusser and the tradition they set off have far more to do with the march through the universities and the rise of critical nagger studies than the Frankfurt School, which had virtually no intellectual continuity with or contemporary connections to the Frenchies, if you set aside the vague and unhelpful connection to Marx.
Its about marxist ideal and applying critical theory to attack the culture of the west. Cultural Marxism is a pretty good term.
Marxist dont like it because they dont like seeing their Gods name applied to something with a heavily negative connotation to it. The also dont like it because its calling a spade a spade and the advocates of it didnt get to apply their nice digestible name.
Kind of like some third world african death squad group of marauders wanting to call themselves "The Freedom Liberation Army" but are labelled by their enemies as "The Raping Murderers"
It's not a conspiracy, although I have no doubt some of these 'intellectuals' were in fact working for the Soviets in the Cold War.
The Frenchman is right though
>So much for our rather abstract relationship with Marcuse. More concrete proof of Frankfurt School crimethink comes from Theodor Adorno (center right in the above picture). Adorno, in his 1951 opus Minima Moralia, actually foresaw both the totalitarian nature of racial egalitarianism and the profit motive that stood behind it. This supposed communist would have gotten a double Richwine treatment if he'd published his insights in our time:
>quote: If one wished to proclaim the equality of all those who bear human features as an ideal, instead of establishing it as a fact, this would be of little help. The abstract utopia would be all too easily reconcilable with the most devious tendencies of society. That all human beings would resemble each other, is exactly what suits this latter. It regards factual or imagined differences as marks of shame, which reveal, that one has not brought things far enough; that something somewhere has been left free of the machine, is not totally determined by the totality.[...]
>This is exactly the dynamic we're seeing today. Blacks do worse than whites in segregated schools? We must integrate. They still do worse? We must take affirmative action. Still not working? We must educate about structural racism. Still nothing? Then whites must be carrying an invisible knapsack of privilege that gives them unfair advantages. Now any measure to rectify this situation seems appropriate. Failure to achieve equality just means we have to try again and harder this time.
>Of course, what Adorno as a generic anti-totalitarian couldn't predict was the consciously anti-white bent this egalitarianism would take. Nowadays, factual differences are marks of shame if they apply to white people, but praiseworthy heritage if they can be attributed to any other group.
Adorno spat on modern commodities - for a reason - putting him on the conservative side of political views. But Theodor Wiesengrund is a jew, so he would, could and should - for the interests of the tribe - revert the cons into pros for the Rabbi's, as he did.
Benjamin did the same critiques on a higher level. I really believe he didn't like to meddle on modern questions... au-contraire neo-quasi philophers, aided by the gullible goym following their new, big ideas would, should and surely could meddle with the contemporary goym and gobble down utter shitty ideas down their goyish throats.
>'marketplace of ideas'
That's it. Selling bs ideas to the minions who do not know where they are headed to (academia) and to the lesser goym who will be under a jewish* trick.
*not so monolitic, see W. Benjamin
>conspiracies about the Frankfurt School
It's not a conspiracy. It's a real academic thing. Seriously. Critical Theory is a real academic school.
Its influence on society at large is debatable, but its redefinition by Wikipedia and pseudo-intellectual journalists over the last two years is straight up Orwellian.
It came up a lot during GG Like I mean, a LOT. It bascially gave a name to what gaming media had been pushing for 5 years. It's probably the one obscure Marxist topic you can reliably same a fair number of gamers would be able to describe in casual convesation.
So SJWs are very triggered by all mentions to it, and are systematically erasing its factual basis across all websites which they control. I wish this was a conspiracy, but I saw it happen in realtime.
Let me answer your question with a question.
What do you know about the "learned elders of Zion"?
>Yes, you read that right: a Frankfurt School patriarch stopping just short of calling for "separate but equal" because he's a little concerned about the "equal" part.
>His second statement is even more important and describes a fundamental problem of our contemporary left wing: instead of worrying about these synthetic conceptions of equality, why don't they pick the low-hanging fruit and agitate against the ridiculously oppressive axis of propaganda, arms and capital? Our foremost left-wing scholars are so busy deconstructing white privilege that they've completely stopped caring about the injustices of neoconservative foreign policy, especially since the promotion of gay rights has become part of that policy deal.
