Who started the urban legend that Germans are "Aryan"?
Was it the Nazis and their folklore?
Who started the urban legend that Germans are "Aryan"?
Was it the Nazis and their folklore?
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Anything north and west of Turkey is aryan
try it, faggot
you're already doing a good job of it yourself
what if all this pro nazi propaganda was the design of saudi arabia to sow division of the American people to weaken them for a military campaign yet to be announced??
what if all the propaganda is the design of saudi arabia and their global allies? That's the only real cultural on this planet that unironically wants to enslave the whole world.
You don't look at the news much do you?
Slavs are Aryan, Germans are Germanic, Hitler was crazy and you are faggot
Your nation is a fucking joke now! XD
>being this obsessed
>Germans are Germanic
That's pretty stupid m8.
Genetic data shows that Germans and proto-Slavs are the same people.
But Germans mongrelized with Brown Europeans and Slavs mongrelized with Asiatics.
Poland/Belarus is white, desu
No Surprise dipshit, while Poland and West Russia got enriched by Vikings from Sweden.
Southern Germany got not enriched.
Alphines are closer to Celts, meanwhile the North is closer to Germanics and Eastern Germans are just a mix of Germanics,Celts and Slavs.
>light hair among men
Women like guys who are tall, dark, and handsome. Not twink, blonde faggots.
Where is the sampling information for this particular census?
A graphic with nothing else in support is very dubious.
Especially since we know that blond hair originated in the East.
>Poland and West Russia got enriched by Vikings
stupid meme
>18th century classifications combined with 19th century theories
Oh look, I found someone with absolutely no idea about actual genetic information about Ypoor.
Are Ewwpooreans not able to afford books?
Southern Germans and Austrians got mongrolized by the Avars
Sure and they never trade with Syrians.
Read a book nigger.
Real Aryans are Iranian
>Read a book
nice source. here is another unsourced map.
That's from the 50s, referring to Anglo-Saxon actors like Gregory Peck, not hairy, brown, sub-human Arab manlets from Shitaly or southern Europe.
Kek, the Flemish/frog border is literally the fault line between being majority blond and majority brown haired
Iranian were blue eyed, its a sand nigger on your picture
Unrelated but i'm requesting that image where the immigrants get taken by the swedish army guy, he then brings them to sweden and the environment looks exactly the same just with the swedish flag.
>Catholic Irish actor
>Anglo Shit
still not a blonde twink faggot
Pic related.
Strange that brown manlets were smashed so easily on the battlefield, by tall, fair Aryan men countless time in history.
like the Roman conquest of Albion. DJ Khaled is Arabbit, btw.
I look like the guy on the left, but with the same skin color of the slav lad
>tfw everyone notices when i blush
It's dat boii
Dear pasta nigger, Romans never managed to move into the lands of Germans or Slavs. The Danube and Rhine rivers were a permanent barrier for Roman expansion, the only people in Europe that the Romans managed to conquer were other brown shit skins like the Gauls, Celts and North Africans.
In fact, just a few years later Germans just rolled into Rome after smashing and routing their Legions of brown manlets.
It's alright man.
Nazis stole the term "Aryan" from the Persians and applied it to people with typical North-Germanic features (light skin, light hair, grey/blue eyes, tall, wide jaw, straight nose)
I know right? Only the jews are aryans.
Hitler said Nordic Germans were superior.
>North-Germanic features (light skin, light hair, grey/blue eyes, tall, wide jaw, straight nose)
Those aren't exclusively North-"Germanic" features, whatever the fuck that means.
Germans and Scandinavians are just the tail end of the expansion of Blond steppe people into Europe, which started approx. 4,000 years ago in prehistory.
>no source
Probably to try and distinguish them from Britons
Brits and Germans are both Anglos (Brits have Celts too)
damn would like to be swole like that
Persians stole the term "Aryan" from poo in the loo, original Aryan = poo in the loo.
>t. some fucking greasy wop
Hitler's background was in art and other fag shit.
He was hardly qualified to comment on such things.
