We're going to lose, aren't we?
>tfw PPP, the most accurate polling organization in the country, gives Clinton a giant lead in popular vote
We're going to lose, aren't we?
>tfw PPP, the most accurate polling organization in the country, gives Clinton a giant lead in popular vote
Other urls found in this thread:
Lol, PPP recently rigged their poll.
Are we looking at the same graph? Clinton doesn't have a giant lead right now.
If America is anything like Europe, then the social tabu candidate/party are always misrepresented in polls.
Rigged for Harambe.
The thread
wtf?! I'm for sHillary now!
Thats' RCP's polling average.
The poll is here
Oh I'm stupid thanks
Why do you shills keep posting polls that don't include Gary, and Stein.
It changes the dynamic a bit.
>Thinking people aren't going to sway away from 3rd party candidates when they get into the polls
But I see your point.
Pic related is my Captcha, it's a sign!
A Trump win has always been a long shot, but don't bother with polls until after the first debate.
He can win, but he's going to have to bring it across the finish line at the debates.
He doesn't have the money to fight the cultural mechanisms in place right now directly, and the media isn't going to give him free press as easily any more because they have a vested interest in his losing now, whereas before the end of the primaries, they had a vested interest in him winning since they perceive him as a weak candidate.
He's not. He's the risky choice candidate. He has to make the sale as to why he should be picked over the "safe" choice of Clinton, and the only way he can do that is in the debates.
Don't be surprised if he loses by a decent amount.
Don't be surprised if he wins with a slim margin.
It could go either way. We fight uphill against the cultural zeitgeist, like liberals had to in the 80s and early 90s.
>until after the first debate.
You mean after the NFL football game? :^)
You guys more and more sound like Bernvictims. And you know where that went...
That's the one thing that worries me about the debates as well, unfortunately, and that's the exact type of uphill battle against the cultural zeitgeist that I'm talking about, too, unfortunately.
Who is "You guys"?
I am not a plural. That was my opinion alone.
Sup Forums btfo
>Clinton's Convention bump not really giving her a huge bump in the polls, but instead somehow decreasing Trump's numbers to negate his convention bump
>Debates scheduled on same time as major sports games, much like the Democratic primaries
>Voter ID Laws deemed unconstitutional
It's hard to say optimistic, especially how Trump keeps shooting himself in the foot.
More like Brexiters. Give it up, Britbongs, brexit will never win. The polls speak the truth.
Britain hasn't left the EU
That has literally no correlation.
This is not correct and the record shows this. Literally no correlation
>no correlation
Wew, lads. Working overtime for your 0.5 shekels?
Polls were to predict the referendum, not the government response. Nice try though.
No. Even RCP acknowledges PPP is a shill poll. They put a little (D) next to it.
Just stop with the shilling. We get it. Hillary pays you to try and fuck up our boards. Very funny.
>Literally the same response
Hmmm really makes me ponder.
>Losing the argument!
True, but as you can see Leave and Remain were pretty consistently neck-and-neck, Trump's numbers are wildly unstable and Clinton, while has declined significantly, is starting to stabilize in the mid 40s, where trump is going up and down, down more than up.
>This is not correct and the record shows this.
>Correct and the record
>Correct (and) the record
Nice try.
>muh patterns
what does the D stand for, and why would they bother including it when it fucking asks if you'd vote for harambe
>is an obvious shill
So you have statistical evidence that polls are always wrong?
The NFL will flex game times if need be.
Trump vs Clinton will be one of the highest rated events in television history, so there's no way the NFL will air any big market games that people care about during that time slot.
Even if they did, the only people who would watch Sunday night football instead of the debate are probably voting for Trump anyway.
This could be another disaster for Hillary. Think about this scenario:
>debate is scheduled for 8pm on a Sunday
>same time slot as Sunday Night Football
>millions of Americans are at bars or watching in groups at home
>NFL flexes game to 10pm to retain its viewership
>the presidential debate is now the pregame entertainment for Sunday Night Football
>tens of millions of shitfaced Americans laughing at Trump's blowing out of Hillary
>Trump apologizes to his fellow Americans for Hillary delaying the game
Hillary is setting herself up to be a punching bag for tens of millions of drunk Americans looking for entertainment. Airing this thing on Sunday night is the best thing she could ever do for Trump. It's going to be a legit WWF atmosphere across America.