>quote: The “melting pot” was an institution of free-wheeling industrial capitalism. The thought of landing in it conjures up martyrdom, not democracy.
>disregard wikipedia
>go to google scholar
>search for cultural marxism
>be drowned in papers by professors who push this shit in academia
>get brain tumor after reading few of them
>*not so monolitic, see W. Benjamin
Yes, we all know Deconstruction is just kabbalah by academics.
This is all from this link btw
This thread is a primer first of all on why the term cultural marxism is wrong but also on why you should read these marxist authors if you are a conservative. Some of them provided some critiques of modernity and politics that are actually useful to the right.
The Elders of Zion is bullcrap. Please fuck off to reddit pleb. Do not discredit CM by bringing up this shit.
Sup Forums loves friedman
My nigger, I never visit your garbage cuck website.
Here are the protocols of Zion for anyone with open eyes. If your eyes are covered with cum, I can't help you.
Its anti-jewish Russian bullshit user. Go LARP as a nazi somewhere else newfag shill because your retardation just makes us look bad.
i'm not saying he wasn't a member of the tribe
i'm just saying he wasn't that bad imho
In contemporary physics the same pattern is used:
-take a bunch of academia
-make them agree on some wicked idea (superstrings, quanta, multifolds)
-promote it in universities
>the protocols of Zion
I've started reading it. It changes nothing. Members of the frankfurt school paved the way for the cultural marxism, a term that didn't come about outside of universities (Do you know the academic context it was used in?) til after the 70s, ie. after most of the people mentioned in that link were dead or retired.
It's really not that complicated. Cultural marxist seek to change the culture of the west to make greater political change possible.
its funny you post that pic because only niggers "stay woke!" types and neo-nazi still believe early 20th century anti-jewish Russian propaganda
On critical theory, from the Frankfurt School's wiki page
>The Frankfurt School's work cannot be fully comprehended without equally understanding the aims and objectives of critical theory. Initially outlined by Max Horkheimer in his Traditional and Critical Theory (1937), critical theory may be defined as a self-conscious social critique that is aimed at change and emancipation through enlightenment and that does not cling dogmatically to its own doctrinal assumptions.[14][15] The original aim of critical theory was to analyze the true significance of "the ruling understandings" generated in bourgeois society, in order to show how they misrepresented actual human interaction in the real world, and in so doing functioned to justify or legitimize the domination of people by capitalism. A certain sort of story (a narrative) was provided to explain what was happening in society, but the story concealed as much as it revealed. The Frankfurt theorists generally assumed that their task was mainly to interpret the areas of society Marx had not dealt with, especially in the superstructure of society.[16]
I always found it completely inadaquate. "Cultural Marxism" is too easy for a undergrad with one theory course under "her" belt to disregard as ignorance.
>Muh historical materialism
You have to remember: historical contingency (material determinism) is the absolute lodestone of the left. Find it in their arguments, highlight it, destroy it. Its just like pointing out the Jew; they cannot stand to be found out.
>Of course, what Adorno as a generic anti-totalitarian couldn't predict was the consciously anti-white bent this egalitarianism would take.
Not the point. People have picked up his ideas and ran with them. The result, cultural marxism.
>The small and powerless minorities which struggle against the false consciousness and its beneficiaries must be helped: their continued existence is more important than the preservation of abused rights and liberties which grant constitutional powers to those who oppress these minorities. t. (((Herbert Marcuse)))
You can't trust a line written on Wikipedia about anything that was even remotely connected to or involved in Gamergate. Nothing.
Anti-positivism and anti-rationalism are great tools for your budding cultural Marxist.
I don't get it. That whole post admits the symptoms of cultural marxism mare real, and did descend from the Frankfurt school, but denies the term's validity, then suggests we do it back to them to defeat them. Wouldn't it be easier just to accept that a strain of marxist thought has been corrupted beyond belief, write it off and gulag its practitioners?
Benjamin was the most Jewish member of the School, the only one who was a religious Jew.
