What does Sup Forums think about this?
What does Sup Forums think about this?
No holds barred with barred holds.
Not persuasive.
is there a tldr version?
the video is 4 minutes long really?
I hate videos. Especially commentary or instructional videos. There's no reason for them when writing shit out is so much faster and easier to share with others. People tend to make videos for two reasons: One being personal profit, in which case why should I be complicit in your scheme if you're the one who wants to tell me something - maybe you should be paying me to listen to your half baked ideas. The other reason is hubris, in which case I'm really not interested in anything you have to say, as arrogant individuals rarely say anything worth listening to.
Good luck shilling your youtube channel though.
a lot of people don't enjoy reading. I personally don't mind reading but a message if often more compelling when its in a video. Additionally, the idea isn't half baked as its a fully functioning website that doesn't ask for money or retain ad revenue in any way.
Some one give the tldr. I ain't using more data than I absolutely need to, even for a 4 minute vid.
this is the script:
Whether you go on Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, or a web site, ALL mainstream media is inherently biased. Corporations and government agencies are instilling paid political propaganda to promote one or two viewpoints and ignore the rest. The content that you see is often tailored, fabricated, and the public is being actively deceived.
This is a problem because democrats and republicans are fighting each other with their "half" of the same story, while independent thinkers are under-represented or ignored altogether. It doesn't benefit constructive discussion to argue when we only know a portion of what there is, and what’s worse -- the partial information received from the media could be blatantly wrong.
People turn to social media for their political news, which is not as bad but still with flaws. Over and over, unpopular political posts that don't fall within the lines of the company image are taken down from social media sites.
As a private company, we can't claim our 1st amendment rights and they retain the power to silence your speech. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google Plus. All of them tailor what you get to see and often ban controversial posts and arguments.
This is a toxic way of thinking. Silencing unpopular ideas is counterproductive. We can't grow as a group because sometimes the unpopular idea could be the best idea. You never really know unless you listen.
second half:
This is why I created a website called Firstamender.com where anyone can write an article without risk of persecution or removal of your content. I have heard concerns about our allowance of ALL content so I would like to clarify a few things. As a contributor to First Amender, You cannot advocate any crimes against a physical victim. Other than that, you're free to write what you want.
Your article will never be removed. You can write your own articles by making an account which does not request any Personally Identifiable Information. You may reveal yourself for credit at your own discretion. We do have a PayPal option where you can receive donations via a PayPal button on all of your articles. Just keep in mind that if you do choose this option, you lose your anonymity through third party accounts on PayPal. I have no control over botnets that are on their servers.
So for some of the things you can and cannot post about. You can post about…
Not safe for work content provided it is about that- not safe for work.
Racism, provided you are not advocating in the physical harm of others.
I personally would like fewer articles with a racist agenda BUT I'm serious about advocating freedom of speech. People are free to speak their opinion!
You can advocate drugs. Anti-copyright/anti-patent avocation is okay too. The only potential loss is monetary and there is not a physical harm to a victim.
Some things you cannot post...
Advocacy of child pornography
Advocacy of murder, harming people
Anything that advocates the physical harm of a person.
Now for this one. I'm a little annoyed by, but I have to, for the sake of the site not getting taken down: You may not post items subject to copyright and patent claims. I can't have people posting movie dumps and downloads as we'll get taken down immediately for that.
lol too long... third half:
Just keep in mind... I should say this to anyone who is writing on my site: You are advocating the 1st amendment every time you post/share/like and especially write. You are promoting in the 1st amendment as it stands and I intend to provide this platform for everyone to enjoy.
1stamender.com will preserve your anonymity. However 1stamender.com is not responsible for any user posts/ links/content that are shown. An article will not be taken down unless someone files a valid report for it, is fully reviewed and then eventually taken down if it falls under the physical victim clause.
Thanks for checking out this video. Please check out firstamender.com. If you have any questions I'll try to answer as many as I can in the comments section.
Also keep in mind I am just one guy. I'm not a huge company. I coded this myself and I hope you like it.
