Where does Sup Forums get their news?
I need some places for news without any bias.
Where does Sup Forums get their news?
I need some places for news without any bias.
>without any bias
Sup Forums is the only place to get news
This. Everything has bias. You just reading an article, you apply your own bias to their bias.
The best solution is to read from multiple sources and draw your own conclusions
>pol is kicking our asses, can you please tell us where to attack your news sources?
simple bro, the federal reserve.
Daily Stormer.
if you want actual news you get it here.
It's best to approach an issue from multiple sources and recognize the biases. There are very few sources that I take at their word and generally those are the straight-up journalist reporting aggregation sites like AP or Reuters. Almost every one of those stories is just reporting without editorializing or commenting.
Every morning I place a telephone call to Bibi Netenyahu and he fills me in on what I need to know. That and I check my post box for the latest deals on loans from the bank.
Sup Forums and the British Broadcasting Corporation
I usually compare BBC RT and CNN's biased reports.
the onion
basically, anywhere/everywhere. you have understand how factions of the media work together to push narratives, and how the opposing factions will post the same story with omitted facts while playing up non-facts as HARD TRUTHS.
wanna know whats going on? read articles about it from both sides, read between the lines, and sift through all the bullshit.
there is no unbiased news. from shitposts on Sup Forums to reworded headlines on the drudge, to quotes taken out of context on the top of CNN. its all biased. learn to spot the bias and know why that site/journalist/shitposter is biased and you'll maybe find some personal truths along the way.
I just read Sup Forums and subscribe to Sup Forums tier Youtbue channels
The Jews SHUT DOWN my local blowtorch FM station and shoveled the remnants over to AM. But on the upside it turns out they carry this thing called "America's Morning News" right when I want to wake up. And even though it's paid for by America's Advertising Council or something like that, it's remarkably halfway decent. So I like to listen to FOX headline news and then AMN and keep the differences in mind while I eat breakfast over drudge and Sup Forums.
It's interesting to compare how things are spun, but even more interesting to compare what gets left out of the headlines. It's almost like a return to real journalism where one place tries to get the scoop on another place, except backward where instead it's which place is willing to not cover up this thing or that thing.
Al Jazeera was considered the most unbias news source in the world for a long time, but Their American chapter kind of blew it on that one and called the whole thing into question...
Could also be that Americans, left or right, hate any news source that supports or speaks neutral or well of their opponent so it was really bound to happen at the same time...
Anyway, I still trust Al Jazeera.
a lot of it is censored/changed/ignored for more than even political reasons. sometimes it comes down to advertising money. a lot of this businesses are on the way out and advertising revenue is all they have, so they go for shock value and post sensationalist headlines, while making sure not to piss off their mega-corp advertisers who own 3/4 of the world's products and services, so they have to omit a lot just for fundings sake too.
the more desperate they get, the funnier they get, look at what happened to gawker, literally coined the term clickbait and then got sued into bankruptcy for their practices.
i look out the window
>I need some places for news without any bias.
Welcome to reality lol. That just doesn't exist
BBC is actually not bad. American news is among the worst in the world. In America, the silly season lasts all year long.
There are always going to be 2 opposing views just get used to it. Read different sources for same news and make your own judgement.
>news without any bias
You may have to go to another planet.
also work there
News is information. The only way to get it without bias is to do your own work and process raw data.
Man, fox news isnt allowed to broadcast from Canada because its illegal to lie or present misleading news (like most if not all western countries except America).
They aren't breaking any laws by getting their airwaves in here, but they can't have a station.
>advertising money
Yeah, the benefit of sticking to a single station for a while is you can observe advertising trends.
That early in the morning it's all CDC / Ad Corporation shit obviously produced by the same outfit. Funnier still is that they have to crank so much out nobody notices how racist it is sometimes because they're trying to statistically target centrally planned economy stuff.
When the news cycle gets exciting, they start to put in more other ads. Once in a while even a local ad. I laffed hard when they had to resort to 9/11 ads for a while -- must have been quite the price drop.
But an hour later and the hourly news is twice as long and you start getting real ads again. Its so transparent it makes you want to see through it.
>I need news without any bias
maybe you should check fantasyland
Sup Forums, nordfront and sometimes Omni.
only one answer here
>wanna know whats going on? read articles about it from both sides, read between the lines, and sift through all the bullshit.
you have to read huffpo and breitbart , fox and cnn, drudge and /r/worldnews, etc. etc.
if you want to come away with the most impartial understanding of world events, you have to see both sides
I'm old.
When the internet first came to fruition as a news source people prophesied that the young 'uns growing up with it would be able to mediate between the biases of competing media outlets.
Turns out millennials are more likely to hermetically seal themselves within internet hugboxes that they perceive as being unbiased.
There's no such thing as an unbiased news source.
I get mine from:
Sup Forums
And an old guy that looks like santa named Drake Bailey (he does 2-3 hour podcasts on saturdays)
Buzzfeed is a pretty good source tbqh!