Mere coincidence, great minds think alike. Then again, Trump's hivemind does wonders to disprove this theory
I have no affiliation with CTR, these allegations have no basis.
Your statistical evidence that the polls are wrong is lacking. Prove otherwise
I have evidence the CTR budget was raised from 1 to 6 million dollars, ergo there are more of you girls shilling here right now.
>shillary is 1 point ahead
>completely ignores that polling procedure changed in favor of Clinton
>Trump is 2 points ahead after a huge increase (last week)
shill logic
As Trump has not even broken the 50% line yet, yes, he is going to lose.
Strawman. Not an argument
>statistical evidence
this has to be a joke desu
>tfw PPP, the most accurate polling organization in the country
This is bait
So you know for a fact that I'm a shill, because I pointed out that polls literally predicted the last 10 presidents accurately and somehow this ONE poll WILL be incorrect, as you say?
You sound like a shill to me.
>literally the same response again
Jesus Christ, they actually pay you people real money for this. This is why Trump will win in an absolute landslide. Not quite Reagan-tier, but close.
It isn't an argument, it's question, illiterate.
Not according to polls.
fuck off shill
Trump will win
> s a g e
Yes you are trump has the dying rich white baby boomer vote and thats it.
This poll accurately predicted 10 PRESIDENTS ACCURATELY FOR CHRIST SAKE, yet this one poll is highly incorrect according to you? Misinformation is the tactic of shills, you are one yourself
>this thread
I'd like to thank many of you for correcting the record
Those pollsters are about as good at their jobs as you CTR fags are. Communists just have a hard-wired aversion to doing a job decently.
According to the polls, you are wrong
>the exact same response again
I'm gonna make you rich, CTR.
>Trump will win in an absolute landslide
You are dead inside.
>using the same response
Shilling kind of fails if you guys aren't coordinated and make it clear you're reading from the same script
This is correct, you are delusional
That's unironically not an argument for two reasons:
1. Previous polls were conducted using a different methodology than the current one, therefore has none of the same claim to accuracy
2. Previous elections were a two-party affair, both of which were well understood, this election has four relevant parties, both looking to get into the double digits, which is absolutely historic, both of which are suspiciously absent from this poll. (polls including them show Trump in the lead)
trump is a fat orange dictator and ive jerked it over his wifes titties lol america
>he's going to have to bring it across the finish line at the debates
Nothing in the past is going to matter as much as the debates.
He's prone to slipping up badly on hot-button issues. (Abortion, religion, etc.) He's also really bad at factual stuff (foreign issues, economic facts, etc.). And he has a strong habit of calling people silly names whenever he's criticized, which looks very unpresidential.
The debate is going to be loaded with all that stuff. Hillary will give her usual bland, cautious answers -- she won't be terribly impressive, but at least she won't fuck up. But given his past history, Trump has at least a 75% chance of fucking something up really bad during the debate. Bad enough so that it's all the media talks about for a solid week afterward.
After that, it's very likely that Trump will find some petty reason not to participate in any future debates. He'll probably say that the moderators and the debate commission rigged the whole thing and that they're all in the bag for Hillary.
All the shit that's gone on in the past will be NOTHING compared to the intense drama that's yet to come in the debate and its aftermath.
>literally just copies my response a minute later
>this guy falls for it
Yeah, whatever.
>I'm not a proxyfag CTR shill
There is no correlation, we simply think alike. I've never liked Germans, but you're really starting to push the barrier
> Previous polls were conducted using a different methodology than the current one
They were not.
> Previous elections were a two-party affair
They still are.
>which is absolutely historic
Historic is trumps unfarobility rating among everyone but white males.
>1 post by this ID
Even if Trump loses, the seeds have been sown.