Hummels parents are turkish...
its not as if you need any help with that, axel
dudes tits are bigger than the females
I didn't say they were exclusive, I said they were typical
Arthur de Gobineau
why do Swedish women live Italian and Spanish guys so much?
I am the master race, pic related.
Sluts everywhere love fucking foreign men because It's "exciting" or whatever, just take a look at history. When the German soldiers penetrated Belgium, the women were already waiting for them, wet and ready with their legs spread wide
i fucking hate these threads. even though i don't think hitler is as bad as mainstream culture would lead people to believe i dont think hes as great as pol thinks he is. aryan is an aesthetic fantasy no reason that blond blue eyeds are more intelligent. ITS ABOUT THE FUCKING SKULL/BRAIN NOT EYE COLOR/HAIRCOLOR FAGS.
for instance many jews have blue eyes. and its not uncommon for abbos the lowest caste of humans to have blond hair.
he's gonna keel over at 50 something for sure
This should clarify.
That mongrel FUCK is not Germanic shut te fuck up you fucking kike.
Just made it even better
yes, before that germans weren't even considered white.
>Nigeria's R1
Things are starting to make sense now.
If we're talking actual Aryans, that Germanic looks aryan as fuck
Says who you dumb fuck?
You two Germans just got cucked.
Based polski
Looks like the blonder, the more cucked (Finnish Khanate being an exception)
The only time Italians lost to Krautshits was immediately after they almost were defeated by Turkic Huns. Even then, the "Germanics" had mixed with the Iranian Alans by then.
>posting a man with jungle fever
>[W]hy should the Palatine Boors be suffered to swarm into our Settlements, and by herding together establish their Language and Manners to the Exclusion of ours? Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.
>Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.
So he is basically saying only English people are white. I think this is a fair definition we can all accept.
She has cute nails.
>Finds one blue-eyed Slav-mongrelized Turk
>"Guys Iranians were all Nordic before the Arabs did the buttfuck in the pussy with them!"
>You just proved Nordics are the most cucked race because even their WE WUZ KANGS fantasy involves them getting cucked.
Even iron-age statues depict persians with curly dark hair. You're the same person posting this shit, so fucking quit. You don't even know your own descent, let alone the descent of people who've been in the same place for 3000 years. Last time you tried to argue with me about this shit, it ended with you throwing an autistic tantrum.
Benjamin Franklin was an imbecile who did not realize that Anglos are Germanic too. If that's even a real quote from him.
Muh hair
Royal members of a society are never a good indication of the ethnicity and race of the entire people, you are fucking retarded. Noble lineages have always intermarried with other nation's royalty as a form of diplomacy.
>swarthy complexion
Yeah, he was a little weird when it came to that subject, but the founding fathers still could agree that America was a country for whites. Too bad the (((cuckservatives))), (((libertarians))), and (((shitlibs))) "forgot" about it.
Muh Roman Genes
She is quite pretty isn't she. She is White/Aryan after all.
That exact same display could be used to claim that they were niggers.
>they're closing in
>Yeah, he was a little weird when it came to that subject, but the founding fathers still could agree that America was a country for whites.
Indeed, and if it came down to it, in a race war, there is no reason why he would not compromise, especially with such an industrious people such as the Germans.
Being a degenerate pedophile. Good goy
Yellow paint came off the hair, or was scrubbed off, you can see it on more obvious statues. Same is the case with Egypt.
Persians have Always been Persian, and Hitler misconstruing what Aryan means doesn't change that. If you had any experience with ACTUAL Persians, you'd know they are whites with dark hair, like they always have been.
It is clear that throughout its history, Italy has been subject to several invasions by predominantly Nordic peoples. The first of these invasions laid the foundations for ancient Rome. The early Patrician class was constituted from Nordic racial elements, as Coon affirms:
“Their facial type is not native to the Mediterranean basin, but is more at home in the north....
...the movements from the north introduced Nordics of two varieties; the classic Hallstatt type, and the Keltic Iron Age type which was later to form the basic racial element among the Roman patricians.” [Coon (1939) 194; 554.]
