is Trump thicc? NO
Look at this pic, and tell me ONE good reason you're not voting Hillary
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pic looks old. would need recent pic to judge.
This is photoshopped. Here is the original.
My testosterone levels are far too low to vote for such a phat azz.
Niggers are actually voting for Hillary because ass.
do bill still lay the pipe,you think
What do you think...
Probably. But not with Hillary.
pls call 911
is he ok? nice trips ill bill
looking good there Bill!
Bill, you're looking a little pale there buddy.
she thicc
sweet tan there Bill, get it at the Vineyard?
just a few threads before anons posted melania "nudes"
They haven't slept in the same bed for a couple of decades what do you think?
Is he kill?
Sure did, right after hitting the gym for some sick gains.
Because they're Clintons.
that was violent
wow, been hitting that gym huh Bill? ha ha. the only six pack I have is on my belly, ha ha. Only kidding of course Bill!!
>mfw my orgasm hits me like a Boeing triple 7.
Bill obviously wasn't as impressed as you are.
Hillary sucks ass.
took me a while
still thicc tho
I don't have US citizenship
Think Donald still lays pipe here?
She's 44 with the right hormones could we get one more Heir out of her?
Friendly reminder that he literally - LITERALLY - cucked her.
fucking looks like caitlyn jenner
nyeh heh heh heh
Chelsea thicc af too. idc who the daddy is
>Think Donald still lays pipe here?
>She's 44 with the right hormones could we get one more Heir out of her?
He's fuckin' 70. Hate to say this, gents, but there aren't many guys who ever get stiffies at that age.
Given his anger problems and his need to boast about his cock size on national TV, I'd guess he probably hasn't been able to properly fill up a vagina for the past 10 years.
If Donald wants another heir, he'll need to have electroejaculation treatment to get the semen out.
I was really horny the other day and the first thing I seen was that picture of Hillary in the bikini so I whipped out my shlong and started wanking absolutely furiously to the thought of slapping that bitch around and making her deepthroat my cock, stupid whore
I swear to god I shot cum up to my neck brah
Fucking idiot shitposter
Because Hillary is part of the same New World Order club of families and corporate interests that Bill, Bush, Nixon, Raegan, and many more were all part of.
They are the same as the last. They all work for their own sick interests and are actively working for the destruction of the United States of America and its constitution. They are part of an ancient Luciferian group and they are everything that has caused us evil in our histories.
Trump, while not perfect, is the breaking of that cycle we've all dreamt about throughout the ages. We finally have a shot at stopping the shadow government's influence.
And it's obvious they are scared due to how much Hillary's campaign is getting shilled by the media.
Time to wake up to the fact that voting for Hillary is voting for your imprisonment to age old corruption and tyranny that you yourself have fought against whether you are liberal or conservative.
small addition
>Trump supporters literally believe Hillary Clinton is part of some Manichean omnipotent cabal of Satanists
>They still got the audacity to feign outrage when people compare their candidate's authoritarian demagogic style to pre-election Hitler
One is a vague comparison that's basically an opinion the other is documented fact.
Two completely separate things.
Keep up Mehmet.
Hubbell fathered that ugly bitch 100%
I like more the shopped one.
she's just so fucking wrinkly
I don't see it.
>mfw niggers and other shittaste """""""""people"""""""" think fat cottage cheese thighs and huge asses are attractive
I tried coming up with a smart response to this post, but I have no fucking clue as to what you're trying to tell us here, Pedro.
He likes big butts.
They do share a land border with Portugal after all.