Suddenly everyone knows everything about this country. And everyone has a something to say about her struggles, past, crimes, culture, political goals etc
How did that happen?
Suddenly everyone knows everything about this country. And everyone has a something to say about her struggles, past, crimes, culture, political goals etc
How did that happen?
Other urls found in this thread:
All I see is a roach queen
All i know is it should disappear
Wh.. What?
Let's dump everything ITT that insults and angers t*rks.
Honestly, all I see is rightful Greek clay.
Thank islam.
No one cares sand nigger
erDOGan 666 devil turk swine
Shut up Al-Andalus
>Suddenly everyone knows everything about this country.
It's because our news broadcasts don't censor everything in favor of a dictator
Because Anzu is a 10/10 waifu4laifu :3
It's rightful only if they win
To destroy the roach, we must first understand the roach. And then kill it with fire.
Is she a mudslime?
Why are you so scared bout dictators?
You are probabably a converted Greek just as much as most inhabitants of Al-Andalus were converted Iberians. It's pretty tragic when you think about it.
>How did that happen?
turkey is putins muppet now, which is a good thing
We know that they are islamic. And islam worships a meteor in the desert.
someone needs to do a infared scan from orbit to determine the location of the queen roach
if we nuke her the rest will shut down
You should have banned Islam a long time ago and this wouldn't be a problem
ur low IQ savages. there really isn't much to figure out... Turkey is not complex. A country that embraces islam is inferior.
cockroach god-sultan of t*rkkind
Original plans the west had in store for the fallen Ottoman Empire before they got BTFOed by an underdog
>turkey is putins muppet now
He even looks like a turk.
Furthest extent of Armenian-Greek-French invasion of Turkey before they got BTFO
>Let's dump everything ITT that insults and angers t*rks.
>caring about Turkey
Literally like saving anti-Montenegro memes...who cares? That hard drive space could house delicious tranny porn.
If you saw the hernia Christian Amanpour was having because Trump asked Russia to release more of the revelations about the DNA and Sanders' electoral sabotage you might think again before saying that.
Pure Turkish genes from the central Asian steppe.
>this is what Turks actually believe
I am sorry but I have to agree with this.
There are subhumans here who claim that G*len is a """"""""""""""""""""""""""""moderate"""""""""""""""""""""""""""". This is the guy you are talking about:
There are guys here who claim that K*rds are secular, while they tend to be even more conservative than Turks.
Honestly, I am so Smyrnian I piss rakı at this point. But you retarded W*sterners should stop talking as if you know shit about Turkey.
Not knowing is not shameful, but not learning is.
but anzu is a whore
what he does is similar to occultic magic, really in Islam such things are not banned?
+++ Friendly Reminder that Turkey is cut of from the Internet and only the Regime is able to post here +++ Friendly Reminder that Turkey is cut of from the Internet and only the Regime is able to post here +++ Friendly Reminder that Turkey is cut of from the Internet and only the Regime is able to post here +++ Friendly Reminder that Turkey is cut of from the Internet and only the Regime is able to post here +++ Friendly Reminder that Turkey is cut of from the Internet and only the Regime is able to post here +++ Friendly Reminder that Turkey is cut of from the Internet and only the Regime is able to post here +++ Friendly Reminder that Turkey is cut of from the Internet and only the Regime is able to post here +++ Friendly Reminder that Turkey is cut of from the Internet and only the Regime is able to post here +++ Friendly Reminder that Turkey is cut of from the Internet and only the Regime is able to post here +++ Friendly Reminder that Turkey is cut of from the Internet and only the Regime is able to post here +++ Friendly Reminder that Turkey is cut of from the Internet and only the Regime is able to post here +++ Friendly Reminder that Turkey is cut of from the Internet and only the Regime is able to post here +++ Friendly Reminder that Turkey is cut of from the Internet and only the Regime is able to post here +++ Friendly Reminder that Turkey is cut of from the Internet and only the Regime is able to post here +++ Friendly Reminder that Turkey is cut of from the Internet and only the Regime is able to post here +++ Friendly Reminder that Turkey is cut of from the Internet and only the Regime is able to post here +++ Friendly Reminder that Turkey is cut of from the Internet and only the Regime is able to post here +++ Friendly Reminder that Turkey is cut of from the Internet and only the Regime is able to post here +++ Friendly Reminder that Turkey is cut of from the Internet and only the Regime is able to post here +++
piss off erdogan
as long as he is wishing from allah, no
do you guys actually believe this or just shitposting?
I doubt it
some places are close enough to even steal Wifi from Greece
According to L Ron Hubbard, it has the base of operations of an alien race intent on taking over our world.
You must understand that G*len is a literal cult leader.
No, too white.
