
Is stealing books,music, and movies such a bad thing?

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If I'm interested in some music or movies I usually pirate it first and then buy it if I enjoy it. If an artist is making great, creative work then they deserve to get paid for it.

FUNNY THESE DICKS NEVER STOP CHINA, all they do is pass more laws to censor the internet.


You have to pay for your media or, oh god, the studios will shutdown goy and then there will be no more shows, music or cuck porn goy and that would be teeerrrraaaabbuuullll.

>U.S. government documents can be leaked, hosted and available to see 24/7 for eternity
>kike movies, kike books, kike music and kike video games are restlessly policed by active units

>torrent sites get more police attention than criminals, drug cartels, child rapists and human traffickers

>is denying Shlomo, and by extension ZOG, your shekels a bad thing?

You tell me.

It should be, but seeing how the movie and music industry keep reacting, it's become quite hard to feel bad about them.

But you are not stealing. Only taking a copy of something.

Depends. Honestly I think that public trackers are bad, but I find that private trackers that you contribute to are acceptable.
For instance, if I pay $20 to rip a vinyl and upload it to stay a member of my community and download music how is that any worse than using Spotify for the exact same thing?

we live in a society that
> Men can "marry" other men
> honest citizens can be frisked or strip searched for trying to get on a plane
> one can be fined $250k in NYC for insulting a tranny

as far as I'm concerned, stealing jew media is now a fucking Human Right

Am I entitled to torrents? No, but I'll torrent when I can. And shutting down kat certainly didn't stop me

Torrents are shit most of the time, and don't have any support, I've never pirated anything that I didn't buy later.

of course not

You only need support for professional software and if you're pirating that you're looking for trouble because they can call an audit on you. Torrenting is great

its not stealing, its literally defined differently.

Which is also a problem because piracy will land you 5 years in jail and 250k fine but stealing a CD from a store will land you a day in jail and some dumb misdemeanor charge

And for good reason. Imaginary wealth is the foundation of the world financial system.

For example, if China proclaimed it didn't believe intellectual property was real anymore, burger kangz would have no way in the world to pay denbs

Whereas countries that possess means of production, such as China, Germany, or Japan, would do just fine.

There would also be a rapturous leap of technological development and an end to planned obsolescence (such as "Moore's law").

Not spending money on it either way.
If I get to hear a band and like them, I'll catch them on tour and buy a shirt

I've bought my music collection several times now so fuck them, not to mention the number of times I bought an entire album (back in the days before you could sample the other songs) only to discover the singles were the only good songs on it.

You wouldnt download a car

Its just the jews pushing for more money.

pic related, a sibling of mine caused this.
>They're blocking people at the ISP level

is this real

people still use shit like kazaa too ?

Depends on the material in question. If a creative type is actually good at what they're doing and making a living off of doing it, why would you not support it? On the other hand, if the material in question is just pumped out garbage, then maybe the person behind said material needs to up their game and convince people to give them their money.

holy shit, people still use these?
what's next, Limewire and Imesh?

It is real.
Like I said, a sibling wouldn't stop downloading shit.
They gave us a couple warnings before shutting it off but he wouldn't listen.

this meme needs to die. we all know damn well you dont go out and pay for something you already have.

your posting on an ANONYMOUS IMAGE BOARD. stop lying.

If i didn't torrent stuff i wouldn't be able to buy it anyways, so i don't really give a fuck.
But it's indeed morally reproachable, your robin hood fantasies don't make it a right thing to do.

Woops meant to reply to you:

>President Clinton

What's funny is that it took people 4 hours to put up a mirror of the site, and now if you search you can find many mirrors of it. Why do they even try to take them down? It's impossible.

>call ISP
>of course I pirate, thats why I pay for high speeds
>If you want you can send me back to ISDN speeds for a relative price, 5 cents a year
>otherwise I'm changing my ISP

wow that was hard, capitalism works but only if you vote with your wallet

I don't "go out" and buy anything, I purchase it online, which isn't hard. Collecting music is my most active hobby so I don't mind spending money on it. A lot of artists I enjoy are independent and deserve my support.

>Not just using a VPN
Come on man.
You shouldn't be showing your shit to your ISP anyways.
I know how to get around it, my sibling does not.

And for good reason. Imaginary wealth is the foundation of the world financial system.

For example, if China proclaimed it didn't believe intellectual property was real anymore, burger kangz would have no way in the world to pay denbs

Whereas countries that possess means of production, such as China, Germany, or Japan, would do just fine.

