Err... guys. I there's something wrong with Bill

Err... guys. I there's something wrong with Bill.

Seriously though, the guy is literally dying and the media is saying nothing. "B-but he's just getting old".. He's fucking younger than Trump! I mean, there's being low energy and then there's being a walking corpse.

The guy needs to go to a fucking hospital.

Other urls found in this thread:

Meds meds meds meds.


>Bill Clinton Enters the Void.

he still has his balloons

anyone have the hillary having strokes webms?

He's going to die this year.

This, please.

i really think hiliary got tired of being in his shadow and finally convinced him or/and his doctors to start giving him pills to keep him fucked up while slowly killing him.

hiliary literally hated him after that whole monica issue. she wasnt seen anywhere near him before she started her campaign. but now, he is everywhere she goes.

well he's already had his chest ripped opened once. can't be very good for you, even if it saves your life.

cant be unseen

That's just how Bill looks when he's leching.

Karma's a bitch, ain't it?

He popped a redpill mid convention

hes an old guy whos gone through heart surgery, id say its pretty normal for him to be out of it

Oh shit.

looking good there Bill!!

the government hid the fact that steve jobs died of HIV AIDS. why would they not censor that bill clinton has the same thing? bill clinton probably runs pedophile human trafficking rings with mr stein.

someone have the original one ?

That's what the average vegan looks like

He's been browsing Sup Forums

Someone make a before and after pic like this one for him

Move along British goy.

The original goy


I've seen this claim a few times on this board. Is this true?

Bill's really not looking too well these days.

he's drifting off into the abyss

Go away teenfag

are they holding mirrors so you get permanently blinded and so are never subjected to that image again?

looking good there Bill!!!

He *almost* hit that big ballon,...nobodies perfect Pele!

It's in the cards

If you have not seen The Exorcist...

Having a great deal of Evil inside of you destroys your body at a faster rate.

Spiritual energy can affect physical health.

ha ha. Oh hey Bill you big old sleepy head!! Don't you know the convention is on! You are a cad Bill!!

Hillary is poisoning Bill

Can I have some gifs?webms on a phone are a bit wonky sometimes

They're giving him enough pills to live, but not for long.
If Trump pulls ahead nearing the election, they'll have him killed to give Hillary another push.


It was pretty fucking retarded, whatever it was.

I thought the one on the right was covered in mud. Which I thought was appropriate for a swamp cow. Then I realized it was tattoos she is covered in.

Sadly this is true. Trump should joke about it, get some petty attention

which part do you want a source to?



I love how disgusting Democrats look.

Also, would NOT touch.

This is probably the third time i've seen this thread in the week. It's getting almost as worse as the shilling

>He is using the Force on the computer


trump would have to play it careful. if trump doesn't address bills health / death before bill dies, then trump will lose sympathy votes to hillary.
but if trump looks too crass in addressing the health before the death, it will scare votes to hillary


Trumps an Apple fan... I vote for him now.

That homeboy died of AIDS.



I'm tuned out of the MSM…. Are they REALLY ignoring Bill's condition?

If so, that's crazy. I mean anyone with eyes can see something is going on there.

Either he id dying, or he is on some strong medication.

Either way, I can't imagine nothing is being said in the press.

Jesus, he looks more dead than alive

>and he's younger than Trump
imagine if he was running for president looking like this

Lemme guess, android?

You know android is a poor people's iPhone, right? Same with Windows... Just a poor people's operating system.

Closer to the election, they're going to sell the Clintons as taking the US going back to the 90s before everything went to shit. Bill needs to be alive for the next few years to sell it.

poor willie

the neo-cons are going to kill bill to get hillary into the white house

you can screencap this

ha ha, I see you having a good chuckle there Bill, me too!

He's about to break out of his human shell and return to his home planet. This happens to all reptiles.

didnt steve jobs die of cancer? he refused chemo and went to eat a bunch of poo herbs that didnt work




Oh Bill, you are a jokester!!

Oof, that's harsh.

Trump, in the zone composing one of his mastertweets


He's scheduled to die in October if Hillary is behind Trump in the polls.

>just outside the camera view

who the fuck cares, bills a corpse, hilary is a corpse, they are all monsters

ahahhaha they edited it now they're claiming it was a faked story.

illegal to post classified information pertaining to cable gate. search it yourself! unless you're a govt employee - hillary made it illegal for yall to read wikileaks the same day she made national journalist day! lol

Clinton is thinking, "The cigar slides in, the cigar slides out, I put my stogie in and I shake it all about."


You guys do realize that being the president of the United States is probably one of the most stressful jobs on the planet so it's not surprising that he's aged faster than mr. Trump


What could it mean?

Hillary...The pills aren't working...

Cool, he's using an Apple prototype called the AirMouse

Holy shit.

I dont know why, but i feel sad for him.
He doesnt look too well.


Bill is ill
Keeping Bill alive till just before the election, he croaks Hillary gets the sympathy vote


trump can handle the stress. he's already got a high stress life style and a team of people to support him via cooking, transportation, etc. trump can handle the oval office. hillary will have another stroke her first year unless she does absolutely nothing and delegates everything


is this a new meme? I swear to god, my internet got turned off for one fucking day and I've already missed a meme
jesus... /Trump

You do realize that dubya had a much more stressful presidency than bill, is the same age, and is still higher energy than jeb?

better with reverse-loop?

Well if Hillary has a big syphilis hole on her tongue Bill must have caught something serious to look so bad.

He's 69 fucking years old.

Hillary is sucking the life out of him for getting his dick sucked.


just bought it the other day, 35 fucking euros


Honey *wheeze*,
Is this *sniff* halal medic- *cough* ine working?

Careful... You'll trigger the poor people still using android products. They're jealous of us.

Perfect. All those oxys are making him feel goooood

Ivanka for prez

Oh jeez Bill, can't help but notice you're smelling GREAT nowadays. The lady get you new cologne ha ha.

Bill has AIDS or cancer or both.

God she's so fucking punchable, I hate how she tries to play it off as a joke with that stupid shit eating grin

Some of the skinny ones in the back are alright. Would bang.