The French author Rochat, examined portraits of the ancient Romans, and concluded that the Roman type was essentially Nordic. [Günther (1957).] The Swiss physical anthropologist His (1866), after studying both sculptures and skulls, determined that the true Romans had been Nordic.
There also exists a considerable body of evidence in relation to pigmentation. The German classicist Sieglin (1935), studied ancient Roman records, and demonstrated that the family names of most Patrician clans, denoted Nordic racial features, when they were translated from their original Latin. For instance, there were numerous Rufii,Rubrii and Rutilii, names which refer to red hair. There were also Flavi, Flaviani and Fulvi, which reveals blond hair. Sieglin studied all the references that were made to noted Romans, throughout the history of Roman literature. He compiled the following list of individuals, whose names are indicative of their possessing fair hair; Sieglin found: 7 Flavi, 20 Flaviani, 10 Fulvi, 121 Fulvii, 27 Rubrii, 26 Rufi, 24 Rufii, 36 Rufini, 45 Rutilii and 13 Ahenobarbi. He also observed that the names Flavius,Rufi and Rufini, were frequently employed by several Patrician families. [Sieglin (1935) 53.]
We also possess descriptions of famous individuals. In his Life of Cato the Elder, Plutarch states that the Censor had red hair and blue eyes; in the same author’sLife of Sulla, he declares that the Dictator possessed golden-blond hair and blue eyes. Suetonius, in his Lives of the Twelve Caesars, said that both Augustus and Nero had blond hair and blue eyes, that Galba had blue eyes, whilst Domitian not only had a ruddy complexion, but also composed a poem about an elderly, red-haired Roman that he knew. Suetonius also notes that Nero’s gens were referred to as the Ahenobarbi, (Copper Beards), because his clan continually produced men who had red beards. Finally, we can observe that the name “Caesar”, derives from the Latin wordcaesius, which means “blue-eyed”. [Günther (1957) 147—162.]
It is interesting to note that the Romans thought that Aeneas, Romulus and Remus, as well as Roma, the goddess who symbolised the Eternal City itself, were all golden-haired individuals. It would seem that the Romans could only have thought that the mythical founders of their people were blond, if they were themselves an originally blond-haired nation. [Ogle (1929).] In his researches Günther (1927; 1929a, b; 1957), has examined in great detail, the racial history of the Romans, and has successfully demonstrated that the origins of Rome’s greatness lay in its Nordic racial elements
>tfw I'll never be considered "white" because I'm only half English, while the other is Portuguese, but I'll fight for your cause because I fucking hate Africans and Arabs for raping my country for hundreds of years.
Fuck off you dumb piece of sand nigger mongrel fuck, look at modern fucking Aryan descent Iranians, they fucking have blonde/red/brown hair and blue/green eyes
Fuck off you fucking kike cock sucking fucking a-rab mongrel.
Jesus Christ
Notice how all the sources are outdated? Germanics could never have built a Roman-style society because they're too altruistic, whereas the Romans were Machiavellian, like modern Italians.
Never thought I'd see the day when Rich Piana made his way onto Sup Forums.
>word related to iranian
wait a minute, that sounds familiar...
>Sarmatism (or Sarmatianism) is a term designating the formation of the dominant Baroque culture and ideology of the szlachta (nobility) of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from the 16th to the 18th centuries. Together with "Golden Liberty," it formed a central aspect of the Commonwealth's culture. At its core was the unifying belief that the people of the Polish Commonwealth descended from the ancient Iranic Sarmatians, the legendary invaders of Slavic lands in antiquity.[1][2]
fucking germ thieves, they couldn't even come up with their own >WE WUZ KINGS story
it was allies and their propaganda. The german narrative was that the aryan ideal was just that: an ideal for all people to work for, with nazi science helping and guiding along the way.
however, the allies took that narrative and twisted it, presenting as an 'us versus them' scenario.
Keep on dreaming, nigger.
rofl, Al Capone was a fucking kike.
not all germanics are white. look at dolph's skin. have you ever seen an englishman with skin like that? continental germanics might have retained their hair and eye colour, but their skin colour betrays their mongol ancestry.
they have yellow skin.