DONT LET THE SHILLS SLIDE US THIS TIME >Is Boko Haram Crooked Hillary's biggest scandal yet? >In the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lawal arranged a 2011 plot to purchase 4 tons of gold from a rebel warlord, Bosco Ntaganda, linked to massacres and mass rapes. Ntaganda was on a U.S. sanctions list, meaning anyone doing business with him could face up to 20 years in prison. Lawal contacted Clinton’s State Department, and authorities in Congo released his plane and associates in the plot. >In 2014, Oando pledged 1.5 percent of that year’s pre-tax profits and 1 percent of future profits to a Clinton Global Initiative education program. This year, Adewale gained notoriety when the Panama Papers revealed he holds at least 12 shell companies, leading to suspicion of money laundering, tax evasion, and other corruption >Hillary Clinton's obstruction of the Boko Haram terror designation in the face of FBI, CIA, DOJ, and Congressional urging to do so is a documented fact. But the reason for Hillary's obstruction, which the establishment media has never pressed Clinton for, remains unanswered.
There are TWO pages. The real juicy stuff is on page 2
Info an user uncovered in the last thread abouy Lawal: >On the national level, in 1996 Lawal was appointed by the Secretary of Commerce to a position on the United States Council on the Business Development Committee of the United States-South Africa Binational Commission. Lawal told Forbes he was surprised by the appointment. “I asked [the secretary], what is a small businessman out of Texas doing on this big commission.” The reply was, “We know you’re from Africa. You must have an inherent interest in the continent and its well-being.” President Bill Clinton thought so too and appointed Lawal a member of the United States Trade Advisory Committee on Africa. In this role Lawal helped to develop trade policies in Africa—a subject that he knows first hand.
It seems this Lawal had connections with the Clintons going back 20 years.
It's also not the first time he's been "trading" gold.
Tyler Morgan
Bumping. GET IN HERE We arent getting slid this time
Isaac White
Cooper Scott
He got caught moving gold out of the Democratic Republic of the Congo along with a bunch of other people in the Clinton camp.
Matthew Campbell
>Boko Haram kills 10,000 Nigerian villagers >FBI, Congress, CIA, and Justice Department all recommend Hillary Clinton's State Department classify them as a terrorist organization >people in the U.S. are banned from doing business or associating with terrorist organizations >Hillary Clinton refuses to classify them the whole time she is in office and no one could figure out why >turns out individuals buying stolen Boko Haram gold and developing stolen Boko Haram oil fields are donating massively to her campaign fund and the Clinton Foundation
Alexander Foster
oh fug could this be uranium 2.0?
Christian Watson
Turns out he was also doing millions of dollars of business with Boko Haram and paying off Hillary with millions if dollars to not classify then as a terrorist organization
Connor Perry
Cheked and Rekt.
SPREAD THIS. Ive been getting slid all day my last thread 4o4d with almost no attention
Benjamin King
Bumping for faggots who haven't read it yet
Henry Taylor
Normies will not care about this.
Thomas Mitchell
Connor Long
Leo Bennett
Fuck off shill
Adrian Nguyen
Wyatt Richardson
Bumping for interest. We need more details and facts.
David Bennett
Its like they expect it now.
Jaxon Baker
This shit right here. Moochelle was going ape shit about this while Hillary was taking kickbacks for allowing her friends to sell Boko Haram's gold and oil.
Jason Richardson
Owen Reyes
Do Miller and Manafort go over these things and decide they got no legs or what?
Adrian Bennett
have a bump >reading and fact checking.
Nathan Thomas
have a bump OP, for once you aren't a faggot
Parker Jackson
more and more scandals every week and nothing happens wasn't she supposed to be destroyed by assange last week ?
Jason Thompson
Leo Smith
Ayyyy the media is going to cover 0 of it. >1984 now
Im gonna have to go in a minute but Ill be back. DONT LET THIS DIE COMRADES
Carter Ward
What a time to be alive.
Jeremiah Ross
Sebastian Morales
>implying the "networks that count" will do anything with it
Wyatt Morris
>In 2014, Oando pledged 1.5 percent of that year’s pre-tax profits and 1 percent of future profits to a Clinton Global Initiative education program Straight up mafia shit. Give us a vig and we'll protect you with our political influence.
Owen Sanders
All the shilling is the renewed vigor now Clinton is officially the nom. The entire dnc is pooling resources now.
William Barnes
Send it to all local news outlets. Send it to the low audience outlets first and move up from there. Send it to podcasts twitter handles too. Anyone who has and audience at all send it to them too.
Aaron Flores
Send it to Drudge. He's got huge influence on the media cycle.
William Johnson
Fuck off shill. Just like normies wouldn't care about DNCLeaks, right? This is especially effective to target Bern victims with, because they actually care about Africans. I'm only mad about this because she was abusing her official power for money.
Eli Scott
If the Clinton Foundation was the Clintoni Foundation, DOJ would already be playing the RICO card.