Sounds like this site could use some serious redpilling on pic related.
Not a cent has been made from the site.
I think he's saying that we could make accounts there and write about jews
I like this idea. How popular is the site at this point?
Not popular at all. But with enough people jumping on board I have no doubt it will grow to huge numbers. As of right now though the site is off the map.
But if you wanted to write about how jews are greedy and other steriotypes thats cool provided you do not advocate in the physical harm of that group of people.
You need to advertise it on free-speech forums.
And then take it to sjw groups and emphasize how racist conservatives won't be able to block articles about whatever bullshit interests them at the moment.
Then take it to reddit groups that deal with politics, controversy, etc.
Maybe advertise it on here again on a slow day. /k/ is a good one to mention it to, tell them your site needs more pro-gun articles. /x/ might be good for batshits who want to write about their psychosis.
and maybe pro-ana groups. they usually have to hide their shit.
good advice thank you user. I'm looking to really get a mix of everyone in different groups to give me their opinions and eventually create a 100% unbiased news platform as humans are inherently biased, and the only way to remove bias is to get all points of view in.
If it's not dragging the heads of the stations out into the middle of the streets and tarring and feathering them then I don't care
fuck off stupid faggot bitch.
Will you stop watching Fox "news" and the rest of the right-wing echo chamber for precisely the same reason so you're not an abject hypocrite?
did you even watch the video?
I hate this shit when I only want to look up some quick photoshop function that's literally just two or three clicks, and have to dig through some 8 minute videos that start "Well, today I thought I will talk a bit about how to do X in Photoshop, so, first a little bit about me, I have done some tutorials before, some people might have seen them, for example ..."
someone give me the tldr
im taking a guess here and im gonna say that he just suggests the government control the media
its these 3 posts here has the full script.
Isn't that just Medium.com?
Nobody has a say in what articles show up top first... its a basic algorithm I made up to use how old it is + the article rating average and user rating average to show what articles show on top. There are no editor picks and no moderators banning content.
>Nobody has a say in what articles show up top first... its a basic algorithm I made up to use how old it is + the article rating average and user rating average to show what articles show on top. There are no editor picks and no moderators banning content.
Well, I suppose.
I'll try it out, though I'm already a bit leery about how 'static' the site feels.
Find a means for recommending articles, user-curation and discussion forums and it might become a good enough blog site thing.
the site feels static because theres nobody using it. Once I establish a decent number of people writing articles it wouldn't be static at all.
I agree Leafistan. All this guy did was put in a video what is, essentially, a really long Sup Forums post.
What I think would be really cool is if some of the more academic people on Sup Forums got together and formed a think tank of sorts. But most people won't want to read research that some anons have analyzed, they'll want the tldr version.
Are you going to pay for articles?
Saying the media should be unbiased is a biased opinion, QED.
I am recieving no money. No money has been made on my site. You have the potential to make money by linking a paypal account to your account in which you recieve 95% of the donation. much much higher than any website offers as far as percentages...
Additionally in the distant future we would be able to pay for articles through ad revenue but as of right now I'm hoping to get people on my site.
If you allow cross-posting I will post on your website.
Also if you are interested I have been working on a concept for local newspapers.
cross posting? you mean posting on other sites? yes absolutely people are free to say and do as they please. I'm not about regulation of speech in any way.
Gotta work on that load time dawg
I agree. I know exactly what is going on. the problem as of right now is that the images you see are basically the full images which can each be 1500x1500 in size or 1mb each. So its a really bad optimization. I already have the script to upload a minified script but unfortunately I have to minify all the current images and essentially kill my servers for a full 10 minutes or so. I will be doing this but I really have to have my shit straight before I make the attempt.
>implying people actually care about fact
Only scientists do and even then that's only in the realm of science. The second a scientist leaves the realm of science they go full retard too.
did you even watch the video
bumpan again
Fix your comment system.
I'm not registering for something offsite. That's ghetto-tier.
you dont have to register for anything to comment. you can just be an anonymous user.
A good idea. Also check out allthink.com
>shilling on the Japanese pedophile board