RIP in peace Mr Maori

RIP in peace Mr Maori

Fuck this retarded show
Now that one of the only characters is dead we have pic related with her phenomenal "range" as our primary protagonist

*One of the only interesting characters

Would someone please explain to me how the fuck can a show be this fucking bad ?

No idea, the original is already bad and this manages to be fucking worse, yet the Sup Forums underages loves it.

Swear to god this is the look on her face AT ALL TIMES
>"Look out! We're surrounded by a hoard!"
>Madison: ...
>"We've got to fight off 30 zeds!"
>Madison, fighting for her life: ...
>"Your husband was thrown from the helo"
>Madison: ...

This bitch is a wood plank

He's fine, didn't you hear him in the episode before this? Maori's don't turn, bro.

He fell out of the helicopter but he's not dead, that we know for certain. Anyone who's watched tv and is of age should know that by now. Unless they actually show him turning and his eyes going white he is very much alive and will make a full recovery in a few episodes like when Octavia in the 100 fell like 1000 feet down a waterfall after being shot with an arrow only to survive

No white males.

I like to believe that it's secretly a genius move on her part. Through mere facial "expressions," she's conveying the same feeling that's going through the viewer's heads:
I hear you, m8. This shit has a hard-on for ass-pull "deaths," but they seemed to really go to great lengths to show how fucked Travis really was:
>Massive bite to the abdomen from the gladiator pit restaging from TWD's last season
>Throat slit & gushing blood from magical airborne anti-aircraft machinegun firing parallel at them
>Falls out of plane from high distance, assumedly landing on a cliff or mountain
>Should he survive these 3 factors, he's bleeding out & out in the middle of nowhere, at night, with no supplies (medical or otherwise).
Then again, we've clearly just put more thought into this thing than any of the writers ever cared to. Dropped after S03E02, fuck this show in it's tepid, mediocre ass

>Should he survive these 3 factors, he's bleeding out & out in the middle of nowhere, at night, with no supplies (medical or otherwise).

someone will find him, bring him back to his camp, heal him, and be the bridge to meeting a new group. I've seen this happen so many times

It's bad but I watch for 3 reasons
>Sunday night and I have nothing better to do
>Alicia (pic related) is 11/10 qt
>Posting along with Sup Forums live threads during new episodes of any show is fun

Would fug

He got a part in Avatar 2 and the sequel so I don't think he'll be back.

I get you bud and in all likelyhood you're 100% on the nose about this. Just goes to show us how incompetent the writing staff truly is

>be Travis
>bleeding to death
>zed bite working it's magic
>selflessly throws himself from aircraft before he turns
>blacks out as he's falling
>opens his eyes moments later
>inexplicably landed on a full-sized Bouncy House
>Deus Ex Mexican runs up
>"Hey mang, you ok?"
>Travis visibly confused
>"It's a good thing we decided to have my daughter's quinceañera out in the middle of a remote desert, at midnight, surrounded by the undead. Eh, hombre?"
>blacks out
>awakens next day fully recovered
>"It's a good thing we always bring an experienced surgeon, blood bags, and Megaelixirs to our late night, zombie-ridden desert quinceañeras. Eh, hombre?"
>Written & Directed by Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard

m8 he's simply not big screen material. He can star on the small screen, but in avatar he'll be a supporting cast member at best and will only have to film for a short time

He was bitten tho

some people may be able to resist it, like the black plague etc. We just dont know


Isn't Sunday the best night for tv? That's not much of a excuse

Everyday is best day for tv.
Take the neetpill.

>>"It's a good thing we always bring an experienced surgeon, blood bags, and Megaelixirs to our late night, zombie-ridden desert quinceañeras. Eh, hombre?"


>Deus Ex Mexican
this made my day

They need to kill the mother off. It would improve the show immensely.