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i love that webm user
those are some prime clavicle
Good Lord.. =O
wasn't expecting that
There will never be a movie like M&C again
I don't understand this weebum
you want more quorra webums?
of course, I am sitting in a hospital waiting room while everyone else is sleeping.
Xenolust for this ayyyy
giv ayylmao gf
ok dumping
I want to ask for sauce, but I'm getting the bad feeling it's that ASMR shit than makes me want to burn my ears off.
Why bother posting this without the amazing song?
Too late
TY - that hair suits her.
Physically cringed.
Wow, I not seen that webm of mine posted in a long time.
She's smoking user.
looks pretty good for a 60 year old woman
so does Amy Adams have anti-kids?
I just picked this up on sale because I wanted to watch the director's cut. Which one do I watch, regular dc or roadshow version?
what film? nice cinemato
She is.
I have a better version at home. Will post if I remember when I get home.
literally the filename
roadshow includes 4 extra min of music IIRC.
tanks user
Truly the best Russell Crowe movie by far.
For some reason i never really liked gladiator all that much
>megan fox is ugly now they said
>she destroyed her face they said
filthy dumb, hyperbolic scum
I would like to see Megan and Mrs Apatow fug
sorry, late here ;( thanks though
Always curious, why do some movies use blue screens and some use green screens?
depends on the color of what you're trying to hide/make standout I thought.
Not quite the same, but here.
Kingdom of Heaven, watch the Director's Cut
kristen bell has one of those faces that for all intents and purposes should be attractive but for some reason you find her exceptionally unattractive
it's an oddity
L.A. Confidential
The Insider
A Beautiful Mind
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
that was one hell of a six year run of great movies.
As user said, its Kingdom of Heaven.
It most likely the movie that is most improved by the director cut in the history of film.
i had some good faps to her during the dirty phase
>early teens me seeing her nipple rings
>and this pic
Her face is beautiful, what the hell.
Was this her best performance?
Fuck you, faggot.
started watching agents of shield a few weeks ago. gotta say, very high level of hotness all around.
fucking story got weird though
when did she get that body.
Would marry
strong words for a weasley little hungarian fuck.
Her face is great.
You might be face-blind.
it's her post pregnancy bod, her husband was like "we need you to be a trophy wife in this movie (CHIPS) so let those puppies swell" and kristen obliged.
She still good looking, but she a little too skinny.
if she had kids in her prime she still be stunning.
Season 1 is okay till they update it with the happenings of Capt america.
Must admit, Agents of sheild is better then it has any right to be.
But you compared her to the woman on her right?
I approve. She just pulled a Pike from Jack Reacher then.
Wait, is that biel too?
>hurr durr why did Joffery miss he must he shit hurr durr
He obviously missed deliberately you fucking dunces, in order to prolong the torture and agony. Jeez, it's like you've never tortured a prostitute to death before.