Mason Gomez
Gabriel Rogers
BUMP. Also has anyone got that pic of Shillary and her snake tongue?
Sebastian Turner
Carson Cox
Shills will try to defend this
Jordan Torres
You tend to get a little pale when your body explodes and all the blood pours out of the hole in the bottom of your head
Send it to Drudge, send it Breitbart. Send it Molyneux, send it to InfoWars, send it to Black Pigeon, Sargon, send it to EVERYONE in the so called "alternative media".
Julian Sullivan
Robert Perez
Oh shit, she's in trouble now!
Can't wait for this, and her ties to the Saudis to make mainstream news.
Elijah Peterson
Yeah, send it to this guy on Youtube, New World Agenda, try that Styxenhammer666 guy, as well.
Jonathan Harris
Make sure another evil doesn't take her place if you get her into jail, guys.
Ryder Howard
Can any anons give me a good reason why i should get my hopes up this time? I for see this not mattering again somehow.
Luke James
b-but guys, donald trump said MEAN THINGS!
Jackson Brown
>obunga munga beaucoup hamram
voters don't care about this stupid shit, why are we wasting our time?
John Williams
Send it to the Trump Campaign, if no one else. I'd wanna see him drop this bombshell in a debate. If all the information is there to see, then a live audience and millions tuning in can get the word out.
Y'know, in an ideal world. No matter what I think of him I still can't make sense of what Paradox-billiards-Vostroyan-roulette fourth dimension-hypercube-chess-strip-poker politics goes on in Trump's mind.
Or he's a lucky moron, but I'ma be optimistic about this for now.
Aaron Cooper
CNN, BBC, FOX, MSNBC, your mom's book club anything would be more effective than fucking RT because if they report on it first you can be sure no one actually in any position of power or legitimacy will take it seriously.
Jose Wilson
Its not so much the substance behind the corruption normies care about. But Hillary is now synonymous with scandal. Bitch can't go a week with out some CF or Sec. state scandal.
Fact checking done, looks plausible, no big holes, have my shitposting power bro.
Adam Wood
Ok we need to get organized. Who here has twitter or social media?
Share this everywhere. We need someone with twitter to tweet this to Trump and Drudge for starters. Also tweet it out with some popular Trump and Hillary hashtags
Logan Thomas
so what is literally anybody here going to do to get anything done about this?
Jace Cooper
It doesn't matter because black lives don't matter
Tyler Lewis
I'll be damned. An actually legit dirty connection to a Clinton Programme. Maybe /cfg/ isn't entirely a waste of time.
Daniel Long
Throw enough shit in people's face and it will be impossible to ignore.
Leo Green
It's OK, things have been taken care of, you don't need to do anything
Joshua Stewart
>le lol im a racist like u guys >BASED hillary hates darkies amiright
James Ramirez
Bitch and moan then masturbate.
Joshua Rogers
>u dont need to go vote today, its soooo crowded, trumps got it ;)))))
Daniel Garcia
It is the policy of our government to increase the number of people depending on the government for food, clothes and housing. That makes them controllable.
Levi Jackson
>Bitch can't go a week with out some CF or Sec. state scandal.
this, it's old news and nobody is interested at this point. The real news is all the scandals that are coming to light about trump, many of which are so much worse, some of these allegations are just so horrifying they shouldn't be talked about
Luis Ward
Live twitter: boko haram deploying thousands
John Smith
This is a big deal. Anyone contact Drudge Report yet? Is Trump on it?
Jonathan Wilson
Can you correct this one while you're at it?
Brayden Diaz
/cfg/ bump
Evan Anderson
Came here to read the scandal, but decided to fap instead. Keep up the sexy pictures, guys.
Adrian Young
Dropping a tidbit: In CSPAN recordings for the DNC, theres an interview with a former staffer for Clinton explaining the reasoning behind this decision. He seems to think the reasoning is perfectly fine, but in the context of this thread it is extremely damning. I can't find it right now but if someone searched CSPAN transcripts it would be extremely easy to find with the Boko Haram tag. I think it was at the end of night on the second or third day.
Adam Clark
Kevin Rogers
not him but they make a silicone-based spray that will help the needle glide more smoothly without eating away at the underlying plastic
Matthew Peterson
Here's another good one
Jason Jackson
Nope this is brand new. Ive been trying to get this to you guys all day but keep getting slid. This ones on us. Nobody is gonna spread it but us. Start sharing iy in comments sections of news articles, youtube videos, hashtags etc
Ayden Adams
>i have le japan flag and post animuus ;)
Matthew Gray
Explain yourself Japan, I have heard nothing about Trump scandals.
Joshua Gray
>Talked bad about a soldier
>in 2003
Hunter Long
No one seems to care, OP. I haven't even seen FOX mention this.
I swear, Hillary could kill a toddler on live TV and no one would care.
Matthew Barnes
shore thing boss, no body want to hear about boring Africa nigger nonsense
Liam Cooper
They willbe made to care about really easily, can spin it as Hillary condoning the mass slavery and rape of constant little girls.