Okay, so could this country ever exist again? But this time with some changes;
- Serbia takes Republika Srpska and Montenegro.
- Croatia takes rest of Bosnia.
- Slovenia and Macedonia stays same.
Okay, so could this country ever exist again? But this time with some changes;
- Serbia takes Republika Srpska and Montenegro.
- Croatia takes rest of Bosnia.
- Slovenia and Macedonia stays same.
This could work if we would be just independed states
ne lol ali dobri dubovi
ni putin ni zapad ne bi ovo dopustili
"Whoever doesn't miss Yugoslavia has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain." - a famous Balkan politician
"Whoever said that is complete dumbfuck" - Me
Ko ih jebe, udruzeni smo jaci i od jednih i od drugih
A sveti srpski grad Dubrovnik???
You just butchered a Putin quote.
Doubtful, the West doesn't like that idea.
Radikal detected
kek wills it
*-Hungary readjusts borders in vojvodina
hahaha ne vjerujem da jesmo ali isti razlog zasto su unistili jugoslaviju prvo, postajali smo istocna super moc
kek is strong in this thread m8s
kek wants yugoslavia back
Verujem da i u Hrvatskoj kao i kod nas ima ljudi koji ne mrze Srbe tj Hrvate
only for happenings
srebrenica 2.0 when
bosnia should have been divided nicely between serbia and croatia but muslimani fucked up
It should be a rule to speak English only. I'm tired of seeing threads full of fucking Balkanites filling threads up with their language. It's always fucking Serbs/Croats doing this shit.
then fuck off
Fuck off, you learn Serbo-Croatian seljacino americka
ima, da samo da imamo covjeka kao sto je bio tito to je nemoguce
Lets do this!
How do we start?
I guess we need to implement pro dividing goverment inside Bosnia. We also need to take over all the media and convince the people that it would be in their best intrest if Bosnia and Herzegovina slit up into Croatia and Serbia.
Next part would be about implementing goverment in Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia and Montenegro who are for unification of former Yugoslavia as a defensive and trade union. We would also need to take over the media to get people on our side.
Once we controle the leading goverment parties in these countries we could start referendums and get this thru. And if there is a sign that a referendum wouldnt be in our favor, we should get it fixed.
better learn spanish
Serbbro I like you suggestion. No place for muslims.
duvaj ga crnčugo
Imali bi da nema srpskih i hrvatskih nacionalista, ovako nema osnova da se ta osoba ikada rodi
Tocno, Ja sam osobno hr nacionalist no postujem srbiju i srpski narod. Trebamo podijeliti BiH.
I vote for you.
Is that out of your national hero's manuscript?
better learn serbia- OH WAIT LMAO
Jedno je voleti svoju zemlju a sasvim druga stvar mrzeti drugu zemlju. Ja volim Srbiju vise od svega, Hrvatska mi je ok jer poznajem dosta dobrih osoba koji su odatle.
Dobro, ne volim muslimane izmedju nas, RS da , ali ove muslimane nikako.
its same language yes
дyвaј кypaц пeдep
дoбap дoбap
*thumbs up
call it New-goslavia
check em
b-b-b-but hat about muh Krajina?
i am actually half of both serb and croat so i can always shill for both
>babby learns paint
I don't want to join. You should just make it with croatia and serbia etc, since you speak more or less the same language.
Only if we get FYROM. If not, I call america.
literally a youtube tier comment
>muh language
yours is basically a dialect at best. go to zagorje/podravina/međimurje and they will understand your slovenian to 90%, Janez.
>inb4 we wuz konjušari
pls, there is only one acceptable dom
osobno sam imao srpsku curu, no sada to nije bitno. Ok je imati patriotizam prema svojoj zemlji. Isto vrijedi za Srbe i Srbiju.
Također, vjera nas uči da imamo solidarsnost sa ostalim kršćanskim crkvama. isto vrijedi sa SPCom. to što vjerujemo zajedno u Krista je dovoljno da naši narodi budu složni
australian shitposting is intense these days
Will we be able to buy their awesome cars again?