>implying any of this is bad

we have no need for VPN's here

our ISP's are advertising how much better at pirating you can get with their new speeds openly

also there are absolutely no laws regarding computers or software here so you literally cant get sued

In the US, ISP's usually have a monopoly in a certain area. For example, one area might not have cable or fiber only shitty dsl just because the dsl company bribes the city officials.

I've done it my whole life and the world hasn't ended. I'll continue to do so until I die and nothing will change at all.

>president Clinton
They trying to tell you something?

Just my 2 cents.

I write science fiction books and I'm self published, so every sale is really important for me. However, I understand that not everyone has the disposable income to buy books and desu I'd rather my books be enjoyed by more people and receive a meagre living than have all the money and not a large audience.

It really depends who produces the media. If it's small-scale, there's a good chance a lot of work and effort has been put into it by the creator. (I come up with and write my own stories which takes months to years). A new musician will write his own stuff and painstakingly try to create a good-sounding song and play at shows.

However, when you get to large labels, they have people in the background that they pay a wage to produce all their stuff (lyrics, music, books) and they basically take in money based on their name alone, with minimal effort.

I highly reccomend pirating very large and already rich content creators, because fuck pencil pushers and licensing making money on the back of margins. However, I urge you to try as ahrd as you can to pay for content from more independent producers as they rely on individual sales much more.

Even if its the case of try before you buy... if you pirate something and enjoy it, and have the money spare, it would be really helpful if you buy a legit copy.

I do this with music (I buy phsical albums that I like, or physical books).

What's the next best alternative for KAT?

And why did my magnet links stop working suddenly? Anyone know this?

>shitty dsl

nigga my top download speed ever was almost 1mbs and thats with 40 eurobucks per month

you have to fight with what you have

No because it's the same as letting your friends borrow your copy of a PS2 game. It was bought and the product was shared.
Only should be a criminal act if someone is SELLING the product not of their own to others without the permission of the creator

Oh and criminal if you claim the product to be your own, as that is also a fundamental violation of copyright as it should be.

I actually do this as well, it's not as far fetched as you would think.

the word 'steal' or 'pirate' is not admissable in a court of law trying a copyright infringement case

copyright infringement is a crime, but it is not stealing, and cannot be classified as such

There's many mirrors for kat, just use google. But anyways in my opinion torrent search engines (like torrentz) are better than using just one website.

>when you get to large labels, they have people in the background that they pay a wage to produce all their stuff
So you are saying that it's okay to pirate large companies because they have more people involved in producing stuff? Wouldn't you be hurting more people that way?

There's ALWAYS Mega and Mediafire!!!

Keep on uploading!!!

TRUMP- You're With Hillary!mZc2kYoR!36EOVpm_UhXGFyEZSK8JGXhaYuoRN9P9083H6prPgB0

If you go to a friend's house to watch a movie, that's piracy

moralization is a childish assumption to make

its the responsibility of both a business and an employee to choose a job for which they can actually get compensated

if the internet makes both a business and its employees completely obsolete, then they are the only ones at fault

Great post, couldn't have said it better myself.
The only thing is that the difference between self-sustaining independent artists vs major label creators raking in cash isn't so black-and-white. My personal rule-of-thumb is: if I want to hear/read/see more of the content that I'm consuming being produced then my purchase will incentivize it.
Good luck and keep writing

>it's all their fault because they let me commit a crime and get away with it
And you called me childish?

It's 2016 and you have unprecedented access to virtually any movie, TV show, music, textbook or novel that has ever been in the vicinity of being digitized.

Why would you not take advantage of it?

With cable you have to watch tons of ads
Services like Netflix just have terrible selection and you get stuck buffering depending on your connection
Spotify barely pays the artists

Torrents, especially private trackers, are a godsend for the 21st century

Don't new models of TVs count the audience with a lidar and refuse to play if it's over the limit?

I haven't bought a TV in over 20 years or watched one in over 10 but I heard they've been becoming more feature-rich lately.


Guarantee that nothing which is truly important will ever be leaked, ever.

Do you know just how much security the government has? I don't, and I've studied it a lot for over a decade. This could stop at the Jews and corporate world, it could stop at the Illuminati, it could stop at the council of 13, it could go so far beyond what we can possibly ever see that we'll never know for sure.
The reason the data needed to confirm any group 100% is because it isn't just shat all over the place and any that is will always be outdated trash, leaked simply to dispose of it and throw more people off the trail.

In a sense, the small shit that you do see leaked is like paint chipped off the foundation of a massive industrial complex.

No russia we don't have that. The new xbox has its camera on at all times however.

Robin hood stole from the rich to give back to the poor which it initially belonged.

>Wouldn't you be hurting more people that way?
How is this a downside in this case?

>northern district of illinois

Wow what the fuck are they doing, someone could easily murder them and blame it on niggers.

