Where is He? Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>"Lots of people have Twin Peaks Parties, and I think if you were gonna go on a costume party and dress up as one of the brand new characters from season 3, who would you even dress up as and why? Like no one is that distinct or likable."
>"Tiny thing that I liked, in a sea of things that I didn't like was that ace of spades card. That weird piggy bear demon drawn on it, that seemed a little freaky, I felt was a little iconic or something that you could see transposed onto a weird poster that you can buy on Etsy. I didn't see that many other moments in the episode that felt like they would make a great meme on Tumblr."
Kino review?
I never saw Dune, does it really suck or did everyone get LYNCHED?
Got dam
is he autistic?
Is it the ring?
what's up with the lower portion of his face?
>le lynched xD
This has to be one of the most retarded memes normies have ever made.
Don't forget about Special Agent Sam Stanley!
>I rate shows based on how much of a conversation piece they are. Actual writing and quality doesn't matter, only how trendy it can be. If I can't throw a themed costume party based on the show, it's bad.
And now food is coming.
>No charge for them
>And why would I want them?
>They work for the spirit. The one-armed man.
Sounds like you got
is just me or is the new season filled with apple products? like to an extent where its almost bothering
It's something I want to buy as a poster or something on Etsy
>Lots of people have Twin Peaks Parties
Yeah, normies. But he's right, the new characters are fucking terrible and only try-hards disagree. There isn't anything of quality in the writing of the new season. Get your head out of your asses.
Michael, take your meds
He tried, casting varies from terrible to decent, hard movie to pull off well honestly.
Everyone sucks Jodo's cock, but I bet his would have been flat as well.
Worth watching once.
I'd dress as Wally Brando. Easiest question of my life.
Is this real?? Gamechanger
The tree is the midget.
guys, with each episode his power grows stronger. he is btfo'ing normies and neopeaks fans on unprecedented levels. we don't deserve him
twist, tree was the horse
Where does this "everybody hates the new Twin Peaks" meme come from? Most places I read praise it, and that includes "normie" shit like the AV Club, Slant, etc.
These two walk up to you and slap your ass. What do you do next?
Post a hottest pic of Madchen Amick (you can't)
Aside from his horrible taste and opinions, I feel a little bad for the guy, he seems to have started making youtube videos just for the show returning, so he was clearly very excited.
He should have know, though. Lynched
Great soundtrack, pretty good customs and sets, very theatrical but suffers from condensing a massive book into relatively short film. It has so many wonderful scenes that are disconnected or don't flow properly.
I have never seen two people in that position who have ever not looked slightly uncomfortable
Nobody thinks this. That's just the inevitable autists here who don't 'get' the show's appeal and want to bring up its ratings, as if a Showtime series is going to have as many viewers as a primetime network slot.
And anyways, we don't WANT everyone to be into it.
Are you baiting or do you actually believe that?
>i gonna laugh when i FUCK YOU BITCH
what did he mean by this?
The filming of Dune was just a front to smuggle arms into the Middle East. The fact that was actually released is to cover the US government's ass.
I wich they used a culture other than arabic as a basis for the film because I hate arab culture for spawning islam which has ruined the entire planet so I avoid this film because the names sort of derive from and suggest arab.
That guy looks like Columbo
Because he thinks rape is funny, user. Why else? Nothing wrong with a dark sense of humor.
There's been Microsoft stuff too. There's at least one computer running Windows and a Microsoft tablet. Also a BlackBerry and Dell monitors.
The only computer in the original was a Mac though.
I don't know, it's one of those ambiguous lines you're supposed to interpret in more than one way.
seriously glad to hear someone else say this. i even cringe whenever someone goes 'oh it's the mecca of -----'
fuckin despise islam and shit ass arab culture
>yfw you realize you could be his next victim
The Secret history says Laura died at 18, wasn't it at 17?
He just wants to collect LYNCHED memes.