Now you know how Americans feel
Gulen is a kindly old man
Has this "country" ever not been a cucked shithole?
>How did that happen?
I'm Armemeian
even our thieves don't steal from homeless people
This is not only a bad joke but a lie too.
While Turkey was working for USA there was no need to talk about Turkey. More like, they tried to not talk about it at all.
Not that Turkey have switched sides, they want to make people belive that Turkey needs some democracy so you will see Turkey all over. Mostly in negative view,
Turkey is kind of an anomaly for the western mind
First thing you need to know about Turkey: it's orient. You can't understand shit with a western point of view. And right now western media and the cock feeders in Europe and America push this point of view to the ignorant masses. Thus every conclusion you have is wrong.
For a Turk: Flag, State and religion comes first. These are even more important than being alive.
Democracy and Freedom comes second.
If you are an individualist hippy, Turkey is a place you should avoid.
Hi faggot. I've always known about the treachery your people have committed in the name of allah. Signed Armenian in Shitpost land.
History has a funny way of not going away even if people don't talk about it for a while.
No matter how long its been, Turkey is an example of what happens when Islam takes over. You can take the center of culture and economics of the world and Muslims will turn it into an irrelevant 3rd world shithole.
you know so much for an average westerner
unfortunately that's pretty much what happens right now
Allah want death Erdogan's? I bet it Gülen has cursed him.
His followers see him as the "mahdi" (the chosen one, a la muslim messiah). There are many occultist movements Islam.
He says he talks to Mohammad via his dreams. So his followers see everything he says as the words of Mohammad.
They have "magic" prayers a la " say this and this exactly so many times and this will happen".
hi muslim
bye muslim
here is a famous course video of him.
>for a turk, the swarm comes first. we are impossible for you humans to understand.
I would even put the State above all for Turks.
Even if the State represses them, turks hold the state above all.
>For a Turk: Flag, State and religion comes first.
Just another oil reserve.
you'll see turkey more often in western media (claimed to be trusted because it's not censored) from now on
they will show only women with burqa zoomed in a group of people(5/2000 people for example) in headline backgrounds
people chanting islamic stuff(again nitpicked 2/300 people for example)
what are these for? these are for people who only consume western media to believe turkey is more shithole, islamic and chaotic than it actually is
to make them believe there is nothing much left to save in turkey.
you're not going to believe it doesn't matter, your media is doing this for your country to profit from possible civil war in turkey anyways
we need to prepare are anus, thats why we are focused on it.
Not for the countries to profit, only certain interest groups that don't care about the price the collective has to pay.
Every attempt against Turkey is an attack against sovereignity in general.
>Implying nobody knew anything about Turkey
>Turkroach oldest world meme on the planet
Pick one
How did it come to this :(
you elected a weak leader with a god-complex.
yeah that's why it's a shitty country to live in except for çomars like you
but that's exactly how it is you dumb bitch. go to kadıköy for once and see for yourself it's nothing but covered woman and arab-looking motherfuckers. you can walk 20 minutes without hearing a word of turkish, holy shit this country deserves everything bad that happens to it
Yes exactly, and the curse works, I experienced this personally ... but there is one problem, the leaders of the countries protects the egregore of the country if he favors the leader.
>when i got bored of my neet life and finally decided to get out of my house, i saw some tourists not speaking turkish so i want this country to collapse
First thing: you guys have low iq
Why are turk roaches so damn dumb?
Russian shills.
Why all those islands so close to the border are from Greece and not Turkey?
that banter
Accurate, even in the importance. Majority is very Collectivist and very state worshiping, questioning state is treason and almost all the time state and the political parties merge, the ruling party claiming to be the state while the opposition claim to be the true heirs of the state and so on.
That's why I find the western alliance weird, for all the cold war era, western values did not passed across the border. We are more close to asia in collectivism and stateworship and would get along far better with say Russia, who tend to have the same state veneration, and a bit collectivist mentality than the American who thinks goverment is some evil entity that is out to get them.
Not that I approve of it, I do believe turks in general should be far more skeptical and be far more like the anglo-saxon cultures, but it is what it is.
piss off Turkroach
judging from your flag and picture it seems you are the one who got pissed off mate.
make hayastan great again.
you're a disgusting scab on europe.
mad because NZ soldiers stretched their tounges and got facefucked by turks in 1.WW
the situation in turkey is more like
>it used to be shit
>now it's even more shit
how ? they marked this guy who lives in pennsylvania as the bad they all act as if freedom came back and everything's just fucking nice..
same goverment, same problems..oh exuse me...even more problems up to come...
turkey is drying up and falling away of its own accord like the scab it is.
You are not a bunch of bandits but a nation now because Turks fucked you in WWI and suddenly you noticed it's a bad thing to follow UK into the hornet's nest.
You should be grateful