This. If I like something from a small-time producer, I make a note to buy it when I have the chance. I have a good job now, so that's immediately, but I had this same motto when I had no money too. I have a few games that I played back in the day that I've bought and have 0 hours played on steam just because they kept me sane through college.

Not necessarily.
Music you can listen to on youtube
Books you can preview on Amazon
Movies you watch a trailer of and see if you might like it.
Games on the other hand are different, it could be a steaming pile of shit or a good game, and because the video game industry has an absolute hatred for demos, there's no telling if you'll like a game or not. Most games I've pirated I bought because I figured they might be good and there have still been a few that I thought were bad and didn't buy it. The industry however looks at potential loss through piracy as people simply stealing games but in reality the reason why a game doesn't do well is because the game sucked. Am I saying this is a good reason to pirate games? Kind of, but ultimately good games should be paid for. is still up

mx download

>mfw plebs don't even use a fucking VPN to torrent

God damn are you people retarded?
Nevermind, forget I asked.


Copying data isn't stealing faggot.

People employed to work in "le evil big companies" are 99% normal folks working for a living. Following that other user's logic he's basically disparaging all the work they do to justify hurting their businesses.

Copying is not stealing goyim


>Thank you for using cox

high speed internet, of course.

Not really the point.

It's more about the fact that in that scenario, there's incentive to "churn out" content for the sake of metting paychecks rather than creative passion.

When you have one person doing something creative, it's usually pretty sincere content that they produce, but when its a corporation working for shareholders and people working on paychecks, it becomes a manufactured process that loses passion and turns into a process to generate margins. This leads to a "shovelware" mentality where content is slightly altered or regurgitated to be passable and thus sellable under a marketable name. This is why Apple is such a garbage company churning out basically the same phone every year. People buy it because it has a logo on it... regardless of how little effort or passion was actually put into it. The same goes for books, movies and games.

And on top of that, once you get to that scale, the margins are large enough that proportional pirating doesn't really affect anything other than the size of margins, whereas proportional piracy for a solo creator can be crippling for them.

If a musician sells a thousand CDs (that cost 10 cents each) for $2 in a month, they can afford their upkeep. If half are pirated, they can't.

If a company sells ten thousand CDs and half are pirated, they still make 10 grand, which is plenty for several people to live off.

I only get paid for my work once. If I want more money I need to go do more work. Why would I ever support someone getting paid over and over again, even 120 years after he dies?

The author should have a right to ban the reproduction of his works in ways that are ruinous to his reputation, and only until the moment of death. There shouldn't be incentives for rent-seeking behavior in a healthy economy.

>People employed to work in "le evil big companies" are 99% normal folks working for a living.
Yeah there's a sweatshop somewhere where gnomes make the product for minimum wage, which is then presented as the fruit of oligarchs' creativity. This is an indictment of the practice, not a justification.
>Following that other user's logic he's basically disparaging all the work they do to justify hurting their businesses.
Yeah because their work (corporate art) is inevitably, structurally shit and we would be better off without them doing it.

Work is work, you're just disparaging the work people in big companies do because you assume there's no "passion" involved. Do you think anyone would deserve less reward for a job just because he didn't feel passion for it?

>If a company sells ten thousand CDs and half are pirated, they still make 10 grand, which is plenty for several people to live off.
They earn more and pay more people. Losing as much as 1% of their earnings could mean a bunch of people being fired.

I do this with physical copies of music, such as vinyls.

>Is stealing a bad thing?

you tell me

>Work is work
You're probably one of those people who think that walking your dog should count towards gdp. Work is good as long as it is useful. Work that is detrimental should be punishable instead of rewardable, do you not agree?
>you assume there's no "passion" involved.
It's not an assumption, it's an observable fact if you look at any creative industry. People get hired to make shit, they know it, they do make shit, and they may or may not feel remorse afterwards.
>deserve less reward for a job
But they do get less reward in the corporate scenario, they get a meager wage, no royalties and none of the fame.

>Do you know just how much security the government has?
zero if some stupid bitch kept a private server and was transferring government document for a SIPRNet to it.

>They earn more and pay more people. Losing as much as 1% of their earnings could mean a bunch of people being fired.

That's not really the case in most creative media. Look at musicians. Once you get to superstar size, each musician is earning tens of millions per year and they have small groups of people that directly contribute to the product, each earning more and more as the margin increases.

Once you have a writer, lawyers, and technicians, there's not much more you need to employ. The only people that gain more money are the musicians and those that hold the licensing... basically fat cat record labels raking in millions.

It's not the same as a company that produces consumer products. I would agree with your argument in that case because each item requires additional labour, and thus labour increases as the business grows, which is shared out by more workers.