Frost didn't proofread, Norma's postcard has the wrong kind of stamp for instance.
I disagree with him but at least he's a thoughtful commentator here. And it's not based in politics or anything.
This general is the best thing that happened to this board since baneposting
Twin Peaks: The Return is the best thing that happened in the small screen in years
fuckin lazy ass frost do your damn job right faggot
It has some nice ideas. You'll probably semi enjoy it if you have read the book. It has stupidly ridiculous adaptations of the book like the "voice".
Even then I honestly believe Lynch would make a good adaptation with all the experience he has gained, at least co-directing the most spiritual segments.
Agree 100%
What would you do if you woke up to find that she is your wholesome, suburban housewife?
What do you expect from Hack Frost?
nothing got mysteryoius and out o the box like thise for years\
almost Gran Guinol
I thought his commentary was completely vapid 2bh but I have to agree with It is kind of sad, hopefully he comes around to it by the end.
That's how the rest of the western world sees christians Sup Forums. At least catholics have minority points but white christians are truly a plight on the earth.
Be happy forever
I think you know what I'd do, user.
meant for
so, when did Laura die exactly?
I know it was February, right?
'88, '89', '90?
What about Teresa Banks, '88?
I think it's time we acknowledge that Twin Peaks is one of the dullest franchises in the history of TV franchises. Seriously each episode following the FBI agent and his pals from the Twin Peaks Sheriff Department as they fight assorted Lodge spirits has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Lynch vetoed the idea of giving Michael J. Anderson a pay raise; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for his movies. The Twin Peaks series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-X Files in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least season one was good though
The writing is dreadful; the show was terrible. As I watched, I noticed that every time Agent Cooper drank some coffee, the character said instead that the coffee was "damn fine."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Lynch's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Twin Peaks by the same AV Club. They wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are watching Twin Peaks at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to browse Reddit." And they were quite right. They were not being ironic. When you watch "Twin Peaks" you are, in fact, trained to browse Reddit.
I am a messenger from Muad'Dib. Poor Emperor. I'm afraid my brother won't be very pleased with you.
Agreed, user. I am going to leave Sup Forums after the show wraps up, this is as good as it's going to get over here, and I've been here for years in misery. Might as well leave on a high note.
89 in february iirc
>Teresa Banks
February 9, 1988
February 24, 1989
this is one of the most Late Capitalist reviews ever
so is every fandom going to have a variation of this pasta? bc it was only funny in the harry potter threads
Jennifer Lynch says 1990
I'd only fuck it up somehow.
>>Teresa Banks
>February 9, 1988
>February 24, 1989
Novermber 23, 1963
create mixed babies ofc
Well she's not canon anyway
He would work so well in Twin Peaks.
Does anyone else like Constance? She's pretty cool, I hope we'll see more of her in the future.
It's based on a novel.
yea i kno right those christians just keep bombing stabbing raping women and children and throwing gays off of roofs
get your head out of your ass eat shit and die muhammed child fucker
He could've been Philip Jeffries too. Apparently Lyynch had a bunch of famous people asking him to be in his movies
The way she screams at Dougie reminds me of my mother
>Jack Nance
>December 30, 1996
>That's how the rest of the western world sees christians Sup Forums.
>that's how the western world sees itself
in the secret diary it's 1989 and 1990, in cooper's diary it's 1988 (but january) and 1989, in the new book it's 1990 and 1991, they never could sort that shit out
I'm bored of that kind of "Late Capitalist" reviewing too. I don't think it's actually correct.
It's like it WANTS to find complaint everywhere to push this lamenting narrative on the impossibility of Marxism. The show is legitimately weird and uncompromising and these 'cold' type guys are actively looking for ways to be unhappy.
This is why a postmodern / poststructuralist interpretation is a bad idea. It seems to put up blinders to weirdness and originality, except to the extent that something might feel 'outside' of Capitalism enough, which nothing ever can, so it renders everything mute.