The white working class is angry and they want representation. Trump-esque candidates will be elected in the next couple of years within the senate and congress.
So what does Hillary have but old dried-up feminist hags like Gloria Steinem?
>reading from the same fucking script
>"n-no he j-just copied me for no reason!"
There are a lot of guns and angry people here.
I'm scared :(
Will you accept American refugees?
I have a tight butthole :3
taboo you stupid fuck
>75% chance of fucking up
Eh, I'd say a little lower, try 10% chance he fucks up royally. 30% chance he puts his foot in his mouth and it follows him for a few days. 30% chance he misrepresents his own ideals, causing the media to hound him.
We have no fucking script you troglodyte
Good goy believe or rigged polls dont vote in november
Trump is ahead in polling which includes third parties
No amount of shilling will make that untrue
Lol CTR shill getting mad
CTR will deny this reality that Hillary is losing.
fuck up mate, stop sucking up to fat americans on pol. trump will fuck us over like he tried to do in scotland dumb cunt
>down more than up
How do you figure? He went from joke candidate to actual contender.
Hillary's only going to get the core blue states like Minnesota and Massachusetts where a Democrat would win even if they were raping and eating babies.
Statistics mean nothing. They prove nothing. Real outcomes are too chaotic for statistics to actually be useful for much at all.
Wait, what? Isn't this based off betting odds?
Are we so fucked as a nation that betting odds are more reliable than polling?
That's a "giant" lead? The only thing that's giant compared to is your penis.
The methodology assumes same voter demographic turnouts as in 2008 and 2012. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Trump vs Hillary is completely different than Obama vs McCain.
The issue is people think polls are a simple random sample. Ask 1000 likely voters who they're going to vote for, and here are the results. But that's not how it works. They gather demographic data and how each demographic is skewed, and then weight the value of each using a PROJECTED turnout forecast. And that's where the problem lies.
that khan scandal really fucked up trump , next time he should be less of a retard and stop replying to everyone , there are even rumors saying pence is going to resign
If he were a shill, theoretically, you'd be giving him money right now wouldn't you? Keep thinking about that next time you post, paranoid Trumpkin losers
Fuck off CTR
I heard that dead soldier thought his dad was a piece of shit. All khans are shit. The lion king, king of the hill.. they all suck.
>statistics mean nothing
Why are you denying black crime in Chicago?
That is not true. Polling is the same as it was the last 10 years. Accurate polls which predicted presidents before show tendencies against Trump. If you deny that, you are a moron. Good numbers lead to people staying at home and not voting. Rather than saying the polls are skewed, people should go out and visit Trump rallies and make sure they actually vote.
"Why vote when the polls are rigged anyway and Trump is ahead?!"
>Statistics mean nothing
Like IQ correlation with race?
>You should trust the media, Goyim. We know how to conduct polls.
>in the last 10 years
...right, so just like I said, you fucking mong.
>Accurate polls which predicted presidents before show tendencies against Trump
Did you not read? I literally just said this election is completely different than previous ones. It's not charismatic black guy vs milquetoast cuckservative this time. Jesus christ you're dense.
Le concern trolling man meme
fuck off
Fuck up mate? Are you some batty boy from a posh Sussex suburb? Fuck off back to your picnics and The Guardian, wanker.
>literally not saying that
>arguing against my point
>"Hehe I was on your side from the beginning!"
What the fuck are you even on about, kid? Trump is behind in polls which predicted presidents - this race being different leaves no reason to suggest that people who are polled answer differently. The kennedy race was different, the reagan race was different - polls were mostly right.
>important threads
>on Sup Forums
>1.1 when they're polling dems at 4:3
that does it, i'm a shill for hill
You haven't addressed any of my points.
What part of Propaganda do you not understand?
Most accurate? Not after the money gets done with them.
Hillary will win CA, WA, OR, HI, NM, MI, WI, MN, IL, NY, NJ, DE, MA, CT, ME, and VT. That's it. Book it.
Who is Harambe? Is that just a false flag PPP uses?