Lets say I sold $20m worth of books next year. I would get a massive amount of money and amazon would too, from the cut of the sales. I would probably hire 1 lawyer. That's it.I personally know many authors whom make millions and have staff numbering less than 3.

Games and movies are harder to argue, as they require a more labour-intensive input-output ratio. But the basics still apply.

You understand what I'm saying?

Mt.Weather literally contains an entire second government ready to replace the first in times of extreme emergency and Hillary is a member of the Bilderberg group. There is absolutely no way those were just sloppily leaked.

1) Hillary isn't important enough to protect
2) The information wasn't important enough to protect
3) Both


>Work that is detrimental should be punishable instead of rewardable
Define "detrimental". If it's not against the law there's no reason to punish anything.
>Once you have a writer, lawyers, and technicians, there's not much more you need to employ
You don't seem to grasp the scope of all the steps and people that are involved in getting a CD out in the market. It's a hell of a lot more than what you list.
>The only people that gain more money are the musicians and those that hold the licensing... basically fat cat record labels raking in millions.
Those earnings are proportional, If less is sold then everyone is earning less, and if the "fat cats" judge they aren't earning enough then people get fired.

Fuck you, I would if I could.

>Define "detrimental".
A product or service is detrimental if you're worse off for purchasing and/or using it.

Examples: moldy bread, methanol-based beverage, Hunger Games movie

>moldy bread, methanol-based beverage, Hunger Games movie
That last one is too subjective. I guess i can wish you luck making the other two illegal, as long as they aren't you're not punishing anyone.
But you should take into account that offer and demand come hand in hand, the ones buying are just as guilty as the ones selling it.

I thought we were talking about books, music, movies? As far as i know they don't cause any harm.

Didn't KAT get shut down?

What do?

>You don't seem to grasp the scope
Literally everything is writing, licensing, promotion and production.

A factory produces the CDs, a percentage of the budget goes to marketing, licensing is doen by 1 person, and production is down to the musicians and a studio room.

You don't employ more writers because you make more money... you pay for better writers. You don't employ more people for promotion, you pay for more expensive ads. You don't employ more people for licensing... that's done by the label.

The only possible addition of workers is if they want a more lavish operation, such as personal groomers, or personal waiters, or stylists. All of those aren't part of the production process and are simply the result of wealth beyond means.

>Those earnings are proportional, If less is sold then everyone is earning less
No. The staff are still getting paid the same wage. You can't fire a writer because you didn't hit an income target, because if you don't have a writer, you don't produce songs.
The only thing hit by lower sales is the income for the license (what the fat cats get) and the income for the musicians. The more records are sold, the more money they earn.

If you produce a new album and it costs you $30m in total, but instead of making a projected $150m, you make $100m, that $30m is still paid. The profit is shared between the label and the musicians.

Stop projecting pal.
I do and I know a LOT of people that do as well.

Just becausw you're a poor shut in NEET doesnt mean everyone else it.

Let's look at it another way, if you're torrenting something that means you like the product, you want to have it and consume it, it's good. Why wouldn't the ones that created it deserve your money? Whether they are making $30 or $150m doesn't really matter to this.

Same, if comcast shut me off for piracy, I'd have to move.

They will only catch you if you are a retard at torrenting.

I tested the DS roms of japanse pokemon games before they hit US shelves to see if I want them or not.
Bought every one

>public tracker scum

majority of people are cunts
majority of people will not want to pay before, and certainly not after having their stuff

in the end those that are on the receive end will feel the effects and make decisions, vocal opinions seldomly represent revenue streams.

soulseek or whatever is mostly the test hearing you did in stores in the past

>people still use shit like kazaa too ?

they didn't change the text in years, the dynamic part is from a torrent, not one of the software they mention is still available or still works.

You are completely missing the point. I'm not going to keep typing essays out for you so I'm just going to say this.

Not everyone has money to enjoy media.
There are always going to be pirates to some extent.
If you can afford it, you should pay for everything media that you buy generally, unless you want to make a statement or something.
If you can't afford it, then that's understandable, but if you do want to give back, you should prioritize small creators, because they are the ones that need the money the most.

Nobody is going to bat an eyelash if a musician can't afford golden handrails on his yacht because of pirates, but whether or not a creator can make his rent really impacts his ability to keep producing contewnt you like.

Simple enough?

Who the fuck wants to pay fucking 50 - 70 euros for a product whose quality you are not even shure of?

Faggots even stopped making demos.

Just out of curiousity fellow anonymous Guy Fawkesers who do not forget, how would you go about overthrowing the United States Government? We're all anonymous here.