I think you missed the point. that whole paragraph was essentially about criticising your own culture and bringing about change in it, and about how society is an illusion built by capitalism. Seen as this shit is only taught in te west there will only be one target. And seen as they were told the ruling understandings" generated in bourgeois society, in order to show how they misrepresented actual human interaction in the real world, and in so doing functioned to justify or legitimize the domination of people by capitalism" ie. society is a rich man's trick, then no evidence brought to bear against the cultural marxists would be worth a damn cause it was part of the rich man's illusion.
According to jew club, the first rule of cultural marxism is you do not talk about cultural marxism
Thank you for the link.
I have been waiting to hear this line of thinking somewhere:
>To a dissident rightist, these insights are important in two ways. The seemingly unstoppable march of poz we've been witnessing in recent years was certainly catalyzed by self-interested pressure groups, but there's also a systemic logic behind it that, in Marxist terms, made its rise almost inevitable.
>The slut walker, the gender freak, the pride marcher - they're all participating in a discourse of individual autonomy that is about as safe and mainstream as it gets, and the managerial class is happy to integrate their masturbatory concerns into the larger social consensus. Their success was hindered by vestiges of moral paradigms that predate our modern logic, but in hindsight those battles had always been fought from a losing position. Piety had been losing ground to desublimated self-actualization for a long time, with gay marriage's and autogynephilia's mainstreaming being a question of when and not if.
>Thus, when we condemn cuckservatives for being cucks, we're not just passing an aesthetic judgment. We're facing the reality that a community-oriented mode of social organization cannot survive as a quaint relic in an otherwise uprooted universe and that those who claim otherwise out of greed or cowardice are in denial of this reality, have "false consciousness", and will ultimately lose their heritage to forces which they believe to control, but which are actually controlling them and their fate. Even without a black bull at hand, they're being existentially cucked and should be made aware of it.
Ironic that the only way for the family unit and conservative values to achieve prominence again is for the capitalist economic system to crash thus forcing people to rely on the collectivism of an extended family or kin tribe to survive.
A strong economy allows for Govenment welfare which is the root of all problems. Eg single mothers, economic migrants, individualism etc
How do conservatives reconcile with the fact that capitalism ultimately is the problem?
>How do conservatives reconcile with the fact that capitalism ultimately is the problem?
There's no viable alternative yet proven. Come back when you';ve got something concrete. Til then I'm going to look out for myself and those closest to me keep nationalisming.
>they're all participating in a discourse of individual autonomy that is about as safe and mainstream as it gets, and the managerial class is happy to integrate their masturbatory concerns into the larger social consensus
Watch "The Century of Self" documentary. I always laugh at "progressives" who define themselves through their material lifestyle
Theres nothing wrong with capitalism in achieving economic success.
I was pointing out that a successful economy paves the road for degeneracy.
The most conservative countries in europe are the poorest. Ie Spain, Bulgaria and Poland.
Bulgaria and Poland have an excuse. They're both coming along perty well. Hopefully they'll have the sense to avoid the mistakes of western Europe.
Thanks for the recommendation. I'll definitely watch it.
Spain is incredibly left wing. Don't be fooled by the common image of a Mexico-like, rural Spain filled with catholics. We are, along with Portugal, the only country in Europe that hasn't a strong national (true-right) party that opposes immigration etc. Even our supposedly "right-wing" politicians are pro-gay, pro-trans and pro-immigration.
conchita wurst.
Someone disagreed with you earlier, but I think you're right. Adorno, Horkheimer, et al. disappointed the students in the 60's by refusing to put any ideas into practice: after witnessing the failures of Marxism in practice in the east, they promoted a praxis-free theory in the west and refused to join anyone at the barricades in 1968. The continental philosophers post-68 (Foucault, Althusser, Bourdeau, etc.) focused on developing theories to explain the failure of Marxism to take hold in the general population during the 1968 protests: they all have in common some sort of way of blaming that failure on the inability of the individual to make decisions in his own rational interest (subjectivity is interpellated, habitus precludes actual decision making, etc.). This is the root of SJW nonsense: it's not X's fault that he failed to make something of himself in life, but rather of systemic Yism and invisible microagressions, things that (like the Freudian unconscious) cannot be proven or falsified, which makes them essentially worthless except as propaganda. SJWs need to explain their own personal failures and those of their "allies" in the same sorts of terms that the continental (=French) philosophers needed to explain the failures of 1968 Parisian students to attract any mainstream social interest.