I'm with you on this one Hristov, as long as you are successful in fixing their brainwashing.
>we wuz ALEXANDER THE GREAT n shit
also they basically speak your language too. just small difference, right?
>to što vjerujemo zajedno u Krista je dovoljno da naši narodi budu složni
I to sto mrzimo muslimane izmedju nas
Alright you Balkanshits
Convince me Yugoslavia is a bad idea
Pretty much. But the most important thing is that we will be able to use our football hooligans against the albozergs. If we don't intervene, FYROM will be lost to the mudshits forever.
No you fucking cuck, why would you not want an independent Sebian state separate from Croatia? You fucking faggots literally started WWI because you hate living in the same country as one another and now you want to beg to be back together?
>osobno sam imao srpsku curu
ako je prekrstiš na katoličanstvo postaje hrvatica
>Serbia not extending out to Tokyo
Shit map.
>You fucking faggots literally started WWI because you hate living in the same country as one another and now you want to beg to be back together
What the fuck are you talking about m8?
godspeed m8. bulgars i met so far were always brotier. fyroms on the other hand alright until you mention history...
>wearing a choker
Confirmed slut. she's a qt though. Would enrich with my Albozerg cock.
WW1 was bound to happen already mate. They just triggered it.
Probably could work if the capital was in Sarajevo to keep it neutral.
But it would still probably devolve into bloodshed at the first sight of a minor recession because the balkans is by and large full of blood thirsty simpletons.
>don't want them happenings
>don't want srebrenica 2.0
burger pls
>Okay, so could this country ever exist again?
Yes, but everyone in it would be dead in 6 months.
Doesn't matter anymore really because most of your land belongs to multinational (((German))) corporations now.
Also there soon won't be any Croats left since most just go into the EU or Canada
Iskreno, neka ostane srpkinja. Važno je da su jeben svakodnevno i da bude dobra majka.
I da. gadi mi se muslimanija.
You literally could not tolerate being under Austria-Hungarian rule if the Croats were also under Austria-Hungarian rule
>inb4 nuh uh familia, we just didn't want to live under the tyranny of a bureaucratic dual monarchy
Not buying it, slavs can't into freedom. You were literally just mad because Ferdinand considered your entire region to be the same ethnicity, and viewed all the subhumans in your region with equal disdain.
If you would've been incorporated into Austria-Hungary and Croatia would've been excluded you pathetic cucks wouldv've just accepted it, because literally the only thing you pathetic backwater slavs have to be proud of is not being Muslim and not being Croatian.
razumijem. samo nek nije lojava balija.
hvali keka
Stay in Europe long enough and you'll all be united under Merkel's fourth reich.
holy kek
You're fucking retarded. Russia wanted to gain power over the Balkans and Austria-Hungary was a problem.
The first plan was to unify all southern slavs under the serbian flag, since Serbia was a Russian puppet.
Shit just didn't work out well because of Nationalists who were financed by Germany
Sure, that's totally what happened. It's not like serbs are dindu-level subhumans literally incapable of not killing their neighbors and themselves.
The world would be a far better place had their been more death camps in """""Yugoslavia""""""".
>still falling for the Serb-scapegoat
Good goy
I would not want to be unter Austria. For the simple reason that for Austria we were a damn colony. A secondly, Austria imported many muslims shitshinks. If we reamain under Austria than they would have settled shitskins in Croatia and that is a nightmarefor the average croat.
>he fell for the slavs are humans capable of plotting anything beyond where they're going to drink themselves to sleep this night m̶e̶m̶e̶ """scapegoat"""
You would've been better off you fucking cuck, your entire region is worthless and you should have considered it an honor that a great European power was willing to take you under their wing, but what did you do instead?
You murdered the only man who was compassionate enough to pity you filthy fucking pigs, because that's the only thing you retards are capable of doing.
what about pic related